When CHURCH becomes a danger to the culture!

Five monkeys were placed in a cage as part of an experiment. In the middle of the cage was a ladder with bananas on the top rung. Every time a monkey tried to climb the ladder to get to the bananas the experimenter sprayed all of the monkeys with icy water. Eventually, each time a monkey started to climb the ladder, the other ones pulled him off and beat him up so they could avoid the icy spray. Soon, no monkey dared go up the ladder.

The experimenter then substituted one of the monkeys in the cage with a new monkey. The first thing the new monkey did was try to climb the ladder to reach the bananas. After several beatings, the new monkey learned the social norm. He never knew why the other monkeys wouldn’t let him go for the bananas because he had never been sprayed with ice water, but he quickly learned that this behavior would not be tolerated by the other monkeys.

One by one, each of the monkeys in the cage was substituted for a new monkey until none of the original group remained. Every time a new monkey went up the ladder, the rest of the group pulled him off, even those who had never been sprayed with the icy water.

By the end of the experiment, the five monkeys in the cage had learned to follow the rule (don’t go for the bananas), without any of them knowing the reason why. If we could have asked the monkeys for their rationale behind not letting their cage mates climb the ladder, their answer would probably be: “I don’t know, that’s just how it’s always been done.”

Think twice before following a tradition, religion or negative ethnic profiling. It would make more sense if you get your own understanding to it!

Have an isolated and informed perspective on all decisions that govern and determine the way you live your life.


I became very ill while being a typical wife, mom, and congregant and the church’s teachings about health and healing FAILED and they are pretty much all teaching the same nonsense. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse, so I canceled all three remaining medical tests and all the follow-up appointments and I slid down the wall of my kitchen and cried. It was a cry of surrender.

Human ideas had failed so I began chasing God down for answers. It took six months of prayer but HE SHOWED UP and took me on a journey teaching me the many things WE DO to undermine our own health. I took my “reasonable” insights back to the church folks thinking they’d be happy to know that God didn’t want Coke machines at the church, the junk food needed to not be offered there, and the prayers needed to be geared more towards the Holy Spirit guiding the person to the healing path that was right for them and that they should include methods of natural wellness instead of being all about the pharmaceuticals. THEY ALMOST DESTROYED ME, and they did damage my parental relationship and my marriage. It’s not easy being the one called in to a group with new insights. I finally left organized religion and pretty much stay to myself here in the Ozarks now, other than my online efforts.

This story about the monkeys perfectly describes what has become CHURCH and I now see it as a dangerous entity that keeps truth from it’s midst even if that means they are choosing to retain error. THIS IS NOT WHAT CHURCH IS SUPPOSED TO BE AND NOT WHAT JESUS ORDAINED!

I continued on with God, being led by the Holy Spirit, and along the way HE INSISTED that I write a book. I was able to reverse several of the diseases those doctors the church folks worship said were “incurable” including my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease. I was even able to ditch the 90 mg’s of Rx thyroid medication they said I’d be on for life. I reversed the Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease they said would have my neck fused by 1993. Fibromyalgia flares are a thing of the past and so is the 11 years of crippling sciatica after a broken back in 1994. It took 29 years to bring it to it’s current status…One reader wrote…

Yes, the knowledge and spiritual connection I got on my journey has saved several lives now, prevented many from needing a trip to the ER, produced a few documented MIRACLES… you can see some of them here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/client-healing-testimonials/

This “power” is because I GOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH GOD AND HIS WAYS, and rejected man’s failed ideas. THIS is what an empowered CHRISTian looks like, not the well-intended circus going on at these meetings being rendered a “church” by mere designation but failing in their role to the culture AND misrepresenting the entire biblical message, not just about Jesus.

One day I was studying the Bible and using Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes and ran across the heading “False Religion” so I decided to look into it. Sure enough, if you go read the article below you’ll see that THE MODERN VERSION OF ChRxtianity NOW MEETS THE SCRIPTURAL CRITERIA FOR A FALSE RELIGION. You should also know that if you attend, suppport, encourage this type of falsehood, you will be judged by God for being a “partner in their evil work” so you better be careful what you’re a part of…VERY CAREFUL!

  • 2 John 10-11 New Living Translation 10 If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don’t invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. 11 Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work.

Here’s a post below about the book and the experiences readers have had with it:

Getting Well God’s Way was the first version of the book and now it’s taking a new direction. You can read about this powerful book that’s confronting the culture and changing lives at this link below:

You should be supporting TRUTH TELLERS, not pastors who are doing nothing but cleaning pacifiers or serving milk when they should’ve had you on MEAT by now! Lack of maturity. Lack of progress. Promoting wrong ideas that have taken the entire culture into a medical mafia state…

Blessings on your journey and I hope you’ll take some time to look around on this site and see what else you might find to stimulate spiritual growth,


The USA is a Corporation and we likely never owed income tax.

Stay tuned. We’ll be covering this in the COMING SOON podcast.

You can sign up to be notified of the launch at BreakingFreeToTransform.com

I’ll put several links here because these disappear but at least you’ll know what you’re chasing down:

40 minute video on YouTube

6 min video on Rumble.com.

5 hour video on Rumble title, Ring of Power – The Empire of The City. Also can be found on YouTube and is the most exhaustive of the videos but it may be faster than reading a book. I’ve read three of them now. I’ll post them below in case you’re interested in that option.

23 minute video on YouTube.com

An excellent read written by an attorney:

This one below is likely the most easy to understand the information presented:

I will be covering this information in the soon to be launched podcast!

You can go to BreakingFreeToTransform.com to Sign Up for notifications of the availability of the book for purchase and the launch of the podcast and online community.

Get to reading… Ignorance makes you useful to evil!

Biofield Energy Recordings show the human aura in action! 4 min video

My journey and story that produced the “dense and intense” book, are about to spark a podcast launch and online community. I’ll be sharing how I went from being a well-intentioned but powerless ChRxtian to becoming an educated by the Holy Spirit CHRISTian who hasn’t been to a medical doctor for illness since 1990. In 1986 I was so sickly I met the annual insurance deductible in the first 90 days of the year. This change is a direct result of me seeing the error in the ways being taught by the modern churches and canceling all medical tests and follow-up appointments and going directly to God for guidance. HE SHOWED UP and began teaching me the many things we do to make ourselves ill. Along the way I was also given healing abilities that I believe we all have but have not been trained in how to develop them. This 4 minute video is just a peak into the energetic anatomy of the human body, where our spirit man dwells and where we connect with the Heavenly realm, where healing happens. This “bio field” houses 80% of our immune system. It’s the energy you feel when you enter a room filled with love and acceptance versus walking into a room where anger and violent words were spoken.

It’s easy enough to see our physical man but the spiritual man requires some effort so I’m sharing this to BEGIN the process of teaching those still stuck in an old paradigm.

MUST WATCH ON YOUTUBE.COM so please click that option in the black box below:

If you go to this link on this blog it will take you to the Healing Testimonials. If you scroll down to about the 4th one I think you’ll begin seeing the one’s that are about this “Healing Prayer” gift I use that was given to me on my road of discipline and discovery. There are gifts available to us but we aren’t going to experience them while we also slug down toxic food and drink. If you want to experience the higher things from God you’re going to have to think, act, and live according to some higher principles. This path isn’t for sissies but if you’re willing to do the work, the words of Yeshua/Jesus no longer seem mystical and out of reach. In fact, it all starts to come to pass. It may be difficult but it’s worth it. Like going to the gym and other eating healthy discipline our physical body, there are spiritual practices that build spiritual power. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/client-healing-testimonials/

If you’re interested in where we go from here you can go to the link below and Sign Up for Notifications of when the next efforts are launched: https://www.breakingfreetotransform.com/

Man on TikTok showing tumor in his hand from his cell phone

Here’s a link where you can view his short video and find some solutions for taking protective action: http://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2023/08/04/man-on-tiktok-shows-tumor-in-his-hand-from-his-cell-phone/

Here’s an interview that took place EARLY in my recovery journey: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2018/03/17/my-interview-by-lloyd-burrell-of-electricsense-com/

You can find other interviews on the subject here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/my-interviews/

This is a link to a document I created after 6 years on my wireless injury journey: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2022/10/26/public-health-warning-document-w-instructions-for-action/

Should Christians Use Crystals? Part 2 of 2


And when he’s finished I want professing Christians to stop and think about something even more important. I came through these churches here in the USA, was even a “preacher’s kid” for 6-7 years of my young life, now 66 years old so I’ve been watching and participating for quite a while now.

I met my first alternative health medical doctor at 21 after I had a gran mall seizure and the threat of taking my driver’s license was on the table. GOD INTERVENED and showed me an alternative route through dietary changes, outside of the mainstream Rx based approach, that would impact the rest of my life. Under this man’s guidance I had an amazing surge of health in a few months, but like so many people, I got stable and wandered back into my “follies” aka ignorant, uninformed, follow-the-masses ways. Instead of sitting at the feet of this medical doctor in a rural town and asking to be taught by he and his wife, (and they would have), I used vital tools that were a peek into MORE…as a mere method to keep my head above the water line. I stopped short of THRIVING because it was easy and I was an ignorant human living in a self-indulgent era.

A DECADE LATER, my health crashed and I was sitting on the pew being a typical wife, mom, congregant and citizen. I tried getting well in accordance with the modern version of ChRxtianity’s teachings and they failed. After 11 doctors in 18 months had no clue, I canceled all medical tests and follow-up appointments and began chasing GOD down for answers. After six months of proving my sincerity HE SHOWED UP and took me on a journey teaching me the many things we do to make ourselves sick. Sadly, our CULTure, including the pastor/shepherds ignored biblical principles of wisdom, and the promised access to the Holy Spirit when Christ left, and accepted the man made denatured foods and Rx, chemical cocktails, and thereby built a medical mafia in cahoots with a corrupt government and industries who profit from when we’re sick and who are also destroying the environment. THE MODERN CHURCHES IN THE USA DID THIS as the statistics bear out:

My journey included some UNTRADITIONAL but not wrong adventures. CONTRARY to the church folks ideas and accepted practices but it’s hard to argue with the results that it produced as detailed in the book GOD INSISTED I write that took 21 years to publish because I had to learn and prove out some health principles. I was able to reverse my Hashimotos’s Autoimmune disease and even successfully ditched the 90 mg’s of Rx thyroid I’d been on since 1990. Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease that was supposed to fuse my neck by 1993, gone. I was able to reverse, and now easily manage 11 years of crippling sciatica, that resulted from a broken spine in 1994. Fibromyalgia flares are a thing of the past because I learned what causes them and don’t do that any more. Along the way, GOD gave me a gift of healing abilities in my hands that later become “remote enabled” so I can do what I call “Healing Prayer” on anyone anywhere though I rarely offer this as I now see the book as the ultimate gift as it teaches you how to get well and stay well.

I don’t see the point in doing healing on someone if they’re going to sit in a WIFI’d world and carry a cell phone, surrounded by towers and digital electric meters pumping invisible toxins into the air that can be measured, and mitigated but humanity is only just starting to see the concerns in our modern world. I got zapped by a cell phone in 2016 so GOD could show us MORE INSIGHTS that we need to see. It’s daunting but I BEGGED HIM for a life that mattered, that would tell a story, and would impact the world not realizing what all that would mean but nevertheless it has produced an amazing adventure BUT a “FAILED” report card on the modern church. “Judgment will begin in the household of faith” is a scripture that’s been among us for my lifetime and it means what it says….GOD’S GOING TO START CLEANING UP THE MESS HERE BY ADDRESSING THOSE WHO PROFESS HIM THE LOUDEST!

ONE of the missions GOD IS INSISTING ON is the professing BODY OF CHRIST in the USA especially, learn some new insights that will show HIS AMAZING CREATION but will also reveal how unloving, intolerant, and rude they’ve been to people who’ve come along their path. I periodically get “thrown into” the “NEW AGE” pile with an attitude of disgust is how it’s felt. I shrug my shoulders and go on because I know me and I know this journey I’m having and that’s not an accurate label or judgment. It’s simply people that have been brainwashed by the media that supports the lifestyle that keeps us indebted, enslaved and entangled pouring our resources into their choices for us, NOT GOD’S! YES, I am having a different journey where I’m learning about health and healing without relying on Rx drugs and all that comes with this, including corruption and spoil. Look at the health of the nation, the world! If you think this is health care then you have no clue what else is available unless you step out of that mindset. PRAY. ASK GOD TO TEACH YOU HIS TRUTH and then prayerfully move forward.

What amazes me most is the fact that people continue to sit in the church pews listening to teachings or holding a Bible that shares many stories of DEEPER THINGS and rebukes over-reliance upon humans and yet the entire church is living exactly like the world system. This too, happens in contrast to the scriptures in Romans 12: 1-2 that reads, “Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind. THAT YOU MAY KNOW the good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD.” How you live affects your discernment or your ability to HEAR GOD and therefore walk in truth.

If you’ve been ugly to someone who has an appreciation for crystals and rocks, part of GOD’s creation, especially while the church folks are eating, drinking, living, and medicating in accordance with this corrupted world, YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE!

I no longer go to churches because of the way I was treated after GOD began teaching me that it wasn’t His will for me to eat junk food, be ignorant and compliant, and then run to a Rx writing doctor so I could return to my folly. Everything about that way in the churches is an afront to the spiritual life we are to live through our devotion to Christ and ignores a volume of scriptural teaching. Sadly, I thought my church family would want to know what I was learning and it wasn’t anything extreme like vegetarianism…it was just commen sense, “distinguishing between the holy and the profane” or what pleased GOD and was beneficial for us and what wasn’t. Nope. They not only didn’t want to know they treated me in a way that made me feel tolerated and unvalued…DIFFERENT, and now that knowledge is coming out confirming that I wasn’t in fact on the wrong path but the very right path that resulted in personal empowerment, knowledge, wisdom, and true GOD-reliance, it’s time for the church folks to consider new insights. I’ll put a link from this site that contains My Articles on this site.

I’ll shut up now and let you watch this video…

This entire category of My Articles has many insights to get you started including where to obtain a copy of the book GOD INSISTED I write for you or you can go to the Home page, start scrolling, and see where the journey takes you. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/my-articles/

Here’s a link for Should Christians Use Crystals, Part 1: http://Here’s a link for Should Christians Use Crystals, Part 1: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2023/04/18/should-christians-use-crystals/

Blessings on your search for TRUTH!

((Surrounded)) a movie about a man made ill by wireless tech!

Here’s a related post on this site with many helpful links to further explore this information:

“Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” Jesus

Just watched a video where a woman had supposedly done some healings and people were coming up to report how they felt afterwards. There were reports by people who had chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, neck issues but NOBODY GOT UP OUT OF A WHEELCHAIR or had blind eyes opened!!! In other words every one of them could’ve easily been placebo. At this moment it was ONLY perception of change, not a true miracle. WHY DOES THIS BOTHER ME?

This was disheartening to watch because of how GOD responded when I was being a typical wife, mom, congregant, and citizen of the USA, Incorporated. I was eating, drinking, and living just like everyone else and when I became ill I did what most Christians do, went forward for prayer and began seeing doctors. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse, so I canceled all medical appts and began chasing GOD for answers. After six months I was getting worse but the same was true under the care of 11 doctors so I determined to WAIT for GOD. One day in what I deemed a “final” prayer HE SHOWED UP and told me “Everything’s going to be okay but YOU HAVE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO. Do you understand?” I acknowledged and was given a BIG HUG that took my breath away and then an encouragement to get to my feet where I went into my kitchen and THE REAL HEALING BEGAN. He had me go through my pantry, my fridge, freezer, medicine chest, and closet and taught me what to eat, drink, wear, and how to basically eat, live and medicate in alignment with HIS WAYS.

It took time but I was able to reverse my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease and even got off of the Rx thyroid meds I’d been on since 1990. Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease never developed into a frozen neck as the doctors said would happen and 11 years of crippling sciatica is under control and fibro flares I now understand what causes them and don’t do that anymore LOL. I learned how to “possess my vessel in sanctifiction and honor” I Thess 4: 5.

GOD then INSISTED that I write a book sharing this journey. It took 21 years to publish because I had to PROVE OUT my theories about health and healing from a DIFFERENT Christian perspective than is the accepted norm. I also learned how to help others find their answers aka NOT NEED ME because I believe that’s important for THEM to be at a higher level of maturity and spiritual ability and independence from another human. If we could all HEAL wouldn’t that be amazing? Well we can, but based on the journey GOD took me on, I’d venture to guess that it won’t be a drive-through version where people “return to their folly”. What GOD taught me was that it makes little sense to heal people and return them to their same diet, lifestyle, relationships and environment…especially electrically speaking these days. So many cases of fibro and chronic fatigue, migraines (like I heard in those “testimonials”) are due to an accumulation of toxins like chemicals and heavy metals which when added to the onslaught of wireless technology is creating HUGE INFLUX OF DISEASE! Also, everyone carrying a cell phone around. I too have a gift in healing that came along my journey with some pretty amazing testimonials that I put here on this blog, but I rarely use the gift now because people NEED to learn to measure the readings in the electric outlets and learn how to filter and learn to hard wire their computers OR AT LEAST put a faraday bag over it and turn it off when not in use, keep their phones in faraday bags, help get the rollout of cell towers pushed back…. I could go on and on but after watching this video I just wonder how these women held out over time. If they went back to their home with a smart meter and Alexa and cell towers and their cell phones then I expect their symptoms to return and that’s when SATAN begins his real work!!!! JESUS TAUGHT when He healed and often said “Go and sin no more or something worse may come up on you”. He was showing that THEY needed to be invested in the answer to the question of WHY they got sick in the first place and not do that or else… Anyway, I didn’t do my journey in accordance with the typical understanding presented here but I came away empowered and equipped and therefore haven’t been to a medical doctor for illness since 1989 (injury only). It makes me sad that they were sent away with no more knowledge about how to care for their body than they were. VULNERABLE and if their symptoms come back then it can damage their faith in GOD and open the door to demonic tauntings of “You aren’t worthy to be healed…GOD DOESN’T LOVE YOU….” Can you see how this works? 🙁

After trying to “do healing” on people and realizing they weren’t interested in disciplining their flesh or learning anything about THEIR PART I stopped doing this work UNLESS GOD directs me to do so. I have used it on pets and children more readily. If you want to see what you can glean from the GIFT that is now in the form of a book, you can find it here and learn how to obtain a copy:

The Getting Well God’s Way book had been out about a year when the message took a radical turn. You can learn more about the revelations regarding our UNSAFE use of wireless technology at this link:


Why I Left “Church”

The Difference Between a Jesus Rally and a Revival is What Happens When the Music Stops

I’ve watched over 40 years as the world and it’s ways were brought into the churches and even given ordained and protected status. This was in the form of Coke machines, massive amounts of junk food, willful ignorance about the health message in the Bible where it says “that you may know how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honor”. (I Thess 4: 5) Nope. The shepherds farmed out the health of their congregants to the pharmaceutical agenda while scoffing at natural health ideas and not bothering to study and teach those things. Furthermore, when GOD sent warning messengers through we were patted on the head and made to feel tolerated while causing my child to question my knowledge and desire their permissive ways, though she hadn’t been to a doctor in 13 years because we lived “God’s Ways” at home. This also put a strain on my marriage as GOD asked me to confront this error, married to a man who didn’t want to “rock the boat” even if it that call was coming from GOD. It destroyed us.

I watched their prayers become limited to the presumption that the person was going to a Rx-writing doctor and the actual eye rolls for those who professed to be taking a different route.

This is completely inappropriate behavior for a true shepherd and his leadership. This demographic group seems to have singly built the medical mafia we now live in without shame or repentance.

In recent months there’s been several claims of “revivals” breaking out at colleges and each time someone presents a back story that leads me to see that these are likely not revivals but Jesus rallies. For me, my encounter with Jesus changed my life in a dramatic way and has produced MUCH. Sadly, it was produced for a world that seems capable of only short term devotion and then they wonder why their lives didn’t change. The pastor/shepherds failed by trying to merge GOD with the world instead of staying away from the world as the Bible tells us.

So, it isn’t surprising that the church system is failing as it is no longer “True Worship”. I hold out hope for the few whose hearts truly will be impacted by these gatherings after the music stops. That they’ll experience Jesus in a way that propels them beyond the church system where they’ll be changed to be “like them” and drink the Cokes, eat the junk food, go to the Rx writing doctors, and become luke warm.

I want you to be aware that the last three years happened under these pastor/shepherds watch. What’s more sad is that had these church folks embraced the balanced teaching GOD was bringing in through me, and the book He INSISTED I write that took me 21years, the last three years could’ve been avoided. Instead of being shown as a “wise people who walk with GOD” and didn’t fall for the evil agenda, these ChRxtians walked in and rolled their sleeves up for an experimental gene therapy and now we have statistics like this:

Again I ask, “What kind of shepherd doesn’t know how to keep his flock healthy?”


The Bible calls them “hirelings” in it for the paycheck and not with their whole heart.

Below is a 20-minute thought provoking video about the spiritual evolution of Christianity in America right now.

I posted the following comment on this YT video which goes into more detail than my rant above and describes that “produced much”:

The church folks need to COME OUT OF THE WORLD SYSTEM as you are being affected in ways you can’t even imagine. These phones, the towers, the WIFI, the satellites, the civilian and military radar…and our acceptance of these are taking us to a place we do not want to go I assure you and turning people into versions of themselves that aren’t okay as seen in this short video below. These kids are literally being immersed in pulsed microwave radiation from their phones and have no clue, BECAUSE THE SHEPHERDS WERE UNFAITHFUL IN THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT AND TEACH THE TRUTH.

When the churches could no longer offer me deeper truth I left and was tended by the Holy Spirit as each of you can do. When Jesus was preparing to leave Earth He said “I have to go away but because I go the Spirit of Truth will come and teach you all things”. He didn’t say I had to learn truth filtered through another human. In fact, I John 2: 27 reads, “These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. 27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.”

This path required that I become a reader which wasn’t my nature but GOD made it happen and now it’s a constant hunger for knowledge. I had to “chase GOD” by fasting and study of the Word. I had to WANT more of Him and show that tangibly not just with lip service or going to some “service”.

I hope more will find this way as organized religion has taken humanity very far off track.


Here’s another post on this site you should visit: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2017/03/17/does-the-lived-out-version-of-modern-christianity-now-meet-the-criteria-for-a-false-religion-yes-it-does/

You can order a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Should Christians Use Crystals? Part 1 of 2

I addressed my experience with crystals in the Getting Well God’s Way book at more length along with my Christian perspective. As a licensed massage therapist in Texas for almost 30 years I was around a lot of “other-minded” people which exposed me to things outside of “Christian” norms. THANK GOD for sending me outside of the box where I learned so much by mere experience. A friend who had a lot of varried rocks on her dresser put one in my hand. I really had no opinion on them at that time. She placed one in my hand and said, “See what you feel”. Sure enough within ten seconds I began feeling a very subtle energy in my hand. After a minute or so she picked it up and put a different one in my hand and sure enough I could feel that the energy coming from it was also subtle but differed in some undeterminable way. I just thought of it as having a different frequency. This was done multiple times until I ended up with a basket of rocks and few books on them and have some favorite “harmonizers” which are 4″ long cylinders of selenite crystal. I hold these in my “Be still and know that I am God” sessions aka meditation time.

I’ve recently discovered this young man that I want to be my nephew. He’s unintentionally expanding on so much of the content of the Getting Well God’s Way book and I’m so grateful. I’ve been so busy surviving the journey, writing the book, and developing the rest of God’s messages, recovering, and resting up to do next things that I couldn’t have done what he’s doing and done it so beautifully at this time. I hope you’ll go find him on YouTube and Subscribe to his channel. He has a lot to teach us and is the reason my garden has HOPE this year and every plant around here has a copper wire wound around a stick stuck in the dirt beside it….Electroculture. It’s a method of gardening that attracts life energy to the plants and soil. My starts are shining, healthy, happy, and strong.

So in this video below, in the first 20 minutes he talks about different stones he holds up and tells their qualities and why their beneficial. He gives the name of a dense, 600-page book on jewelry and stones and why they used to use certain metals with specific stones. He presents information that helps us see that there is nothing evil about stones or crystals. They are not “new age” and aren’t the object of any worship any more than a screwdriver. These are tools to help our energetic selves, which most Christians know very little about as we were led to put our faith in the mainstream medical system. Hopefully by now people are learning this is a big mistake. They’re good for trauma but have no tools that heal. Sadly it seems they’ve turned into profiteers and predators with some very dangerous ideas and too much power.

I do want to point out a few things I’ve experienced on my “alternative” path guided by the Holy Spirit. Admittedly it was/is COUNTER to the mainstream to the degree that I had to stop attending churches. It became too painful to be on a path of true healing and restoration while being rebuked by those who were taking Rx drugs as their main source of hope for healing. I’ve been yelled at online and called “deceived” by people who’ve never even read one book on the subject at hand they’re yelling at me about. THIS IS NUTS and I want to discuss it because the subject of using crystals is one of those areas, as was my use of yoga as physical therapy to recover from 11 years of crippling sciatica after a broken back. Apparently I’m supposed to be worshipping Hindu gods in these postures though no thought of, mention of, or statue of exists in my realm and is not my intention. I keep asking and have yet to get an answer about when my conversion to Hinduism is supposed to occur as I’ve been at this for 13 years now. My point is that ChRxtianity needs to rid itself of what appear to be superstitions. YES, you should be prayerful about what studio you go to or what books you use just like you should be prayerful about any church you attend, or where you place your kids for school. You shouldn’t mindlessly invest your life but that doesn’t mean that nobody should do yoga.

I’M WATCHING IT COME TO PASS that Christianity is going to be very embarassed about the attitudes they’ve demonstrated towards others. More and more and more information is coming out that validates that we have a chakra system and those energy centers are actually connected to organs via nerves and are able to be measured on many forms of technology now. Meditation benefits are being scientifically verified by so many sources it’s impossible to keep up with them all.

Talking about chakras, meditation, frequency, energy, crystals will get you scorned and labeled as a “New Ager” in the Christian community but when their teachings on health and wellness FAILED, I prayed that GOD’S TRUTH would be revealed to me and this is the journey that unfolded. A journey that has included me being able to successfully reverse Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease, Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, 11 years of crippling sciatica after a broken spine, fibro flares, and I’ve recently been able to successfully get off of Rx thyroid meds I was supposed to be on for life. After the first dose of stem cell activator drops I heard a click in my thyroid and 90 days later I finished the protocol and all is well and holding six months later. BodyRedesigning.com. I was being taught how to heal, nourish, and care for my temple while watching people in the churches eating junk and living just like the world we’re told in the Bible to stay away from, waiting in the doctors office, and putting them on the board at the churches for bragging rights WHILE ignoring wisdom, knowledge, and messengers sent to warn about this way.

I think some Christians owe some people they threw into a “New Agers” category an apology and I hope moving forward that Christians will learn that this is a very young religion and has MUCH TO LEARN. Arrogance and an unkind and intolerant attitude towards others who are having a different experience than you’re own understanding should NOT be part of your way IN CHRIST. And like I’m seeing now, it could turn out that Christians just don’t have enough insight YET and will end up with “egg on their face” and the message of CHRIST IN YOU is diminished in your behavior. If you’ve knowingly offended someone in this regard I suggest you make efforts to go make that right by asking forgiveness.

I hope you enjoy getting to know Matt Roeske at CultivateElevate.com

Blessings on your journey, Kathy

You can order a signed copy of the Getting Well God’s Way book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:  https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_2?crid=UQ1R14NK9W48&dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+god%27s+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1615081271&sprefix=getting+well%2Caps%2C562&sr=8-2

It’s also available through Barnes & Noble and other online book sellers. Just Google the title.

A peak into my beliefs…

This came up in my memories on facebook today so I thought I’d share it here. This is my typed comment shared by a big fan of the Getting Well God’s Way book…”Inquiring minds want to know”

Know how to make GOD mad?

If you go to this link you’ll find a small booklet that GOD compelled me to put together recently that will show you a world forming around you/us that you likely aren’t aware of, but need to be. AFTER you’ve gone through it you’ll understand this graphic at a much deeper level. You’ll understand the sense of urgency. So, start here and see how we are likely offending GOD, at a time when humanity and beyond desperately needs to be illiciting His mercy and involvement in our struggles. Having said that, click here:


Wisdom Shouts in the Streets

Proverbs 1: 20 – 33

20 Wisdom shouts in the streets.

She cries out in the public square.

21 She calls to the crowds along the main street,

to those gathered in front of the city gate:

22 “How long, you simpletons,

will you insist on being simpleminded?

How long will you mockers relish your mocking?

How long will you fools hate knowledge?

23 Come and listen to my counsel.

I’ll share my heart with you

and make you wise.

24 “I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come.

I reached out to you, but you paid no attention.

25 You ignored my advice

and rejected the correction I offered.

26 So I will laugh when you are in trouble!

I will mock you when disaster overtakes you—

27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,

when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone,

and anguish and distress overwhelm you.

28 “When they cry for help, I will not answer.

Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me.

29 For they hated knowledge

and chose not to fear the Lord.

30 They rejected my advice

and paid no attention when I corrected them.

31 Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way,

choking on their own schemes.

32 For simpletons turn away from me—to death.

Fools are destroyed by their own complacency.

33 But all who listen to me will live in peace,

untroubled by fear of harm.”

Do Christians Have Chakras?

The title of this post is the title of a section in the Getting Well God’s Way book and a subject that will often get me lambasted by zealous Christians on social media. I recently posted something that acknowledged the existence of our “3rd eye” also known as the 6th chakra, and again I was rebuked strongly by a few well-meaning people and unfriended two of them because they just went too far. Finally, someone posted scripture…”in the end people will be given over to deception” implying that I’m among those so I replied, “get your apologies in order…” cuz I’m going to prove to you that chakras exist and that they are NOT a “New Age” concept. I was actually shocked by this behavior from people who I thought would take a more intelligent path on the matter, and shocked by a few who did so, but I felt this subject needed to be addressed further, thus this post. “When we know better, we do better.”

Taking a moment to expound on this behavior I want Christians to learn that using scripture outside of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit’s direction, led only by zeal, is NOT the way it should be used. This subject, along with a few others that have been rejected or forbidden by Christianity is going to be a lesson as we move forward in this human project that will hopefully result in more humility, especially about subjects the naysayers haven’t even bought a book on, much less read, experienced, or sought GOD on. In this information age it’s better to keep your mouth shut unless you know what you’re talking about. Too many people having different ideas and experiences are now plugged into the conversation via social media and you can “get schooled” in front of others. The fact is that when you begin reading about church history and how these “institutions of men” from centuries ago had agendas driving them it’s easy to see why they rejected certain TRUTHs. Politics, power, greed, building a church system, a medical system, and “other” carnal, egotistical ideas drove their reasonings. They took a stand against certain things that GOD has shown me, have immense value, even as a Christian. Many things the churches say “touch not” are exactly what we should be touching instead of what they’re offering and ordaining. “Look for who profits from an idea and you’ll see the agenda” is a periodic graphic on social media that is worthy of application. Ultimately, anything that was a threat to their agendas was poo-poo’d and we just accepted ideas because “the church” says we should have that stand, and again, not because we’ve had an experience, read a book, or were led by GOD on the matter.” That behavior is not “Christian” or even intelligent. It’s the result of cultural brain washing that prejudices us against ideas, and people, and limits our choices for paths to wellness, which builds the pharma industry.

For decades now, GOD has been leading me on a counter culture journey and it’s been “book worthy”. A book that’s dropped several grown men, and women, to their knees in tears because they saw, heard, and understood what GOD wanted them to see, hear and understand and it dropped them to their knees. In a nutshell:

I was distracted by GOD’s directive to produce a very important booklet which took 6 months of my focus (linked below) but now I’m back on this subject in my own pursuits to learn more about the experiences GOD opened up to me that teach me about this body, our “temple of the Holy Spirit”. as I think that’s a pretty important subject. Our ignorance makes us useful for evil agendas so it’s very important that we pray for the “Spirit of Truth” which Jesus’ ushered in at his “passing”, to “teach us all things” instead of allowing the ignorance, conformity, and prejudice of religious, manmade, institutions to guide our steps.

My journey became profound in 1989 when I began actively hearing GOD, or some faction thereof, directing me in answer to constant prayer for intervention in my health issues that mainstream ideas, religious and medical, couldn’t figure out. I was accused of having “hidden sin” or “not enough faith” by the church folks and the medical people just kept making completely illogical statements, pushing pills that did more harm, and giving a dismal prognosis. I won’t attempt to put the entire subject from the book here but will leave it to those interested to buy the book and read about my experiences that drove me to look into the subjects I present. “I” was not searching for a path independent of GOD’s direction. I was seeking, and was blessed with, a “GUIDED TOUR” as one reader so accurately put it because that’s what I was asking GOD to do with me.

In the Getting Well God’s Way book you’ll learn that GOD called me into a very unusual life journey. One of the many stories that directed me came in 1993 when I was sitting in a practitioner’s office alone in a dim waiting room when a triangle of white light illuminated from the corner and I heard “GO TO MASSAGE SCHOOL”. It closed back up and a woman I didn’t know, wearing a lab coat, came out from a back room. She introduced herself and I noticed it said “RMT” on her lab coat under her name. She was a Registerd (with the state) massage therapist and I ended up attending the very school she recommended. The incurable diseases the doctors had diagnosed me with (Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, Advacnced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, 11 years of crippling sciatica, fibromyalgia flares…) drove me to seek TRUE answers, not excuses, and that, along with my new willingness to be part of my own solutions, my faith in GOD, and the relationship and transformation of me/my life since yielding fully to the Holy Spirit, thanks to Jesus, is what directed my steps.

When GOD called me to create the Public Health Warning document below I was reading about mental exercises, which we’d know most commonly by the term “meditation” which is in the Bible and is also not a “New Age” practice. It’s about mental focus and learning to relax and allow the brain to go into deeper modes of relaxation referring to the beta, alpha, theta, delta brain waves. I’d had a phenomenal experience in a single session I fumbled through after reading it in one of the three books. I added some of my own ideas from the “Healing Prayer” gift GOD gave me early in my journey and woke up the next morning and 15 years of grieving was gone. It took a week for it to completely leave my energy field but it’s gone and has remained so since May of 2021.

I wrote about the “Healing Prayer” gift in the Getting Well God’s Way book and believe we all possess the potential to heal but we’re simply immersed in a pharmaceutical CULTure and everyone bought into it so GOD put the gifts away until we come out of our stupor. I wanted to teach people how to do this, how to develop this gift but again, the CULTure, presented wireless technology, which means people are carrying around a transmitter/receiver that emits pulsed microwave radiation and have widely accepted the wireless offering and the saturation of our environment with electromagnetic and gamma radiation that I no longer see the point in teaching this or even doing the sessions, a few exceptions noted.

One of the books I was reading about meditation showed some graphics that represented pre and post recordings of how retreat attendees chakras were affected by meditation. The books also gave the names of many pieces of equipment that measure and chart them. As I continued with several personal sessions, guided now by the author (Dr. Joe Dispenza https://drjoedispenza.com/), these images helped me understand why it felt as though I could “sense” and almost see that one of my chakras was way outside of it’s alignment while I was in meditation. I felt it go back into alignment almost so clearly that I’m inclined to say I saw it go back into alignment. Below you can see the books I was reading, the images of the before and after of the participants energy field. Note how it looks broken and limited and in the after image it shows so much stronger and uniform. The last image is the chakras before and after the meditation sessions. If you want to know more about the equipment being used to take these measurements I go into that in the Getting Well God’s Way book or you can read the books below. These images and the meditation I did on that first night are in the Becoming Supernatural book. The author’s story of healing eight broken vertebra in his back using only his mind set the stage for this teaching he now shares. He was told he’d have to have surgery but 19 months later he was on his feet and seeing patients as a chiropractor.

And THIS is the 30-minute video where a western-trained scientist and mystic, Dr. Motoyama is discussed at length, he and his discoveries about the chakra system. Only 11 minutes in and two books he’s written were noted as well as one device he invented that measures the voltage differential on the skin at 28 acupuncture points. I can hardly wait to finish it and read his books.

I just started watching this video that another activist sent me by private message. 3 minutes into this video and Lieutenant Colonel SAS Australia (ret) Riccardo Bosi starts talking about the “3rd eye” and the pineal gland and how the dark forces in this world KNOW that this gland is the seat of communication with GOD. Come on Christians!!! You’re needed on the battlefield and you’ve been told a lot of non-truth: https://www.facebook.com/100009008161685/videos/832809564835850/

If you don’t understand the massive energy field “that is you” then you won’t understand that wireless tech is like pooing in your own energetic pool!” ChRxtianity missed the boat in some significant ways and has their congregants okay with and in use of the wrong things to the detriment of all.

Remember, James 4: 4 reads, “You are like an unfaithful wife who loves her husband’s enemies. Don’t you realize that making friends with God’s enemies—the evil pleasures of this world—makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy the evil pleasure of the unsaved world, you cannot also be a friend of God.”

A similar post where I address the controversial subject of Christians and yoga can be found here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2022/06/29/chrxtianity-and-yoga/

And the most recent created work GOD asked to have done can be found here and is much more important than what you’re currently reading in my opinion: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2022/10/26/public-health-warning-document-w-instructions-for-action/

You can purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+gods+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1619377300&sr=8-1

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Here’s another Christian author who understands that we do have a pineal gland which has neurological connections to the 6th chakra aka the “3rd eye” and she’s got 50 years of research under her belt showing us how this area is THE TARGET for GOD’s enemy. You need to learn about these things so you’ll understand the warfare we’re now in.

ChRxtianity and Yoga


Here’s another very powerful story of yoga helping this injured paratrooper heal his body:

Yes, there are yoga studios that burn incense in front of a Buddha statue or an image of Shiva but that’s not the studios I go to or the books I use. It’s essentially an exercise class and that’s all. In the classes I met hundreds of people over the years and never once have I seen or become aware of anyone having some unexpected weird spiritual or physical experience. IT WAS JUST AN EXERCISE CLASS! For those who have a friend who had a perceived negative experience I suggest to you that what may have happened is the release of stored physical or emotional trauma rather than a demonic entity. You can read more about “stored trauma” on some of the links provided here or the many books available. It’s also possible that you’re in the wrong studio. Pray about this the same way you wouldn’t walk into just any building that had a sign … Church. BE MINDFUL ABOUT WHERE YOU’RE PUTTING YOURSELF…yes.

I heard and read stories of amazing physical recoveries. One woman was 76 and had a large mirror fall on her in a beauty salon. It broke her spine in four places. She began yoga in a wheelchair and eventually got well and became an instructor. Here’s another story I can closely relate to: https://evoketherapy.com/resources/blog/elise-mitchell/healing-trauma-with-yoga-a-personal-story/#moderated

“A Harvard Medical School study funded by the U.S. Defense Department found that veterans diagnosed with PTSD showed improvement in their symptoms after just 10 weeks of taking yoga classes twice a week, along with 15 minutes of daily home practice.

“In fact, a host of studies conducted within the past 10 years only seem to bolster early findings. Bessel van der Kolk, a professor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the Trauma Center, has studied trauma since the 1970s and is considered a pioneer in the field.

“After tracking his patients’ progress and becoming hooked on hatha yoga himself, he concluded that “the memory of the trauma is imprinted on the human organism.” He asserts that individuals cannot overcome trauma unless they “learn to have a friendly relationship with your body” and that “therapists treating psychological trauma need to work with the body as well as the mind.” https://www.theunion.com/news/business/our-issues-are-in-our-tissues-healing-trauma-with-yoga/

I say often that we can’t say “church is good and yoga is bad” because life isn’t that simple. In fact, I know a LOT of people who’ve been hurt deeply in churches. I once put up an inquiry post on facebook on the subject of why people quit church and was shocked at how many stories people posted. So, if we tell people that as a “Christian” they shouldn’t practice yoga because someone they know had a bad experience, why aren’t we saying the same thing about churches? LOTS of people I know have been traumatized in churches so people shouldn’t go to churches then right?

I was being poisoned by mercury, an abnormal dose of electric and magnetic fields, a “modeled by the church folks” diet full of chemicals, and again mainstream medicine was found deficient in the knowledge I needed and quite “chest bumpy” about perfectly logical questions I’d ask. Like, “How did I become infertile?” while pointing to the 9-month old standing between my feet. That should’ve triggered a question in their minds about what changes had taken place in my life in the previous 18 months but it didn’t. I later learned that some people have a genetic mutation or genetic marker that makes them more vulnerable to toxins. Our bodies like to hold on to them, especially metals. Sadly, most of this knowledge had to be found amongst “Alternative Medicine” practitioners as mainstream doctors are clearly not much more than a pill dispensary now and I think a computer could do a better job. The doctors were irritated because they didn’t know the answers but were too proud to say so I suspect. As a practitioner, I came to see that it’s very important to examine a person’s diet, lifestyle, relationships, and the health of their environment, electrical and otherwise, to determine the cause of disease so it can be arrested and healing can begin. For instance, we have these new-fangled electric meters in use here that are making people sick and killing people and the doctors have no clue until they hear from someone like me. You can’t see the current, taste it, or smell it but you can measure it on a safety meter. And just like carbon monoxide, it accumulates in your body. If this person comes forward for prayer, they aren’t likely to get the answers they need. They NEED measurements taken and filters placed on the lines. And even if they were to experience a miraculous healing, then they’d return to their toxic electrical environment, “like a dog returns to his vomit”. Jesus often said after healings He performed “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” He was clearly a fan of finding causation. Perhaps it’s time to learn more about this body that carries our soul and stop limiting our prayers to the ways of this world and our limited understanding while remaining ignorant about the vast amount of healing modalities outside of mainstream medicine, and blaming the people when the Rx pill way doesn’t work.

Ultimately what I want ChRxtians to see is that when you close a door to natural healing methods because of your own unjustified fears, you are taking a very powerful tool of recovery off of the table for people. In a world where opiates were killing 128 people a day, I think we need to keep all options on the table AND furthermore, we need to recognize that The Holy Spirit should be the ONE directing people’s paths, not scared culturally conformed congregants who are popping Rx pills and washing it down with the Diet Coke they bought in the lobby of the church. Had I continued to listen to the ideas of the ChRxtians, I would’ve suffered longer and died prematurely. They were wrong about almost every single thing I needed to know and do to get well and I think they need to know that so they’ll stop their pretentious intrusions into other people’s lives. Beyond John 3: 16 we are having a radically different experience with Jesus Christ but I am no less a Christian, though now preferring the term “Disciple of Yeshua” to differentiate myself from the modern version of ChRxtianity.

You can’t truly grasp the vastness of the education God took me through without reading the Getting Well God’s Way book. And it didn’t end at publishing, which necessitated 2 major updates, and the birth of a blog and website on where humanity is in the technology launch. I touched the screen of a cell phone and my life changed radically….again, because I asked God to use my life to tell us a story. Apparently all of our overlords have been bought off and the pastors/shepherds are Turns out those thing emit pulsed microwave radiation which accumulates in our body causing disease and death. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/other-endeavors-noatt-blog/

One final comment regarding etiquette. The people I met in yoga were loving, accepting, and assumed that I was exactly where I was supposed to be in my life and in my spiritual quest. Husbands and wives. Single professionals. A 2016 Forbes article states 37 million people in the U.S practice yoga. This is up from 20 million three years ago, which means yoga has nearly doubled in just a few years.” While the churches are dying at a record level in 2022. Pretty clear to me that people are not finding what they NEED in the churches these days. Of interest, the yoga people didn’t try to convert me or even comment on my faith journey. There’s a very strong unspoken sense among them of “that’s inappropriate” to do. Unlike many Christians, they don’t believe it’s proper to scrutinize another person’s journey, spiritual or otherwise! “Who am I to critique YOUR life!” would be words I’d expect to hear from them. If you engage them in a conversation about it, you’ll even see them get uncomfortable. And there weren’t any Coke machines or vending machines filled with junk. So while some Christians scream about their convictions about yoga I think there’s some great characteristics they could stand to adopt from this community. You can disagree with me but when you get to the point that you’re screaming at me and calling me names, you may have lost the debate on that alone. THIS IS MY JOURNEY! I did ask God and never one time did He tell me He didn’t want me to go. What I did hear was “Better get dressed or you’ll be late for class”. YOGA SAVED ME! It didn’t give me eternal salvation but it made my Earth journey much more bearable so PLEASE, STOP TELLING PEOPLE THAT THEY SHOULDN’T DO YOGA IF THEY’RE A CHRISTIAN. It’s really not any of your business. You should be encouraging people to learn to hear the Holy Spirit guiding them and then leave them alone. Pray for them. Bottom line, I’m not telling anyone that they HAVE TO go to yoga but you shouldn’t be telling anyone NOT TO go to yoga. Like the words of the Phil Phillips song, “If you get lost you can always be found”. People aren’t going to walk off the edge of the Earth. Trust them and pray for them but reserve your opinions. Too many ha

After so many exhausting exchanges on facebook about this subject I felt it was time to write a single article that I can post as a response so I can spend my time and energy on other things. I wrote 10.5 pages on this subject in the Getting Well God’s Way book (link below) but I live in a world where ideas have to be served in many measurements. Some people won’t read a 360-page book, or even 10.5 pages, so I’ll scale this down and hope more Christians will at least read an article.

I used to be a “preacher’s kid” for many years of my young life but my Dad left the pulpit when I was 11, and my parents got a divorce a few short years later. I had several PROFOUND spiritual experiences in those years as a child not knowing how bad I would need to KNOW that God was real when I grew up. After the parents divorce, we never went to church again and it was time to figure life out on my own. This included a ten year detour into “sex, drugs, and rock n roll” because that’s where “lost” people went in the 70’s and I, and my siblings, were no exception.

That “detour” reached it’s peak when I walked in on my fiancé’s suicide and became a murder suspect at 25 years old. I wasn’t living right but I sure didn’t murder anyone. I was staying with my mom and stepfather during this ordeal. I was alone A LOT during the day almost disbelieving the drama that continued to unfold. In the stillness, there were many supernatural things that happened to help me get back on track with God and I finally fell to my knees and cried out humbly, “You know I didn’t do this. In fact, You’re the ONLY ONE who knows I didn’t do this. If you’ll get me out of this mess I’ll surrender the rest of my life to You for Your express purpose…”. A few months later I was exonerated by a Judge named Myron Love. Literally, JUDGE LOVE, set me free to have another chance at figuring out this life. What came out of this was a consciously-indentured servant. Once I knew God was involved in my story I began to beg him every moment of every day for six years to “Use my life. Make it matter that I came through this planet. Write a story that will help mankind see what You want us to see!”

About a year later I would learn that my deceased fiancé was involved in organized crime. The “bosses” apparently didn’t like me and told him he couldn’t marry me. In retrospect I could understand why I was perceived as a threat. I was a “researcher” personality and ran public records for oil companies, brokers, and lawyers. His previous wife was “retail oriented” and didn’t even have a driver’s license, and that’s what they preferred. God made it known to me that He spared me!

It was likely in the 7th year of my yearning that I began to notice synchronistic events that could only be happening via the Holy Spirit. It’s like the spiritual world was becoming more and more engaging. I had married and had a baby when I began having some major health issues. We’d begun attending church as a family and I was enjoying this new phase of life UNTIL it became clear that my health issues weren’t going to be resolved in accordance with their teachings on health and healing. They routinely prayed that “the doctors would have wisdom in their diagnosis and treatment of” the person, and that’s about it. They’d brought in Coke machines, and junk food flowed like a river at most church socials. You couldn’t tell the difference in our tables and the non-church goers at the skating rink. We were living just like the world, in blatant contrast to what our own Bible teaches us. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse and the church folks assumed I had hidden sin that would explain why their prayers for the Rx-writing doctors they presumed I would see didn’t work. Another idea was that I simply didn’t have enough faith. I knew neither of these were right. “Healings” weren’t common and still aren’t. Yes, they happen but if you don’t know how to support health how will you maintain a healing if God gave it to you? Do MOST people have hidden sin or is there something else God wants us to see? That question began my departure from the approved ways of modern ChRxtianity. I canceled all my pending medical tests and follow-up appointments and began chasing God for THE TRUTH!

Six months went by and I was even worse than before but I reasoned that I was getting worse under the care of almost a dozen doctors so why not just continue to wait on God? And so I did. One day I prayed what I deemed my “Final Prayer”. If He didn’t show up this time, I wasn’t going to ask again but would assume that I wasn’t supposed to get well and would begin preparing myself and others for the idea. People do die from disease after all. Maybe I was going to be one of them. I began the prayer and ended up having a supernatural experience in my living room, on my knees beside the couch, detailed in the Getting Well God’s Way book. THIS MOMENT was the kickoff to what has been over 30+ years of God training me, and writing the story He wants us to hear. That’s likely why four grown men admitted to dropping to their knees in tears when they read the “powerful” introduction; a few women too. One reader adamantly calls it “THE LORD’S BOOK penned by you” because she sees it. One woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book if you’re ready. She made a video of her story you can see here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2018/10/26/reader-shares-her-miraculous-healing-spiritual-experience-of-reading-the-book/

As it turned out it was the mercury dental material in my mouth that was slowly killing my thyroid and making me MORE antenna-like, therefore more vulnerable to the effects of the electric substation 250 yards from our home. Recent events in my story lead me to suspect that’s why the couple who lived about 100 yards from it had a stillborn baby and why the previous wife had fertility issues and then I developed them and then the renter who came in next also developed female problems. This “Profits Matter More Than People” CULTure where corporations are in bed with government oversight agencies should’ve been revealed by your pastor/shepherds so you could avoid the traps and pitfalls. So many toxic substances are now in our food, air, water that you HAVE TO have knowledge to steer around it. Producers have held us in debate mode, schmoozing politicians, while hiding evidence of harm for far longer than you can imagine and some pretty devastating things have been moved into the market that shouldn’t be here. THIS is why you can’t simply go forward for a magic prayer, get healed, and return to your toxic life. WE NEED KNOWLEDGE NOW to get well and stay well.

The typical modern ChRxtian approach is wholly inadequate now to meet the health needs of congregants. After God drug me through three decades of learning I can see that today’s pastor/shepherds, and even the ordained medical world, are completely incapable of guiding their congregants to health. They need to understand who this medical world serves now and teach their congregants how to get well and stay well so they can stay out of this sick loop. I had developed a full blown autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto’s, which just makes you SICK. Many systems of the body were being affected. Immunity, fertility and female issues, digestive issues…It wasn’t “hidden sin” or “lack of faith”. I had to do my own research and reading, then fight the doctors training and show them books written by other doctors to get the help I needed. They were giving me a T4 medicine which is raw thyroid which has to be converted to T3 to become an active hormone. My low body temperature alone meant that conversion wasn’t possible but they had yet to learn this. Thirty years later, you STILL have to go to an Alternative Medicine or Functional Medicine doctor to get this kind of detailed approach to thyroid wellness. Traditional doctors are still passing out T4 meds but as they say “If you aren’t part of the solution. There’s a lot of money to be made prolonging the problem”. You can learn more about Functional Medicine and Find a Practitioner at this link. As with anything else, be prayerful in your search for a provider. Who you meet and who meets you can be important on your life journey: https://www.ifm.org/

We moved away from that substation to a large ranch as caretakers for 5 years and it wasn’t until 2005 that I’d have those mercury fillings addressed by a properly trained dentist. I just didn’t get how important that was FOR ME, until I had it done. You can learn more about this and search for a dentist at the following link. DO NOT USE JUST ANY DENTIST FOR THIS PROCEDURE: https://iaomt.org/

And again, be prayerful!

I was being poisoned by mercury, an abnormal dose of electric and magnetic fields, a “modeled by the church folks” diet prolific with chemicals, and again mainstream medicine was found deficient in the knowledge I needed and quite “chest bumpy” about perfectly logical questions I’d ask. Like, “How did I become infertile?” while pointing to the 9-month old standing between my feet. That should’ve triggered a question in their minds about what changes had taken place in my life in the previous 18 months but it didn’t. They seem void of simple curiosity and wear their ego on their sleeves. They’re frankly not equipped to get people well in this modern age. I later learned that some people have a genetic mutation or genetic marker that makes them more vulnerable to toxins. Our bodies like to hold on to them, especially metals. As previously written, most of this knowledge had to be found amongst “Alternative Medicine” practitioners as mainstream doctors are clearly not much more than a pill dispensary now and I think a computer could do a better job. Insurance only pays for things the doctors they want you to see offer. I learned that if I wanted to get well I’d have to pay cash and go see the doctors that were out of the box.

The doctors were irritated because they didn’t know the answers but were too proud to say so I suspect. As a practitioner, I came to see that it’s very important to examine a person’s diet, lifestyle, relationships, and the health of their environment, electrical and otherwise, to determine the cause of disease so it can be arrested and healing can begin. We live in a self-healing organism but you have to cooperate with it’s needs. For instance, we have these new-fangled electric meters in use here that are making people sick and killing people and the doctors have no clue until they hear from someone like me. You can’t see the current, taste it, or smell it but you can measure it on a safety meter. And just like carbon monoxide, it accumulates in your body and it can kill you. Never have we had this much electromagnetic radiation pointed at us from so many sources in a chronic exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NEVER has this been done. People asking for prayer likely NEED measurements taken with safety meters and filters placed on the lines. And even if they were to experience a miraculous healing, then they’d return to their toxic electrical environment ignorant of why that’s an issue. Jesus often said after many healings He performed, “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” He was clearly a fan of finding causation, and fixing the root cause.

I have more to teach you but you aren’t ready.” These words of Jesus before He left Earth should be a clue that we have more to learn and we should therefore be teachable, be listening, and perhaps even expect the information to be unfamiliar, weird, and even contrary to our preferences and that’s where the subject of yoga comes in.

I’ve seen over several decades now that the pastors weren’t going to go do what I did to find out why their congregants were sickly. They weren’t going to FAST, PRAY, and CHASE GOD DOWN. They were clearly running a religious business that fit into The Media Machine, The Pill Pushers, the Insurance Game and were only interested in health concerns of congregants because they “should”. They recite a sincere prayer and hope for the best and that’s all they have to offer. Seems to me the priests of the Old Testament were in charge of the spiritual and physical health of the people and spent their life in training. Most pastors today run through a seminary school sponsored by who knows who, and ta-dah suddenly they’re supposed to know everything about health and healing or have magic in their limited prayers? I was foolish to sit under this way for as long as I did. Ultimately, this way, has led their flock directly INTO the world’s system because they had no KNOWLEDGE to help them. Had I not been a person who doesn’t REQUIRE the approval of others I wouldn’t have made it past this social system that scorned me for even questioning “their way” much less finding answers that didn’t fit their “approved” ideas. We have to understand that warm, fuzzy, feel good “religion” can bring our defenses down so our KNOWLEDGE needs to increase so we aren’t walking around in blind hope and ignorance.

I think it’s important for you to see some basic statistics that will help you see what God sees. “The US makes up 5% of the global population but consumes 70% of the global Rx drug supply; 80% of the opiates. The US also claims to be a “Christian nation”, 73 to 88% (2014 stats). Can you see the subset there? That’s a lot of Christians taking drugs, thus my new spelling as ChRxtian! Sadly, this new version of “church” brought in Coke machines, junk food, and salivated to have Rx-writing doctors attend so they could put them on the board. They rejected biblical knowledge, simple wisdom, messengers sent to warn, and promoted ONLY this pharmaceutical approach to wellness. GOD SEES THIS and isn’t happy and yet the message I receive loud and clear from ChRxtianity is that they’re more comfortable with me taking an opiate than going to a certain form of exercise where no gods are even mentioned or imaged or anything else. THIS is a huge reason this CULTure is under medical tyranny, threatening your job if you don’t take a shot made by their buddy they gave legal immunity to. This pharma industry didn’t usurp their power, it was given to them by the ChRxtian consumers. I think Christianity needs to take an internal review of what they’ve become. I suspect this puts them in line for harsh judgment according to the last entry in the bullet list below.

The list below is from Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes which lists the attributes of a “false religion” as the following:

  • it ensnares it adherents,
  • offers no help in time of need,
  • prevents people from finding the truth,
  • it devalues, degrades and defies,
  • leads to immorality,
  • enslaves,
  • receives the full force of God’s anger.

With ease, I can argue the first three are met from my experience in the modern churches. I was sent to the dead end of modern Rx medicine, and when that way failed, I got accused of being the problem and offered no other help.

There’s a subtle but effective way of encouraging people to stay inside a particular set of ideas and an unspoken threat towards anyone who doesn’t recite the approved ideas. I was made to feel tolerated for not going along with “their way”. Had I been a person who REQUIRES the approval of others this absolutely could’ve prevented me from finding the truth and I’m certain it has for people with lesser backbone.

When the church folks socially dismissed me for taking a different path they absolutely devalued me, degraded the importance of the journey GOD was taking me down, and defied His authority, the truth of His word, as well as logic, wisdom and understanding, which He’s a big fan of, and blew off one of His SENT messengers.

This way has resulted in many professing Christians being put on Rx drugs they may never get off of, may be harmed by, and which have NOT been studied the way they’re dispensed = ENSNARED, when God’s Ways promise healing and blessing and health!

How does it lead to immorality? Well it directs the congregants to put more faith in the human medical system and because Christians are such a large demographic it has built this industry into a system that now has enough clout to FORCE injected substances into people and their children under threat of unemployment or not getting needed therapy or surgery.  This is being done by a group who’s been given complete legal immunity from any harm from these injections and the government NEVER DID THE SAFETY STUDIES over a 30-year period that were the condition of this legal immunity for childhood vaccines.  Every single manufacturer has plead guilty to fraud! This includes submitting fake data to the FDA, tampering with test samples, bribing doctors, deception and more yet they’re still in business.  One of them, Glaxo-Smith-Kline actually held a study in Argentina, a very poor country, where they falsified parental authorizations and fourteen babies died.  Instead of fourteen counts of murder they were fined $100,000. THIS IS WHO YOU’RE SUPPORTING INSTEAD OF TRUE HEALING PRACTITIONERS!

It was fall of 1993 when God revealed that He wanted me to attend massage therapy school through yet another profound spiritual display that left nothing to question. My little Christian self stuck out like a sore thumb in that class but some wonderful encounters took place in that intimate training. That educational exposure in massage school laid a foundation in knowledge of the human body, its systems, and function, and methods of healing that I’d never known of. All kinds of therapeutic methods that actually ignite healing in the body that have been around for a very long time but you don’t see them on television because television has become nothing more than a marketing and brainwashing tool for mainstream floaters. Floaters being people who don’t think, ponder, or question, they just go with the flow to their own peril even. The Machine works “ideas” into the story line of comedies and serious movies to direct the consumers to the avenues they want them to go. It’s not common to see ads for alternative medicine doctors or see ideas of people being healed by non-pharma methods worked into story lines of movies because all the players in THE MACHINE are playing toward the same goal.

Sixty days after I finished massage school, I fell 12 feet from an unrailed bridge into a shallow river below while cycling with a friend. I suffered a compound fracture dislocation of my spine at T12/L1. My x-rays showed me to be a paraplegic. Like most things on this “God walk” this event was preceded by a premonition and visitation nine months earlier that was written in a journal. This too is detailed in the Getting Well God’s Way book. This too was a common trait of walking with God. He didn’t just expect me to trust that it was Him choreographing these events, HE WANTED ME TO KNOW IT AS FACT!

There was such immense suffering during this part of my journey that His grace, though deeply appreciated, still wasn’t enough to calm me. I honestly didn’t know the human body could hurt so bad for so long and you aren’t allowed to die. JUST HURT EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY, EVEN WHEN SLEEPING! Eventually we moved to Austin, TX, a very health-minded city. I was surrounded by alternative health practitioners and saw many of them, and again learned more about the human body that couldn’t be learned any other way. I didn’t do a lot of “sampling” of ideas. When you’re on a “Spirit Led” journey you don’t get to drive. You sit in the proverbial back seat and wait to be taken to the next step. At least that’s the way I did it. I say this because I want you to know that although I was DESPERATE to get out of pain, I was even more DESPERATE to stay in the story that was being written through my life by God, as I had agreed. IT WAS HARD! IT SEEMED UNJUST, UNKIND OF GOD, and yet I KNEW…I KNEW HE WAS WRITING A STORY and changing me in the process. IT WAS BRUTAL but the idea that God was directing this couldn’t be denied. Therefore, I didn’t have much say in the timing of when He revealed the next piece but I knew it was being measured out for some reason. All I could do was trust and wait.

In the book, I go into the details of what I did to reverse the Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, the Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, the debilitating fibromyalgia episodes that feels like all of your soft tissue is inflamed all over the body at the same time. It’s a sort of manual on getting well but it lacks the specific emphasis to a person in the torrents of pain. I don’t think I can avoid creating a course, book, or something on all the steps that were taken to not live plagued by pain for much longer. It’s a matter of fitting it in. This opiate epidemic that was killing 128 people a day is a key indicator that the market is crying for a method to address pain. After I came out the other side of this “Spirit Led” experience I realized that the combination of things it took to get me well doesn’t even exist in the medical world. Only God could walk someone out of that complex issue. Medical school doesn’t have this knowledge because they’re trying to sell pills and have little idea how to heal the body. If you go ask The Creator, BE TEACHABLE, and seek guidance, it will be provided. Jesus said before leaving Earth “but because I go the Spirit of Truth will come and teach you all things”. I believed that to be true and still do.

Again, I can only guess why God did what He did in the order He did it in. I don’t know how He does a lot of the little miracles He’s able to arrange but this “waiting on Him” has always seemed like a good way to participate or stay out of His way, not running ahead of Him trying to solve your own problem.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles…”

I had gone to a physical therapy rehab center for six weeks and recognized how much the stretching helped my body avoid or deal with pain. I didn’t have insurance but was gifted a scholarship immediately after the injury. After I left there we didn’t have the money to continue with a physical therapist. I was getting massage and trading with other practitioners to pay for the body work. I had tried Pilates, lots of gym time, 1+ mile walks, when money got better I was able to afford sessions with an advanced myofascial release practitioner. At $125 a week this wasn’t a sustainable option. Losing the quad muscles and having a knee cap drop meant that my left glute was very weak and the entire left side of my body began to slide. Losing it’s lateral support this meant my neck, shoulder, arm…everything began to hurt and this wasn’t going to be an easy fix. How do you put a shelf support IN the body?

Early in my return to church as a young bride and mom, a young man stood up across the room and “repented” for going to a yoga class. I thought that was odd but I’d never been to a yoga class before so I shrugged it off and went on with my life. Knowing that A LOT of what they do in Physical Therapy is stretching you in a safe way I began to contemplate affordable options, but there aren’t really any “stretching studios” and because Christianity apparently disapproves of going to yoga, I suffered. I suffered, and I suffered, and I suffered UNTIL one day I hurt so bad that I no longer cared what ChRxtianity approved or didn’t approve of. After all, in my view, they had brought Coke machines and junk food to the churches and only acknowledged a Rx-writing doctor so why was I letting this same group have a say in this?

I was at the end of my rope, so I went to a yoga studio, and yes I asked God BEFORE I did. All I felt was a stillness. It wasn’t a warning or a “no ma’am” as much as it seemed like He wanted me to find my big girl panties and go in and inquire as if wanting to see what I would do. He does seem to be a fan of bravery. I walked in and saw these women glowing. As I signed in and paid my $15 I told them “I’m under so much stress and in so much pain that if I don’t find a way to deal with it, I don’t think I’m going to finish the race…And I don’t see this ending for another year.” They smiled knowingly, and said “Welcome to yoga” as if they had a secret.

I was in so much emotional and physical pain at this time that I was literally vibrating every waking minute. The relentless pain, sleep deprivation, and the combined soul sadness of watching my 25 year marriage die, knowing I couldn’t save it and that the collateral damage would be severe was more than I could bear. I cried every class for two years because it shoved energy through my walled-off broken heart, but you know what, I got emotionally stronger by learning to look at myself in the mirrored wall in “Warrior” pose, and I GOT WELL. It broke up scar tissue that had crippled me in pain for 11 years and it kept me from having a complete breakdown emotionally, and gave me tools to prevent a life of pain. As a massage therapist, this method made perfect anatomical sense. I had learned a method to address the myofascial system on my own and had some remarkable healing experiences doing so. This system is one major place where trauma is stored and this body, mind, and spirit had been through some major trauma in many forms.

Cranio-Sacral work was another method that unleashed profound healing mechanisms in the body. I took a Level 1, 4-day training on this one system. It took 2 days for me to learn to feel it. Once you feel it, WOW! Then you can learn how to help it achieve optimum function and break up blockages in a system that the Rx pill world doesn’t even understand or acknowledge so the likelihood they’ll refer you to a practitioner is slim to none. They don’t teach this stuff in Rx-writing medical school. Sadly, they’re being trained to sell pills, which blinds them to so many other options. The Media Machine sells you on ideas and then off you go not realizing they have a financial interest invested in where you go. They’re being paid to send you the way they’re sending you! The pill pushers buy ads on television and you sit there watching it and assume that’s all that’s available. It’s not! There’s an entire alternative world of healing out there but you have to go looking for it because those practitioners and providers aren’t big fans of the marketing machine. In fact, it’s a system that uses it’s power to abuse and threaten them. You’ll also need to pay for it because most of them don’t play the insurance game either. You know, the one where the practitioner is paid half their rate and has to chase that down for six months to get paid? Yeah, they don’t much care for that game either. As a practitioner, I can tell you that the less people have personally invested in their recovery the less they show up for themselves. Our system has turned everyone into some form of zombie waiting on someone to come save them so they don’t have to think or act because they’ve been trained to expect some preacher to pray a magic formula prayer or a doctor to give them a magic pill. Maybe it is that flicker rate of the television putting you in alpha brain state…more passive, while you watch their “programming”. Fortunately, I’ve learned by now that I AM MY BEST ADVOCATE and that includes my heavy preference to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me to where I need to go to get the answers I need. Humans have not performed well in that category of my life and this includes pastors, doctors, and well-meaning Christians.

FIRST, all yoga isn’t the same! It has branched out into more of a medical and therapeutic emphasis under many titles, BECAUSE it does what other methods can’t do. Below is a perfect example of this in pictures and story if you choose to click the link above the picture. ChRxtian ideas today claim that “Christians shouldn’t do yoga” because they are unknowingly bowing to Hindu gods. I asked God about this and He replied, “Only if that is your intention. You have to submit yourself to it as an intended spiritual practice and focus on Hindu or Buddhist gods. Likewise if your life of devotion is that of a Christian then that is your focus”. I got to thinking about the Christian saying “Going to church won’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car”. Okay, then why doesn’t this ideology apply to yoga? Going to church won’t make me a good Christian but somehow going to a yoga class makes me accidentally become a Hindu? Clearly there is more to it since I’ve been doing yoga since May of 2010 and haven’t become a Hindu, desired to study Hinduism, become confused about my faith in Yeshua/Jesus Christ, and to my knowledge I’m not full of demons so…none of the fear-based ideas have actually proven out. Had I continued to heed this admonishment I could’ve missed my healing and ended up like the woman in this picture on the left. I’m sorry but in my view, ChRxtians shouldn’t be “practicing medicine” and should leave this and other similar issues to the individual and the Holy Spirit. This is certainly true when they aren’t the picture of health individually or corporately. I think the Bible refers to it as “deal with the log in your own eye before attempting to fix your neighbor”. Clean up your own life and that should keep you plenty busy.

ve been too wrong on my journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIbR7odQklk

Here’s a few teachers on YouTube that I enjoy on my new hardwired television with it’s blue light blocking screen filter. I encourage you to go watch any of them and you’ll see that there is NO, ZERO, NONE, evidence of any gods being worshipped, mentioned, or bowed to, just exercise. Dear Fellow Christians, 3 minutes into this video a Lieutenant Colonel in SAS Australia talks about our “3rd eye”, the pineal gland, the effect of flouride on this gland and acknwledges that the 3rd eye/pineal gland is the seat of communication with GOD. Says it doesn’t matter if you agree or not, the dark side, doing all this EVIL knows it and they’re using it against you….flouride and fear and uncertainty…. FILTER YOUR WATER and do meditation, take supplements to help detox… IGNORANCE WILL KILL YOU IN THIS DAY AND AGE. I’ll be accepting apologies all year! 🙂 Seriously, though, stop yelling at people over things you know little to nothinG about just because you pastor or the christian club says it’s so. They’ve been wrong about A LOT beyond John 3: 16. A LOT!

If you go to YouTube.com and type in “Yin Yoga” in the search window you’ll find a lot of teachers offering free video lessons and you can/should subscribe to their channels for very cheap should you choose to commit and support them for their work. Here’s a few of my favorites:

Yin Yoga with Travis Eliot: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yin+yoga+travis+eliot,

Yin Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene

I’m going to park this image here because I’m eyebrow deep in building a new website, community platform, and launching the podcast. This story comes up in my facebook memories and when it showed up today I wanted to keep it so:

You can’t truly grasp the vastness of the education God took me through without reading the Getting Well God’s Way book. And it didn’t end at publishing, which necessitated 2 major updates, and the birth of a blog and website on where humanity is in the technology launch. I touched the screen of a cell phone and my life changed radically….again, because I asked God to use my life to tell us a story. Apparently all of our overlords have been bought off and the pastors/shepherds are ankle deep at best, while steeped in good intentions. Turns out those cell phones emit pulsed microwave radiation which accumulates in our body causing disease and death. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/other-endeavors-noatt-blog/

You can order a signed copy of the Getting Well God’s Way book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:  https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_2?crid=UQ1R14NK9W48&dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+god%27s+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1615081271&sprefix=getting+well%2Caps%2C562&sr=8-2

It’s also available through Barnes & Noble and other online book sellers. Just Google the title.

God’s Part in Your Health Recovery and YOUR PART!

The screenshot below is a memory that came up for me recently on Facebook so I thought I’d share the update to the story and a lesson or warning as it may be better described.

First, I lived through a very challenging health journey and when human ideas didn’t have the answers, religious and medical, I canceled all medical appointments and tests and chased God down for some guidance. I was able to reverse my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, 11 years of crippling sciatica after a broken back a further secondary injury. Pain became a constant in my life. At a certain point in the journey God told me He wanted me to write a book…In fact, HE INSISTED that I write a book. It took 21 years to finish and cost me almost everything to do so. As you might imagine ol’ slue foot came after everything I loved in an effort to stop me but I couldn’t. I knew it was important and when grown men began telling me that the introduction dropped them to their knees in tears, I knew I’d made the right decision. You’d be amazed at how much we do to sabotage our health just because these ways are part of our culture. I don’t know about you but I’m not willing to die just to eat or drink something I enjoy. It’s important to know how things affect your specific body. Others may do things that you shouldn’t do. Remember a single peanut can kill some people. Other things appear to not be unhealthy and you’ll even find articles saying they’re healthy, that doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to do anything you want. You have to learn what YOUR BODY needs from you and DO IT, NO EXCEPTIONS! “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

You can order a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:


Why I Reject Organized Religion!

The shepherds of my people have lost their senses.

My answer to yet another inquiry about why I don’t go to church and the routine comment that the “Bible says we aren’t to forsake the assembly…” Here’s the answer I gave:

First, I can hear a message by opening my own Bible or any one of the books we’re actively reading in this home that are actually about prophecy and revelations regarding the end times but much more is examined because we’re intrigued and want to know.

Next is the reality that I’m very much having a “John the Baptist” kind of journey where GOD’s asked me to yell at the slackers that it’s time to “make straight the way of the Lord” because “He’s coming soon.”  If you notice GOD kept John out in the wilderness away from the people.  He once revealed that His purpose in doing this was to keep him from becoming corrupted so it’s kind of funny to think about the religious zealots going up to John the Baptist and telling him that he’s supposed to be in church.  Ha.  I’m pretty sure that would be a rowdy service if he did.  Once God opened my eyes it became unbelievably hard for me to attend.

Bottom line, it’s the entire PROGRAM that churches present that I find offensive. The Coke machines, the junk food served, and the prayers prayed that assume, presume and even direct their congregants to mainstream doctors as an “ordained” way of living.  They know NOTHING about what their own Bible teaches about health and healing so they pray prayers for the wrong things for the wrong reasons as if GOD has to bring health the way we want, on our terms.  Again, this is NOT what the Bible teaches at all but makes GOD a puppet of sorts.  An example is their typical prayer for the doctor to “have wisdom and knowledge in their treatment…” but not recognizing these doctors aren’t trained in methods of “wisdom and knowledge”.  They use powerful chemicals that are chemically-based, profit-driven, with a track record of corruption, injury and death.  Why in the world would a shepherd direct their flock to this?  Because he doesn’t know any better and yes there’s a time and place for doctors.  They do very well at trauma and can give you a second chance but if you return to the way you were living in the first place there’s no wisdom in that.  “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you” was spoken several times by Jesus to those He healed.  Nope, we go right back to it…ignorant because nobody tells us any different. “As a dog returns to his vomit so does a fool return to his folly.”  Proverbs 26: 11

For the record, mainstream doctors do not take courses in nutrition and know nothing about natural methods such as herbal therapy used for thousands of years or other nature-based ideas.  The pastors don’t know how to keep their flock healthy so they aren’t teaching their congregants how to get well and stay well to avoid said pill-pushing doctors in the first place.  The other side of that story is that the two pastors I’ve heard of who knew and tried to teach their congregants a better way were rejected by the congregation and they risked losing their church/job so they backed off and continued with the pacifier-cleaning operation. The congregation rejected the “meat” being offered, preferring to stay on the milk, to use a Biblical picture.

A good story to illustrate how knowing some basics about health can save your life is drawn from my recent experience in October of 2016.  I touched the screen of my new cell phone and a pain shot up my arm and settled in for two hours before even beginning to let up.  It felt like a blood pressure cuff was on too tight.  Over the next few days and weeks that pain settled into my underarm and headed into my breast.  The pain then began to travel from the outside to the bottom and gaining in intensity and now the burning had begun as it headed up to the center.  Though I had changed my diet and lifestyle to one of Biblical living I was still living like the television and churches model by having a cell phone, Wi-Fi, a wireless alarm system and a toxic electric meter bringing sick currents into the home wiring. We had 23 cell towers and 112 antennas in a 4-mile radius of our home and while that may be shocking it’s way under the new norm of 400+ towers in a 4-mile radius and 300+ antennas. One beast tower was .25 miles from our home, IN our subdivision and needed nobody’s consent to do so because our government has failed at their jobs too.  Remember we live in a fallen world so it’s not wise to play with it or rely on it.  It was through this event that I learned that all this stuff is deadly and created a blog to help others see what I see now.  I’ll post the link for that blog at the end of this.

Had I not been the person that I am who took the journey that is the subject of the Getting Well God’s Way book I would not have known what to do and would’ve run to the doctor just like everyone else does.  So tell me. what you think they would’ve done? I would’ve been presenting myself in a building full of cell phones, microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, Wi-Fi, and cleaning chemicals and subjected to stressful information and maybe the removal of the breast and chemo and radiation.  Obviously, my body had it’s electrical system assaulted so none of these accepted and ordained therapies would’ve been appropriate and likely would’ve killed me.  I walked into my bedroom and looked out the windows at the sky and said “Father, I don’t have a clue what to do here.  This doesn’t look good.”  I was immediately reminded of a man who arrested his stage 4 prostate cancer that had spread to his bones and lungs I think it was.  I put his story in the Getting Well God’s Way book because the theory made sense to me.

     “Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.” https://sites.google.com/site/ganodermareview/the-root-cause-of-cancer

If you take a small dose of baking soda and molasses or maple syrup, the sugar will attract the cancer because sugar FEEDS cancer.  When the cancer cells come to eat the sugar they meet the baking soda which is like cyanide to a cancer cell.  It increases the oxygen and the baking soda is also an electron donor so it satisfies free radicals which cause inflammation and disease.  Free radicals are simply a group of molecules missing an electron.  You can also provide electron’s by being barefooted on the Earth (best done in unblended, natural fibers as described in Leviticus 19: 19).  Again, more on this in the book but clearly doctors can’t make money by recommending baking soda and molasses.  Chemo is actually a product the doctor can buy at wholesale and sell at retail so it’s a money-maker.

Of interest, when I went to get the link below here for Vern’s story, there’s a comment below the screen that reads, “BAKING SODA Kills CANCER, 2 of 2 Matches NC Dr 30 years ago. Cured his CANCER 5 days YT=VitoVerns CH” and sure enough that’s exactly what happened with me…on the 5th day everything went calm.  I then began reading Dr. Sircus’ book on Sodium Bicarbonate (aka baking soda) and taking baths in it with citric acid (all in the Getting Well God’s Way book) and have used it A LOT on my path to deal with this new challenge of being injured by technology.  Sadly, they buried my favorite uncle the same day my breast went calm.  He took the chemo route and wouldn’t listen to me. Can you see that there are things that an enlightened pastor and church can do and should be doing instead of routinely running to the doctor and taking whatever they offer?

This way is modeling a gospel that says you can be ignorant and uninformed BY CHOICE and that you needn’t be bothered with GOD’s standards of health and holiness. Further, it teaches that when the consequences show up you go to a doctor who also knows nothing about what the Bible teaches about health and healing who ONLY offers chemical-based therapies that can and do harm and are doing so at a historic level.  I’ve got about five scriptures flying through my head that say this is NOT GOD’s way and also imply and some state quite emphatically that this is a sign that you’re in allegiance with the world system.  “Be not conformed to this world but be ye therefore transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Romans 12: 2  Let’s see “You have become like unfaithful wives having an illicit affair with the world.”  James 4: 4   “Do not abuse the body as is common among those who know nothing of God.”  in 1 Thessalonians 4: 5   “Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and was bought with a price so glorify GOD in your mortal body.”  Many, many more verses indicate clearly that our health and quality of life is a witness to an unbelieving world.  We aren’t supposed to be sickly, uninformed and undisciplined in our living!  (These verses and references are written from memory so I may have missed a word but surely you can see that this way is not okay with GOD.)

On this blog I wrote only one article thus far, which is a much more detailed version of this post if you care to read it (March 2017) and it shares a list of characteristics of a false religion derived from Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes and it lists the following attributes of a false religion:

  • it ensnares it adherents,
  • offers no help in time of need,
  • prevents people from finding the truth,
  • it devalues, degrades and defies,
  • leads to immorality,
  • enslaves,
  • receives the full force of God’s anger.

The modern church system now meets these criteria! The March 2017 blog post describes how that played out in my story. I was absolutely “ensnared” by their teachings and model and was now in trouble. They had no truth to offer me beyond their typical ways. NOTHING. And when I rejected their method after 18 months and a dozen doctors and canceled all my medical appointments and chased GOD down for answers I received soft rebuke and accusations that I must not have enough faith or had hidden sin, or their prayers would’ve worked. They were in complete denial about all the other sick people in their church who weren’t getting well either. Nope it had to be something wrong with me.

“The health of the flock is a reflection of the shepherd’s faithfulness.”

Read that again!  It’s a statement by Henry Blackaby, co-author of Experiencing God. Something to think about next time you’re listening to the prayer requests at church.  If you ever read the book GOD INSISTED that I write, your chin will likely be on the ground as you see how far we’ve strayed.  It’s dropped one grown man to his knees in tears and three more have cried after reading it.  They saw what GOD was showing them…they actually FELT IT.  Bottom line, GOD is not happy with what’s going on in His name.

Had I not had my nature and personality and if I had needed peer approval I absolutely would’ve been prevented from finding the truth. I had to machete through the social walls to get above the noise.  Fortunately many humans had failed me at that point in my life and I’d learned to dismiss much of their flawed reasoning.  I eventually had to leave this organized church system so I could hear GOD direct me and not put up with their judgmental and uninformed ways.  I knew they were off track because it didn’t feel right to go from human to human hoping they had my answers.  This was confirmed when I read Psalms 33: 22, “May your loving kindness and mercy O Lord be available to me in proportion to my waiting and hoping for you.”  Nope I was being taught to wait in the doctor’s office and hope he had my answers.  Well if God’s mercy is in proportion then I was waiting in the wrong office, placing my hope in the wrong vessel and likely offending GOD.

As it turns out it was the prepared/processed foods, Rx and over the counter drugs and the mercury fillings in my teeth. There was no hidden sin and no lack of faith. When they dismissed me for taking a different path they absolutely devalued me, degraded the importance of the journey GOD was taking me down and defied His authority, the truth of His word as well as logic, wisdom and understanding.

How does it lead to immorality? Well it directs the congregants to put more faith in the human medical system and thereby building it into a system that now has enough clout to FORCE injected substances into people and their children against their will.  This is being done by a group who’s been given complete legal immunity from any harm from these injections and the government NEVER DID THE SAFETY STUDIES over a 30-year period that were the condition of this legal immunity.  Every single manufacturer has plead guilty to fraud, submitting fake data to the FDA, tampering with test samples, bribing doctors, deception and more yet they’re still in business.  One of them actually held a study in a very poor country where they falsified parental authorizations and fourteen babies died.  Instead of fourteen counts of murder they were fined $100,000.

This “ordained by the churches” industry/system created an opiate epidemic that was recently killing 128 people a day and has wrecked many lives and broken many families.  Of interest is that I broke my back in 1994 and had another fall 18 months later.  I spent a year in a torso brace and a knee brace but quickly got off of all pain meds because I understood that they will not heal me.  Again, I grabbed on to GOD and He taught me how to heal my body.  I was in crippling pain for 11 years but today you can barely detect a limp unless I’m going upstairs.  My x-rays showed me to be a paraplegic but GOD had different plans. When I came out of my ordeal the opiate epidemic was on the rise.  GOD has ways we know not of but He will reveal them if we move closer to Him.  The churches need to learn these ways and stop this unholy reliance upon a system steeped in criminality.  Yes, they do SOME good things but once your eyes are opened and you’re informed you also see the evil agendas being moved forward through this system that is statistically almost wholly sustained by professing Christians!

Ephesians 5: 11 says “Have nothing to do with evil but rather expose it.” 

Our consumer support thereby empowers evil which is being seen clearly in a tyrannical medical system that has now infected our politics, our children’s minds, our schools, our news media, our entertainment, our sciences….AND OUR CHURCHES!  This evil goes on and is progressing in it’s deployment because of mainstream Christianity’s support of this system.  It teaches the flock to trust more in the human medical system  than in the GOD they profess to love, to take the Rx drugs that kill and cause disease, and don’t bother with the root issues such as diet, lifestyle, relationships and a healthy electrical environment.  “Be sober, be vigilant…”  and “Wise as a snake, harmless as a dove” comes to mind.  Nope….ignorant, uninformed, undisciplined, comfort-driven is where the flock is now and I just can’t be part of that.  It’s terribly painful to watch.

It enslaves because it gets the adherents addicted to this way of thinking and living and then they can’t break out and TRUST GOD when they need to. When a doctor says “cancer” they completely fall apart and do whatever he tells them and most of them die from doing so.  They don’t have the courage, nature or personality to stare down the organized church; their social group.  There’s a scripture in Philippians that speaks of the people whose GOD is their belly and who glory in their shame, it’s about them letting their appetite dictate their lifestyle and how this way of living…well, the adherents are referred to as “enemies of the cross of Christ.”

This ENTIRE picture cumulatively is presenting a new gospel in that it says “Eat what you want. Don’t be informed. Don’t bother with self-discipline…just do whatever you want and when the consequences show up we’ll pray a prayer and GOD will make all the consequences go away because He loves you and if He doesn’t then there must be something wrong with you….not us.” Congregants are victimized by their lack of knowledge AND NOW….THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY PREFER TO BE IGNORANT and get offended if anyone suggests another way.

It also models a life that says we don’t need to be set apart from the world and that our body is not the temple of the Holy Spirit….it’s an amusement park…have fun. And then there’s this verse which makes it very clear that I am NOT to have anything to do with a false religion calling itself a church in 2 John 1: 10 below.

Now that the churches have added cell towers and Wi-Fi to their list of amenities, microwaving their congregants just like the world system led them to do, I certainly won’t be going.  We have strayed very far from GOD and His Ways.  Did you know that your cell phone is a microwave radio?  That Wi-Fi is 245 BILLION cycles per second of microwave radiation being pumped throughout your home and office and your kids schools? What kind of electric meter do you have on your home and what do you know about it?  Uh huh….better stay close to the true GOD and not allow some pastor with a nice smile and a feel-good message to lower GOD’s standards.  When/if you find you don’t have enough “oil” in your lamp and the Bridegroom has closed the door, where will that pastor be then?

The biggest single issue that happens in churches is the reality of a “pack mentality.”  If GOD sends in a messenger with a disruptive-to-their-traditions or a merely unpopular message from GOD, THE GROUP MENTALITY will most often reject it…because they feel they have the collective power, and they’re right.  It doesn’t mean they should reject it, especially if they truly seek to have the “heart and mind of Christ”, but it’s more likely than not because the churches have become comfort-driven, social clubs negotiating compromises with GOD’s standards.  There’s a “we’re doing good enough” standard so they truly aren’t open to new revelations especially if they will require something more of them.  Well, I can assure you from personal experience that the closer you get to GOD the more invasive His holiness becomes on our mediocre lives.  So, are you going to just stay at arm’s length from Him?  Remember Revelation 3: 16 that warns about being lukewarm in your walk…it says He will vomit us out of His mouth.  I’d say it’s better to err on the side of zeal and taking responsibility for your health, a clear part of your testimony, should be a priority in that effort.

You can read more about how I was harmed by modern technology and what I learned about all this on my NoATT.blog site by clicking on the link below: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/

_ If someone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don't invite him into your house or encourage him in any way. Anyone who encourages him becomes a partner in his evil work._

Here’s the link to Vern’s prostate+ cancer story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grtrm8tk4d4&list=PLEpr4aa9rk9rY9WgLF4t9UqYSPe4SYTLZ

I hope people wake up and repent in time….You simply can’t slap a plastic fish and good intentions on a carnal lifestyle and deem it good enough to be called “Christianity.” We don’t get to set the standards, we are to attain to mature in our walk and invite and allow more and more of GOD to invade our lives.

  “So come on, let’s leave the preschool fingerpainting exercises on Christ and get on with the grand work of art. Grow up in Christ. The basic foundational truths are in place: turning your back on “salvation by self-help” and turning in trust toward God; baptismal instructions; laying on of hands; resurrection of the dead; eternal judgment. God helping us, we’ll stay true to all that. But there’s so much more.  Let’s get on with it!” Hebrews 6: 1-3 The Message

“Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obediencedoing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’

I could go on and on and on and did in the book GOD INSISTED that I write for you.  You’ll be shocked at what you learn.  Scroll through this blog and read the readers comments I posted.  I paid a heavy personal price for walking this out and I guess I still am, now that I think about it, but I owed Him a big debt and He placed an inner fire inside of me.  No matter what was taken or threatened to be taken, if I continued swimming against the flow, I kept writing.  It took 21 years to get it finished.  I hope you’ll read and share it with your friends and family and give serious and prayerful consideration to who and what you’re supporting in word, presence and deed that you not be considered “a partner in their evil work”.  The Truth can be neutralized if you’re supporting the wrong messengers.

Remember, the Holy Spirit will not wrestle with us forever.

You can order a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:  https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_2?crid=UQ1R14NK9W48&dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+god%27s+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1615081271&sprefix=getting+well%2Caps%2C562&sr=8-2

Does The Lived-Out Version of Modern Christianity Now Meet the Scriptural Criteria for a False Religion? Yes, it does!


My perspective here is heavily influenced by my story of becoming very ill shortly after giving birth to my first and only child. I did as the modern church model taught me and went forward for prayer and began seeing doctors. The leadership prayed the standard prayer asking God to “give the doctors wisdom in their diagnosis and treatment… Amen.” In the next 18 months, I saw 11 or 12 doctors who through a process that wreaked of flawed logic, eventually named my numerous diseases.  They had no solutions other than prescription drugs to manage my “inevitable” decline.  “Incurable” was the consensus so I canceled all my medical tests and follow up appointments and began chasing GOD down for answers.

Be aware:  This is my story.  I am not recommending that anyone cancel medical tests or abandon their medical relationships or medication.  I’m simply sharing MY STORY. There are plenty of natural health practitioners who can guide you to lifestyle changes and help you reduce your medication.  I didn’t have many options and wasn’t on any medication so I could make some choices you may not be able to make, unaided.  You might choose to read my 300+ page book titled, Getting Well God’s Way, available on the GettingWellGodsWay.com website and on Amazon.com (links at the bottom of this post) while you look for a reputable natural health practitioner and start learning the basic insights on how to care for your body.

First, I had lots of people pray over me and even watched my husband receive a supernatural healing to 3 cracked vertebrae by an Asian man who came through the local churches for a while. I received no healing.  I didn’t understand why God would heal some and not others but the Christians were happy to suggest that I must have some hidden sin that kept me from God’s favor. (John 9:2) I knew that wasn’t true and continued to seek answers. I decided the doctor to doctor search wasn’t in line with my actual, personal beliefs. By demonstration it indicated that I “trusted in, relied on, and had confidence in” humans and a human system.  (Zondervan’s Amplified Bible expounds on the word “believe” in this way consistently.)

Very few humans had performed well in my life thus far so going from human to human in search of answers wasn’t really in line with my true beliefs, which is very important to getting well.  It wasn’t MY beliefs I was following as much as it was just the way the modern culture and churches had adopted and I followed along because I didn’t know any better.  Over time it became clear that this way was failing and that I needed God’s help. I believed with my whole being that He could help me if I just knew how to get that to happen.  I began to truly consider my authentic beliefs, separated from the model, and realized that I also believed that running from doctor to doctor was likely offensive to God. Sure enough I found lots of scriptures condemning human reliance and promising a curse for those doing so. One verse Psalms 33:22 in the Amplified version really got my attention.  It reads “Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion to our waiting and hoping for You.”  Those words “in proportion” seemed to jump off the page at me and I realized the cultural/church model I’d been following, although surrounded in prayer and good intentions, had me waiting for doctors and hoping they had my answers in a lot greater proportion than the waiting on and hoping in God.  In fact, going from human to human seemed random and self-reliant at best.  I wanted to change the priority of my seeking and START WITH GOD instead of doing what the culture taught and dragging God along with me.  It made sense to stop everything and start over with a different emphasis.  I wanted God to direct my steps which would then seem like my reliance was in the right place and my follow-through would then be an act of obedience. So, I canceled several tests and the follow-up medical appointments and slid down the kitchen wall and cried.  It was a cry of surrender, repentance, relinquishment, and an appeal for God’s help.

Six months passed without any profound revelation but I maintained my stance. Although my health had continued to decline that was true even with a dozen doctors involved so I continued my course.  My faith was now solely invested in God and I was waiting and hoping solely for Him.  If that “in proportion” thing was right then I wanted 100% of my “waiting and hoping” to be invested in God so that He would 100% show up on my behalf.  Sure enough I had a profound encounter with God during a prayer six months after I canceled all my medical appointments.  I received the most amazing hug I’ve ever had in my life and heard a voice say “Everything’s going to be okay but you have to do exactly what I tell you to do.  Do you understand?”  I was then led to a book on my kitchen shelf, which was the first of many books about regaining my health that I’d read in the next few years.  I was then led to clean out my pantry, refrigerator, and medicine cabinet of all man made, chemically-laden products.

I became keenly aware of an Unseen Presence that seemed so close that I could feel It’s breath on my neck and hear guidance about more ways I needed to change my life.  I was inspired to read incessantly and made definitive changes to my lifestyle. I eventually reversed my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease, my Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, my all-seasons battle with allergies, recurrent infections, bursitis, intestinal woes, hormone issues and more.  I heard this Loving Presence gently scold me “…For goodness sake girl care about what you put in your body and what it does to you. Don’t just eat anything you find on the store shelves. This is a fallen world.  They have different standards than I do for you.” I got a horrific, wonderful, life-shaking education while gathering less and less respect for human “institutions” who should’ve known better and done better.

God made the point that there was no reason for Him to heal someone if they didn’t know what was making them sick.  “If they’re healed and return to the same diet, lifestyle, relationships, and environment that produced disease in the first place, they will only become sick again.  Remember ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge.'”  I spent the next few years immersed in reading and learning how many ways we’re making ourselves sick that cannot be prayed away or reversed with a drug. It takes knowledge now to stay healthy; knowledge beyond what a pharmaceutically-trained medical doctor has and even beyond the modern pastors’ ability to pray an effective prayer. They can’t teach what they don’t know so the flock suffers, the culture suffers, and so does the testimony of Christianity.

I had no idea that doctors didn’t take classes in nutrition; that they only study diseases, drugs and surgery.  If your condition is due to something you’re doing to yourself isn’t it a little silly to just pop a pill instead of determining the cause and addressing that? And if the pastor/shepherd has no relevant knowledge how can they even hope to help their flock?  In fact, they have farmed-out the care of their own flock to a system of healing that’s completely void of wisdom and understanding and puts God in a secondary position.

In time, God taught me that my husband John was injured and needed a Divine healing and my circumstances required me to be educated about my condition. In my case, it was the FDA-approved mercury amalgam fillings in my teeth that were creating an autoimmune disease and a rampant decline in my health.  Beyond questioning why this practice is still allowed while we know that mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet, I also learned that some people have genes that keep them from being able to process mercury and other toxins as easily as others.  Remember the Mad Hatter?  Back in the 19th century felts used to make hats were preserved with mercury.  Those working in this occupation along with some who merely wore the hats developed Mad Hatter Syndrome and yet, it’s still used.  I then learned that the proper authorities won’t admit this and strongly discourage any dentists from acknowledging this to avoid liability.  I further learned that our government oversight agencies had become wrought with fraud in the food and drug arena and there are major cover-ups and corruption; this was just one of many human failures.

It wasn’t hidden sin, it wasn’t incurable, and no amount of prescription pills, nor prayers so limited that they only acknowledged the modern pharmaceutical method was going to fix me! I had to have them removed and replaced by a dentist trained in this highly toxic procedure and then I spent over a year doing all kinds of detox methods. Although I’m no longer sick this is a heavy metal that stores in organs and bones so it’s a relevant consideration in my health now and can make me more vulnerable to other problems.

Mainstream medicine and the FDA’s “it’s perfectly safe” turns out wasn’t quite true.  It isn’t much of a surprise that humans would be capable of this.  Jesus told us that we’re being sent in as sheep among wolves, that there’s an enemy here we should be looking for, and how we need to remain set apart seeking God and His ways.  We were warned! What was surprising is that the modern church has fallen fully into compliance with this flawed model and even formed an unholy reliance upon it to the exclusion of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight.

One day my car battery wouldn’t start and my husband poured a soft drink on the battery connectors.  As I watched it eating the corrosion down to shiny metal I heard God ask, “Now tell me again why you’ll pour that over ice and drink it.”  I felt like an idiot. It was these moments that made me realize we’d lost our common sense as the churches now almost all have Coke machines on their campus just like the culture at large.  We have lapsed into a cultural coma where we mindlessly do whatever standard the television and status quo dictates instead of seeking God’s ways. Again, we are doing this in direct conflict to biblical teaching.

A few years into my repentance I would need this same sole reliance on God’s leading after I fell twelve feet from an unrailed bridge into a shallow river and broke my spine.  My x-rays showed I was a paraplegic but God wasn’t surprised by this event.  In fact, there was a visitation by an angelic light nine months earlier which caused a different outcome and was even recorded in a journal. I was further injured 18 months later and again this event was preceded by a word of knowledge shared with my then husband.  I was in horrendous pain for most of 11 years. Again, I grabbed onto God and sought guidance.  As God walked me through the methods and resources to truly heal my body I watched in horror as this pharmaceutically-minded culture turned many pain patients into full blown pharmaceutical junkies, which has now evolved into a historic opiate addiction issue in the culture.  Those “pain clinics” are essentially legal drug dealers, not healers.

Both circumstances of illness and injury meant that I had to completely leave the beaten path to get well and boy are there social penalties for doing so, even in the churches! As I read about soft drinks being used as a solvent to clean blood from highways and how the intense acidity level in these drinks radically shifts the pH of the blood out of a healthy range it was obvious to me that this was a disrespectful way to treat my body which is in fact a gift from God and the temple of the Holy Spirit. I found lots of scriptures telling me that there were innate consequences and that I would reap what I sowed. There was no provision that said, “Unless you know who Jesus is.”  Satan knows who Jesus is “and trembles.”  We don’t even do that!  In fact, it’s so strongly worded in scripture that it seems we have a greater responsibility to live a lifestyle based on wisdom, discipline, knowledge, and understanding because we claim to know Jesus Christ. I saw nothing to substantiate what I saw being done inside of modern Christianity.  As I passed the Coke machines at the churches and saw the junk food passed out at every social it became clear that one of us was wrong.  I understood what God was showing me. What I didn’t understand or expect was the hostile rebellion I’d receive from other Christians. They wanted nothing to do with this message or my conviction that this should be part of our walk of faith, individually and corporately.  I saw no variation in the churches we attended over many years. They all had this same limited approach to health and healing. Healing was always presented as if it was something that would be prescribed by a doctor or prayed in by a pastor as if the benefactor had no responsibility in the matter.

Sadly, not one piece of information I needed to get well came through mainstream medicine and not one thing I needed to do to get well was covered by insurance.  The same is true of the church.  I laugh at this culture now demanding that everyone have affordable access to this medical system that has no answers in 70 to 80% of the cases. They only pay for Rx drugs and surgery and quite apparently aren’t interested in other methods of getting people well, which should give you a clue about a patient’s true value and their intentions.

Likely the best resource I own is a Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes.   It lists ideas and themes by topic and then gives scripture references to back up the point of view presented. After going through the tumultuous experience of getting well outside of cultural norms I have an awareness I cannot tame.  The level of damage being done to the testimony of Christianity is overwhelming to me.  Christianity is a collective!  We may each be having our own experience but as a group we can and should have a profound impact on the culture around us.  When I look at the disease statistics today and listen to the prayer requests at churches it’s clear to me that the world has had a much greater impact on Christianity than Christianity has had on the world!

So, I recently looked up false religion in that dictionary and it lists the following attributes:

  • it ensnares it adherents,
  • offers no help in time of need,
  • prevents people from finding the truth,
  • it devalues, degrades and defies,
  • leads to immorality,
  • enslaves,
  • receives the full force of God’s anger.

First, when the modern churches are bringing Coke machines and junk food into the church they are ordaining them as an approved lifestyle. These manmade products are full of chemicals and without question do harm to the physical body.  Junk food wasn’t addressed in scripture because it didn’t exist when the Bible was written.  It would however fall under the doctrine of wisdom versus foolishness and certainly would fall under the care of our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is sacred.

Instead of being taught God’s way to live I was being shown a lived-out model of Christianity that taught that I can eat and drink anything I want and when the consequences of that behavior showed up that I could go to the pastor/shepherd/leadership and they would pray a magic prayer for the medical doctors to essentially know which pill to give me.  The same doctors who have never taken a course in nutrition, usually have a soft drink machine outside of their office, and have participated in selling a lie that pills produce health.  At no point was I confronted with any truth that could change the course I was on.  In fact if I were a timid and compliant person who needed the approval of others, I’m pretty sure I’d have suffered horribly and died prematurely for trusting in, relying on, and having confidence in these erroneous, culturally-conformed teachings that have invaded the modern church. I watch the many who are in fact “ensnared” by their lack of knowledge and their inability to think outside of typical dogma.

Second, by praying a prayer that only acknowledges mainstream medical doctors the sick person is encouraged towards mainstream medical doctors to the exclusion of any other methods that might actually bring some help!  Everyone acts like mainstream medicine is the only option.  It’s not!  There’s a lot of amazing natural health practitioners out there but insurance won’t pay for their services.  There’s a growing number of traditionally-trained doctors who are going into natural methods but you’ll generally have to pay cash because the insurance companies won’t reimburse what actually makes people well.  It’s one method to secure the patron will only come to you, even if their remedies aren’t the solution.  It’s been so entrenched that people can’t think outside of this model.  They’ve been trained by the television which sells 80% of their advertising to pharmaceutical drug manufacturers so they are no longer a source of truth…and again the churches have ordained this model to the detriment of the nation and again, the testimony of Christianity has been damaged.  I now haven’t been to a mainstream medical doctor for illness since 1989.  Can you imagine if most of professing Christians had this same testimony?  Yes, these teachings offered me no help in my time of need.

Again, I will stress that the only reason I was able to break out of the group-think is because I learned long ago not to trust in humans and I was being immersed in an experience that showed me what was possible when my faith (in God) was rightly directed.  As I went through this journey I was shunned, made to feel tolerated, and basically I was being punished socially for taking a different path.  Most people would’ve caved in and gone along to get along.  I’m much more invested in truth but want you to see that YES, this way, would absolutely prevent many from finding the truth and insights I share in the 300+ page book, Getting Well God’s Way.

Devalues, degrades and defies?

Have you ever stopped to imagine what it might be like to be a child of royalty? Wouldn’t you imagine that the idea that  “You can’t act like that, you are part of the Royal Family…” is a relevant topic.  What God shared with me is that I am in fact a “child of The King” and certain trashy foods that undermine my health is not wise or appropriate for who I am.  To treat the human body, this temple of the Holy Spirit, as if it matters not what we eat and drink and how we live “devalues” and “degrades” it.  To bring Coke machines and junk food to the church campus presents a doctrine by model that says we aren’t the children of The King, just commoners.  It’s degraded or down-graded in importance, compared to how God sees it!  The final blow is that these teachings “defy” so I went to look it up and one of the examples is “defies authority.”  In this case, I take that to mean that we are in defiance of God, His authority, and His ways of wisdom, knowledge, understanding WHILE accepting the ways of the world, the way of foolishness, the way of ignorance and putting His name on it.  We have essentially conformed Him to the image of the god we want instead of worshiping Him on His terms.

Does it lead to immorality?  Well, synonyms for immorality are wicked, depraved, corrupt, and dishonest so let’s see if this modern church model has taken us there.  In my view, when you hold yourself out as a pastor, teacher, shepherd, a church, and then teach people that they can eat and drink anything they want and have no lifestyle that resembles wisdom, discipline, and understanding in direct contrast to scriptural teaching this is wicked, depraved, corrupt, and dishonest.  Beyond that, it creates statistics that are quite an indictment against the adherents belief system.  Sources cited in my book, Getting Well God’s Way, reveal that 73 to 88% of people in the US identify themselves as “Christians” so whatever “Christians” believe” and DO establishes the quality of the entire culture.  It’s just a numbers thing.  If they all eat and drink health-destroying food products and believe the lie that a pill will erase the consequences, then the culture is sickly and the pill-pushers get rich off the deception and the congregants are incapable of taking care of themselves; they’re dependent victims.  If modern Christians decide to live the true teachings of their Bible and get well according to God’s ways then that too would establish a quality in the culture.

So let’s see where we are:

Most recently the 2014 Social Index Report shows the US to be in last place for life expectancy among 70 other economically-equal countries. Our infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba and the disease statistics are going through the roof.

The US makes up 5% of the global population and consumes 70% of the global market of pharmaceutical drugs.  (If drugs worked we should be 70% healthier than the rest of the world it seems.)  So if 73 to 88% of the US claims they are Christians and yet we consume 70% of the pharmaceutical drug market, that indicates quite clearly that the Christians are sustaining the pharmaceutical drug market!

The most disturbing statistic is that the Baby Boomers are the largest group to ever go through the Medicare system and people are sicker than they’ve ever been.  Nobody knows how to get well or stay well because they all bought into the pill-for-every-ill idea and now they’re just lazy and uninformed about getting well and staying well.  There is no money set aside for this expense and it’s estimated to be ten times our national debt! ($190 TRILLION)  

Quite ironically, it appears we are going to go over a financial cliff from self-indulgence and human reliance while ignoring any personal responsibility or responsibility for the testimony of TRUE Christianity!  You might want to stop and think about how God’s going to view this since Christianity was supposed to be the bearers of light to show others the way.  Again, according to Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes “Faithlessness is equal to disobedience.”

By spending so much money in the pharmaceutical industry consumers have created a system that is corrupting our health, our economy, our government, true science, our media, our environment, and more.  Fraud, deception, and now “medical kidnapping” incidents are happening at an alarming level so they can test drugs on kids in the CPS system, which only requires one signature.  (http://medicalkidnap.com) One story in my files happened in Pflugerville, Texas, a neighboring suburb.  The most famous may have been the Jennifer Peltier case but it’s more widespread and less talked about.  Reportedly, Arizona’s CPS system has doubled it’s child capture rate for the last two consecutive years.  There’s more going on here than you know; much more.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8

As well, in an 18 month period between July of 2015 and December of 2016, I think the last count was nearing 80+ holistic doctors that have died under mysterious circumstances, and our pharmaceutically-supported media is silent.  Reportedly they found disturbing ingredients in vaccines; ingredients known to cause cancer and to keep the body from utilizing Vitamin D, which essentially cripples your immune system.  Some of these doctors were getting patients well and one rumor suggested that one of the doctors was about to go public before his office was visited by the government and the next day he was found floating in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Massive fraud has been documented by a lead scientist whistleblower at the CDC with 10,000 supporting documents!  Did you hear that?  The LEAD SCIENTIST in a study is coming forward with evidence of corruption in the vaccine oversight agency and one-half of our children will be injured by these practices and our government will not subpoena him.  You can watch the documentary detailing this at http://Vaxxed.com.  So, who will serve in our military when half of our children are disabled?  Who will pay to take care of these severely damaged adults after their parents pass away? This one subject alone is overwhelming but unavoidably must be dealt with and yet the Body of Christ is uninformed and unconcerned, to say the least.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:11 that we are to have nothing to do with evil but are to expose it.  Instead, the post-pharmaceutical age of churches have ordained it’s use to the exclusion of their own teachings, and to the exclusion of wisdom and common sense.  The modern churches have conformed completely to the culture when Romans 12:2 reads “Do not be conformed to this world….”

I’d say the vast portion of our culture is in fact enslaved.  They can’t get out of the cycle without being taught how to take care of their body and from what I’ve seen the modern church has no knowledge and thus far hasn’t been interested in teaching them.  We are facing a $190 Trillion-dollar expense with no money set aside so I’d say the next few generations are enslaved, if we survive what’s ahead.

It’s also a form of brainwashing as people are completely mindless in their pursuit of health and healing in this model.  They get a symptom, go forward for prayer,  and run to the doctor.  They go get a pill and go back to the same lifestyle and environment that produced the issues in the first place.  “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you” indicates the need to change something or identify the root cause! No consideration is given to what they may be doing to accelerate dis-ease and they receive no instruction;  just hand-holding and well-meaning looks of concern.  How sad!

Over the years I’ve had modern Christians say “My spirit is the part going to heaven, not my body…  You shouldn’t judge people for what they eat…  They’re nice people…”  First of all that is not what the Bible teaches. In The Message version of the Bible I Corinthians 6:19b reads, “The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you.  God owns the whole works…so let people see God in and through your body…”  There are many more verses; one even states that people who put their fleshly appetite as a higher priority than God “are enemies of the cross of Christ.”  It’s all in the book I wrote.

Also, I do not purport to judge a person’s soul; that’s God’s job but we are given the duty to discern or qualify good from evil and wisdom versus foolishness in ourselves and others; judgment is required in order to do that.

Next, God doesn’t care how nice we are if we are deluded, sickly, supporting evil, and investing our trust in human institutions over and above Him, especially while providing a bad testimony of Christianity to the world.  Christians need to remember that Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent because it had become an object of worship just like the mainstream medical system of today.

Since repenting of my former way and conforming to God’s ways I have not needed a medical doctor for illness, since 1990.  When I was injured not only was I grateful for their surgical skills but also for the knowledge God gave me which vastly accelerated my healing.  I had nurses from three floors coming to meet me as the rumors spread about my body’s healing abilities.  I was happy to testify about the God that taught me the importance of self-care as a means of worship and honor to my Creator.  I’m still having to differentiate myself from this modern Christianity and have even seen an atheist client convert from hearing my stories.  She understood the need for a God that would teach, engage, and even require diligence of those who profess to love Him.  “If you love me keep my commandments.” Meanwhile pastors at the modern churches seem too intimidated to require much of their congregants.  They just clean the pacifiers and offer them a soft drink, a sincere conversation, and a heartfelt prayer.  They never see the bigger picture it seems. How sad that this witness has been rejected in favor of such carnal desires but then He did say “even the very elect” will be fooled.

If you find this information shocking that’s a barometer on how IN the world you are. Your lack of knowledge is an indictment about your priorities in life.  The state of this “Christian Nation’s” health is an indictment on Christianity’s failure and conformity to a foolish and reckless world. God is calling The True Church to WAKE UP and “come out of her.”  Will they answer?

Shepherds…. According to Henry Blackaby, author of Created to Be God’s Friend, Experiencing God, and a notable Christian educator and elder…. The health of your flock is a reflection of the shepherd’s faithfulness. That means when you hear the prayer requests, that’s your report card before GOD.

Believer’s…You will not escape by blaming the pastors.

Remember, “Not all who say Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven…”

The words sorcery, witchraft, and pharmakeia (the use of drugs, medicines, or spells) same, same.  Referenced in Strong’s Concordance – 5331)  With this in mind let’s read Revelations 18:23

“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

I found a scripture 2 Timothy 2: 3-5 ends with “…their conduct nullifies their claims of faith.”  It seriously is about what we DO.  This way is not of God!

You can learn more about this book at the following link:

This book is changing lives! Religious Rebel Radio Podcast launching soon!

     Follow-Up:  Oct 2016 I touched the screen of a cell phone and a pain shot up my arm that radically changed my life.  BECAUSE I begged GOD for 6 years to give me a life purpose that made a difference He once again took me up on that request so I could share with you His revelations.  Humanity is bringing new forms of very dense MANMADE wireless energies into our living environment with reckless abandon. It’s this issue that brings in a true visceral sense of the Holy Spirit grieving.  Every time I think about what I’m learning God brings my attention to the knowledge that they’re even installing toxic electrical equipment, such as the alarm system box in baby’s rooms, Wifi, and Smart Meters on the neighboring wall without questioning anything.  So it wasn’t really a shock to hear a microwave weapons expert for the Royal Navy talk about crib death from EMF (electromagnetic fields) exposure; proving yet again that running to a doctor can be fruitless and dangerous as the real threat is undiscovered.

I created another blog to share the insights of this leg of the journey.  You should go spend some time there and FOLLOW both blogs so you’ll be able to see where this story goes from here.  A podcast seems likely in the near future so come up beside me and learn how you might help GOD get His message out. The shortened version of this blog page title is NoATT.blog: 


We are living in a different world.  Once you understand that most of our illnesses are due to our lifestyle and environment then you’ll understand why taking a pill won’t fix it. Give glory to God by getting well!  Your health is part of your testimony and the collective testimony of Christianity could be vastly improved if they’d develop “health” and live that in contrast to the established ways of the world where the wrong ideas are being promoted and sustained.

I pray you’ll feel compelled to read the book God had me write.  The Body of Christ has in fact drifted off into a false religion.  It’s as inappropriate as dressing up like a cop.  The church isn’t supposed to just look like a lighthouse in a storm, it’s supposed to be one, to have answers, wisdom, knowledge….and yet, it turns out to be a mirage in cases of physical health issues.  It’s very sad compared to what could be.

May God have mercy on us as we seek to correct our path.


What’s happened since the book was published.


God asked me to write a book in the summer of 1992 and I finally published it.  It took 21 years to live through the challenges and get it written. I could never be absolutely certain that it was God who asked for it to be written and not my own compulsion until I published, witnessed, and documented what has happened since it went live.

The first reader sent me a private message on Facebook. It read, “Your book is well-written, intriguing, informative, comforting, alarming, and important.”  That was my first clue that it had met the intended goal but she was my cousin so I discounted it accordingly.  Though now, years later, I see it completely woke her up and changed her life.  At the time, I wasn’t sure.  I was exhausted, broke, and frankly I was a little angry at what this story had required of me; what it cost me!  When I finished it I held the laptop up and told GOD exactly that and said “If anything happens with it from here it will be because YOU caused it.”  I NEEDED TO SEE THAT IT WAS IN FACT HIM, WHO COMMISSIONED THIS BOOK!

In the book I wrote about a non-profit health insurance ministry that operates as health insurance, meets Obamacare requirements, is faith-based and cheaper than any other insurance I ever compared it to.  The members share the costs of other members claims to a certain point ($5000 I think) , and then a AAA rated insurance company kicks in up to a million dollars as I recall.  Anyway, there is one aspect of this insurance that I adamantly take issue with and it’s the requirement that I have an affidavit signed by a pastor that says I’m active in church, don’t smoke, and only drink in moderation.  Because this book is my story of how the typical church teachings failed me miserably in my efforts to get well I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask this of me or anyone, until the modern church comes out of this worldly way perhaps.  Many, I should actually write “most” pastors have junk-filled vending machines on their church property, serve foods that undermine health and have no clue how to restore health or what the bible even teaches about the subject, and routinely steer their congregants to Rx-drug pushing doctors who also have no clue how to get people well.  We’ve all been betrayed and have invested heavily in the idea that prescription drugs can replace a lifestyle of wisdom and self-discipline.  “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Remember that verse?

Two days before publishing the book on Amazon.com an ad came across my Facebook page for a company offering a similar product and they don’t require this affidavit.  I signed up for more information on their website, did some more research, found a few more companies, added a few more pages to the manuscript, and published the book.

Two days after publication a woman called me from Ohio who works with this second company asking if I needed more information.  I told her that I can’t afford health insurance of any kind and that I hadn’t been to a mainstream doctor for illness since 1989 so in my view, it’s a luxury that will have to wait. “But I did put your company’s information in the book I just published.” She asked about the book and an immediate bond formed and she ordered the book while we were on the phone. Four days passed and she wrote an email but called before I even read it.  “The book arrived two days early.  It’s beautiful and much bigger than I expected, VERY impressive. Does Dr. Tenpenny know she’s in your book? She’s about to, she’s my neighbor!”

She began reading the book and within a week was writing back, “Wow, amazing insights.”  At the same time other people were starting to contact me about their reading experience. One man told me that reading the preface and the last page dropped him to his knees in tears.  It was then that I realized that everything I’d hoped for could actually be starting to happen.

This journey has been incredibly hard, and filled with intense pain on many levels. My 25 year marriage didn’t survive it.  When Satan’s lies are about to be exposed and the truth is going to set people free, he comes with relentless force. Anyone who wasn’t buckled down got shaken loose.  My now ex, disconnected from God, turned our only daughter against me and they have jointly withheld a grandchild that I raised for the first 19 months of her life. Two more have been born that I’ve never met. In every sense of the word this calling has required me to choose between my family and obeying God’s call. All I could do is endure and hope that all the rampant destruction has a greater purpose than anything material I could hope to acquire on this planet.

One year after leaving the toxic family situation God began shutting down a small business. I had to sell my car, move in with my mother, and eventually sold almost every possession I had because God demanded that I “Finish the book.” I grieved and cried and many days I couldn’t even get out of bed for most of 3.5 years, while I wrote. This was happening while my ex was earning a record income, buying a house on the water in Corpus Christi, TX, upgrading the boat he had, and enjoying our grandkids.

When the calls began coming in, the private messages on Facebook, and the personal accounts of people crying, and dropping to their knees I knew that God’s anointing was on the book. So I called Nancy in Ohio as I felt GOD nudging me to go meet her.

The next part won’t make as much sense unless I share that back in 2001 a phenomenon began in my life in that the clocks started becoming somewhat animated.  I began seeing 2:22 and 4:44 and 1:11 more than usual.  My now ex told me I was just looking at the clock too often.  But the very next time we got in the truck, when he turned on the key it was 1:11 and I pointed that out saying, “See? It’s like that.”  Over the years it has continued and began to expand to where it was 5:27 (5 + 2 = 7) or 6:42 (6 = 4 + 2). It simply felt like an animation which I ultimately attributed to the idea that it was just someone in Heaven letting me know that they were aware of me.  I was in a tremendous amount of physical and emotional pain at this time so I thought it was nothing more than that.

Shortly after leaving the family I was staying with my mother and a call came in from a woman in Houston. She had literally searched for me on the internet due to a site I had up about a specific health issue.  She lost the page and then found it again and was very excited to talk to me.  When we hung up I wanted to see how long we’d talked and when I went to the phone log it showed that the call had come in at 1:11 and we hung up at 3:33 which meant that we had talked for 2 hrs and 22 minutes, so I showed this to my mom.  We laughed and shook our heads and later headed out the door for dinner. When I turned on the car the clock read, 4:44.  She was now seeing what I was seeing and later she found a book at Barnes & Noble booksellers titled, Angel Numbers 101. This book gives the meaning for every number from 0 to 999 and it helped me understand more specifically things God wanted me to know and the number 5 has been significant.   (Note: I do not suggest that you go buy this book and try to make things happen or try to live your life by it. I certainly don’t.  I was just watching life and this is what was going on.  I find it amusing and a “candle on a dark phase of life” if you will.  Anyway, 5 means change. 55 means “out with the old and in with the new” and 555 means HUGE changes are coming.  Each time the number is repeated the message is amplified.  Without this book, without this knowledge I got up one day and said, “Today is the day that I file for divorce” and I called the lawyer.  As I was sitting in her office I did realize it was Mexico’s Day of Independence, Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May but it didn’t dawn on me until later that night to look it up as it was 05/05.  When I went to the grocery store later that day my groceries rang up at $65.65 and that was the hint that there was something I needed to know. I’ve been documenting this in my journals and saving receipts throughout the years because it’s just sort of weird but undeniable and I’m not the only one having this experience. Again, I have nothing invested in this other than observing it.

So, here I am on Hotwire shopping for travel packages for my trip to go see the executive director of the insurance product and one of the options is for a flight with a “Total Travel Time” of 5 hrs 55 minutes.  Mom, Sis, and I all laughed and said, “Gotta take that one” and so I did. Now you have to understand that because of this journey money is a concern. I don’t need to be jumping on a plane and going to Ohio on a whim. Seeing this flight travel time in a familiar way helped me sense God was in this and that I should go.  I entered the debit card information and when the total rang up I belly-laughed and so did Mom and Pam, my sister. We couldn’t believe it. It was $555.40. I immediately thought “Dang. I wish it had been .41 then it would be all 5’s.” Before I could even share that thought the system recalculated and it came up $552.53, ALL 5’s!  We laughed and I took pictures of all the screens showing this shown below.  The day before I left on this trip I pulled into a parking spot and when I turned around to hit the lock on the key fob of the borrowed vehicle I drive and I noticed that the bright red car’s license plate ended in 5555.  I laughed and went in.

When I got to Ohio I found out that Dr. Tenpenny was in town and that Nancy had scheduled us a meeting. I was thrilled to meet such an avid warrior on the front lines of a subject we both feel passionate about. After visiting for 30 minutes Dr. Tenpenny said that she had a radio interview scheduled at 8:00 (it was 7:30), on The Robert Scott Bell Show, a nationally-syndicated talk radio show, and that she wanted me to be on the interview. What? I couldn’t believe it but was thrilled to take this opportunity with her.  At the end of the interview, which went very well, she leaned back in her chair and winked at me saying, “Welcome to the national stage” thought that’s not how it turned out because GOD had yet another challenge and mission He needed me on.  I’ll post a link to the other blog at the end of this post.  It’s likely MORE URGENT than this core message.

As I left, Dr. Tenpenny handed me a card with her contact information and I put it in my purse.  Later I pulled it out to enter it in my phone and could hardly believe it.  Now I understood why, try as I may to publish the book on 04/04 it just wasn’t going to happen. I could actually feel the energy pushing back against me so I blew it off and went to bed. As I looked at the card I now understood, her phone number ended in the month/date that I did publish the book. Funny to see Heaven play with us like this.

I came home and posted the picture of us and made it my cover photo and shared the story of meeting her and was instantly taken in by new Facebook contacts and groups who are on the same page.  Crazy God-stuff.

A few days later a woman from Australia contacted me from one of these groups, a zealous Christian, and we began chatting by private message and I ended up sending her an email copy of the book preface. She later wrote me that she’d been covered in chills and shivers while reading it. Another woman told me that she woke up at 3:00 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep so she grabbed her iPad and when it came on the image of the book was staring at her in the dark.  She said, “God told me to get up, get your credit card out and buy this book now.”  She too reports on how it’s changing her life.

In a few days the husband of the woman in Australia asked to speak to me by Skype so I set everything up and we talked for three hours. Ninety minutes into the conversation this man said, “I have something to tell you. I started crying shortly after we began talking and I can’t seem to stop. When you speak, I hear God, I feel Him. And I haven’t heard God in a very long time.” He never did stop sniffling and feels strongly that this is a message from God for the Church.  Another man who bought 50 copies to give out in his small island town in Maryland cried the first time we spoke by phone. “You’re a messenger from GOD and if we don’t listen to you we deserve what comes next.”

5555 Lic Plate pre Ohio Trip5 hrs 55 mins Hotwire

 $552.53 Hotwire picme w dr tenpenny

After 7 years of knowing I needed to do a podcast, I FINALLY bought the equipment yesterday after someone sent me a large donation.  I laughed when I saw the total, especially after getting notified overnight that two products had changed in price by a few cents.  Well, it was just enough for God to put His thumbprint right in the middle of the story.  THIS IS HOW HE GETS ME TO KEEP GOING NO MATTER WHAT.  How can I not?   

Coming Soon!

Here we are now and it’s February of 2023 and the story is still going on. I’ve been to hell and back a few more times since this post…wondering if this story ever comes to an end, a peak, a finish. Looking for GOD with great anticipation as I’m a very tired warrior trying to wake up a very self-indulgent CULTure, EVEN among the professing Christian community. So, here’s the most recent created work:

Related to the information within a dense book GOD INSISTED be written, Getting Well God’s Way

and the Public Health Warning (Featured Post) on the NoATT.blog

May 27th, 1990, A.D.

I wrote down a message GOD spoke to me.

“Isaiah 54 Shall Apply” is what it read.

I noted it in a first adult journal and then I went to bed.

28 years went by before someone brought this back to mind.

When I went back to read it, I was amazed by what I’d find.

It was like reading a story of where all I had been.

It even showed my divorce, which I didn’t see back then.

I recalled one idea that I’d “be moved to a place with a gemstone foundation”.

NOW, I knew I was to awaken people to a dangerous situation.

I had sought to live a PURPOSED LIFE seeking God’s presence every day.

So He could tell us a story and help us find His way.

It’s been a challenging but fruitful journey, an alternative path I took.

God then insisted I write an extensive book.

It had been out about a year when the story took a radical turn.

There were urgent things He needed to show me – we have a lot to learn.

Our launch of massive technology is the subject that’s caught His eye.

If we don’t stop this a lot of things will fry!

As it turns out as we arrive at 2023, I found myself thinking about May 27th, 1990, A.D.

How I’m exactly where that chapter in Isaiah said that I would be.

I enjoy looking for God in the story as it assures this isn’t “just me”.

First thing I notice in 2023, is that message is turning 33.

Realizing this year, 66 years I’ve been livin’

But realized too I wasn’t actually 33 when it was given.

“But wait a minute” my mind ran ahead.

“How many days between those two?” I said.

I could hardly believe the answer when it was shown to me.

3 weeks and 3 days later I turned 33.

One step further, as I look around.

Another set of 3’s is what I found.

February 2023 helps me to know.

We arrived here 3 years and 3 months ago.

I can’t believe my eyes as I look across the nations.

And see the boundless destruction caused by corporations.

Think of the seeding birds, the flora, and the bee

Living without them is a life we don’t wanna see.

So, when I say “I’ve been sent” to help you see the error in humanity’s direction.

I hope you too can see the thumbprint of God and know the information comes with deep affection.

Before I go, I just have one question.

What will it take before WE THE PEOPLE respond, does this need to be an even bigger lesson?

And for any Christians who think this is “New Age Numerology” here’s a solid Christian teacher talking about the significant of 3’s in the recent story about a pro football player who went into cardiac arrest on the field and what happened as a result of that. It’s at the 32 minute mark…

Walking in Faith

Something seems to have taken me over. I’m writing like a maniac. Maybe it’s because the manuscript I’ve been working on for 19 years, cataloging my journey is finally with the editor.  I’m running out of money and credit and feel like the pavement is coming more clearly into view. 

When circumstances FORCED ME mid-project… I JUMPED, determined to be happy and supported and truly loved and to complete my mission without resident forces working to the contrary.  I guess I finally had to choose.  That’s unfortunate but I had God and a bunch of serendipitous connected events propelling me forward, making me believe (some were pure magic) like Heaven was playing with me.

Now I’m actually approaching people in the film industry BECAUSE doors are opening before me and those are the things that make me keep going, OPEN DOORS.

I hope you’re able to feel the exhilaration I’m feeling.


Thoughts in my head:

Stupid speculative crazy dreamer. Ughhhhhh


I covet your prayers for increased discernment, increased faith, steadiness of mind, provision, a deep sense of security or the right JOB.

Unfortunately to produce something like this book which will confront many people, ideas and call humanity to step up their game, to awaken and now the screenplay.  This requires a lot of solitude, a pace in life not caught up in busyness.  I guess it’s feels like birthing.  Sacred, active and intentional.

Seriously, please pray for me.

That rational, logical  unbelieving me would just like to have a job but I get it.

I get it that this is important, maybe more important than even I understand.

Heart be still

Mind be still

Spirit, LISTEN




Is suicide a sin?

I remember how shocked I was when I first read this scripture.  I had no idea it was in the bible and I don’t think it means “go take a prescription drug.  I take it to mean “endeavor to heal” not mask symptoms.  Truly endeavor to GET WELL.

“…he who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide.” Proverbs 18:9b

When the Doctors and the Prayers for Healing Fail, Where Do You Turn?


     Hi, my name is Kathy Bates

     I’ve recently published a book that’s taken 27 years to bring it to it’s peak purpose and the timing couldn’t be better with our world in it’s current state of upheaval.  The book was inspired by my story of gradually failing health, which became noticeable in 1985 but deteriorated rapidly after the birth of my only child in 1987.  I was a typical American, church-goer, mom and wife which meant that I turned to the mainstream ideas of Christianity (faith) and allopathic medicine (Rx drug philosophy) in an effort to get well.  After seeing eleven doctors in eighteen months I had to admit that I was in worse condition so I canceled the remaining medical tests and doctor appointments and slid down the wall of my kitchen and cried out to God. Because I truly believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience it only made sense to seek guidance from THE spiritual source, THE CREATOR, my Heavenly Father. Psalm 33:22 in the Amplified version of the Bible held a clue. “May your loving kindness and mercy be available to me in proportion to my waiting and hoping in you.”  Ha. I’d been waiting in doctor’s offices and hoping they had my answers.  No wonder it wasn’t working.   

     I felt that God would have no agenda other than my highest good; I simply needed to learn to hear His guidance.  I KNEW GOD WAS REAL because He met me in the trenches in a powerful way in 1982, shared on page 1 of the book.  I already knew that He could hear me, and would respond. I just didn’t understand why it hadn’t happened yet and was about to realize that I was going to have to go to a deeper level in my spiritual walk to get these answers.  2 Peter 1: 5-7 talks about adding desirable traits to your faith so you won’t fail; things such as virtue or character, knowledge, and temperance… https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Peter+1%3A5-7&version=VOICE

     Six months passed since I’d canceled those tests or seen any doctors and my health continued to decline but I had made a definitive decision to invest my hope in God’s faithfulness and saw no other option so I waited, this time with determined intentional listening, ready to obey.  One day a confronting event drove me to pray what I deemed a “final prayer”, which meant that I heavily contemplated my choice of words.  I was going to ask God to show up and help me one more time and if nothing happened, then I would accept what seemed like my fate and learn to do it with grace.

     The event that unfolded was a profound spiritual manifestation and I was immediately given an amazing embrace, heard spoken reassurance, a conditional warning, and then I was led into a life-changing relationship with God regarding how to restore and maintain my health.  I became immersed in books about people overcoming disease, mainly by a change in their diet but He certainly made sure to put some reading that was outside of my comfort zone on the list. Some of this information would only make sense many years later.  Sure enough, as I changed my ways, I was rewarded with deeper knowledge and experiences with specific information that led me into full recovery.  I was able to reverse my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease and Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease and eventually resolve the Fibromyalgia flare events, and reversed eleven years of crippling sciatica. 

     Much of what I needed to know was outside the bounds of conventional thought and medical ideas, which means I would’ve never found the answers I needed had I maintained the approach adopted and ordained by Christianity.  It was through this journey that I began to see how Christianity had abandoned God’s ways detailed throughout the Bible and put the world’s ways in their place. If you’re trying to build a church business that’s a good way to get customers in the seats but if you’re trying to please God, that’s a really ignorant thing to do and scripturally promises some tough consequences for those who use God to build a business.  As for those sitting in the pews, you’re about to see the dangers of being in groups where a “hive” mindset or “collective consciousness” forms. Churches are no exception! They may be well-intentioned but humans are humans. Put them in groups and some strange ideas can become cemented, even if they’re wrong.  When you add the religious element it can get even more unbalanced.

     So here I am, God is leading me to the truth that high-quality, whole, unprocessed, fresh foods were His desire for me. He showed me that my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit and I should regard it as such.  Unfortunately every church I attended had Coke machines and junk food widely available, chronic and recurrent disease among its members, and literally no knowledge about how to pursue health outside of the hope for a Divine miracle or a traditional medical doctor’s perceived magic.  “Hell-be-damned” with what any statistics say, “Ignorance is bliss and Jesus loves me” was about the depth of their knowledge.  The over-emphasis on teachings such as “we’re free in Jesus” and “by His stripes we are healed” without any stipulation of the conditions that often accompany God’s promises, collectively presents an idea that Christians are void of responsibility for their health. Even further, this claim is often tied to the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ as if to say, “Jesus died so I don’t have to be a mature, knowledgeable, self-disciplined person.  It’s led to a prevailing belief that Christians can be ignorant and irresponsible, dismissive of any duty or responsibility, as if any laws don’t apply to them however, I don’t see them trying this attitude with the law of gravity.  Honestly, it’s become nonsensical.  Finally, because the Spirit-led information I was being taught was so contrary to their model I became curious to learn the actual teachings in the Bible.  Wow!  How is it possible to miss the volume of scriptures that support a disciplined and informed lifestyle which benefits the individual, the corporate testimony of Believers, the community, the economy, and ultimately glorifies God, validates the truths in the Bible, and promotes the right people, products and ideas?

     Although I gratefully relied on the skills of surgeons after a broken spine in 1994, I haven’t been to a mainstream medical doctor for illness since 1989. Can you imagine if this were true for most of Christianity? And it correlates perfectly with when I brought my physical health into my spiritual and devotional life.

     I was also given a gift of healing in 1991 and told not to tell my pastor or promote it in the church as it was basically for my own education.  I didn’t understand that at the time but God clearly brought specific people into my life for me to learn on and then used this experience to show me the crazy ideas present especially among the Body of Christ.  The most prominent lesson was on the futility of healing someone who wasn’t willing and/or didn’t know how to maintain their health which would squander His gift.  God continued my education and had some very confronting words to say about this behavior, especially that it’s encouraged in churches.  Another interesting set of revelations was the common heart attitude seen in those who did receive healing.  They were zealous in love and service to Him with fiercely teachable spirits.  Those who were not healed had traits of being selfish, worldly, and unteachable.  They often had some idea they were hanging on to or a benefit they were receiving from being sick or injured. Surprisingly some were healed in spite of themselves.  There is much to teach the Body of Christ on this one topic alone.

     In 1994 more knowledge was required after a broken spine and a second serious spinal injury within 18 months requiring three surgeries and drastically affected my life for eleven years.  These were not accidents but were foretold by God and noted in the journals I’ve been keeping since 1989.  These events brought in a necessity for me to submit to even more learning as I again had to rely on God to teach me how to heal the variety of pain that this brought into my life.  In my view I had three choices.  I could become a prescription drug addict, end my life, or get well.  I clung tightly to God and allowed Him to use this experience to further teach me about the human body.  It was a tough curriculum but highly beneficial.

      Overall I was shown how the way we eat, live and medicate promotes products, ideas, people and companies and will ultimately create the culture we live in.  One charter school for troubled youth in Appleton, Wisconsin demonstrates clearly how food affects behavior.  The environment was so violent that a policeman interviewing for a security job refused to take the job out of fear for his life.  Paul and Barbara Stitt, two people with a profound story of their own regarding the power of natural foods, offered the school $100,000 provided they be allowed to take over the food. The school accepted and all un-natural foods were taken from the campus.  One year later there was no violence, no absentees, no attitude issues and the kids were focused on physical fitness and their academic future.  The same is true for a prison system that Barbara Stitt was in charge of.  Bringing in nutritious food dropped the theft rate by 73% and a similar drop was seen in violence.  (YouTube.com has many videos about Paul and Barbara Stitt).  These events should’ve changed our culture permanently but that doesn’t happen because there’s no sustained awareness.  Eat your vegetables, drink plenty of water and exercise doesn’t drive a lot of profit.  It’s powerfully simple wisdom that requires a higher consciousness to fully embrace.  If there isn’t a lot of profit in something then there’s no money for media coverage.  Over-the counter and prescription drugs, manufactured food, soft drinks, alcohol, insurance companies, banks, entertainment, restaurants and the like are what produce enough profits to have industry representatives, lobbyist’s and commercials.  One Facebook graphic suggests that you “Don’t eat anything that has a commercial.”  So, what does this have to do with churches?

     According to a recent search on Google I was encouraged to learn that 73% to 88% of this nation identifies themselves as Christians (including Jehovah’s Witness’ and Mormons).  That tells me that anything we get behind as a group could be aggressively influenced.  Scripturally we are called to shape the culture around us through standards of holiness which would obviously empower the right things.  The Bible also leans heavily towards stewardship, wisdom and inherent consequences for doing otherwise.  We live in a world where neurological and environmental poison is knowingly introduced into our food supply, fed to our children and incorporated into our everyday life while wisdom, sanity and non-toxic cures are considered “alternatives.”

     One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Edward R. Murrow, a days-gone-by radio host I believe.  He said, “A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves.”  At the moment I’m typing this, this nation has just spent almost $1 Billion on what is apparently a failed attempt to launch a government effort to provide health insurance for its citizens, or the poor, or whatever term you care to give it.  When I began this journey I was suffering with chronic allergies and asthma.  I had severe PMS, mood swings, suicidal depression, infertility, severe digestive problems, low blood sugar and Hashimoto’s Disease.  I had chronic fatigue and cervical degenerative disc disease, an immobilized metabolism, bursitis, a chronically dislocating shoulder, and recurrent urinary and respiratory infections.  I was taking all the typical remedies with all the empty explanations of “unexplainable but normal” and “incurable” and multiple dismal projections including total cervical fusion by 1993.

     Mainstream Christian ideas and mainstream medicine both failed to provide answers I needed to get well from illness or injury and both lay claim to having insider information.  If I can ever get the populace to realize that the consumer is the most powerful force on the planet and link that with their spiritual and devotional efforts, we may change the world.  The consumers decide consciously what kind of world they choose to create by making conscious purchases.  If it’s garbage and undermines health, stop buying it!  What kind of world do you want to live in and leave to your children?   In fact, everything I did and continue to do to get well and stay well is/was not covered by my health insurance.  Health insurance will not cause you to eat right and exercise.  And if you know how to get well and stay well then the odds of you actually needing medical intervention are quite slim.  However now that the culture, (including the churches), has behaved like sheep and lived an unthinking life, propelling a self-feeding and toxic cycle, it has indeed ushered in a wolf pack government that stands to further wreck our economy by feeding the delusion that health insurance makes people healthy.  If the citizens were healthy there wouldn’t be this perceived need.  Again, with the churches making up a large majority of the culture we could have and should take this on as a spiritual challenge to positively redirect this culture.  I have said and will continue repeating that one of the most patriotic things you can do for your country is to “get healthy!”  If you have to drive a lesser car or scale down your house, jewelry or travels then so be it but it’s time to truly examine this culture and to start supporting the things that REALLY matter.  Things that are priceless, like our health, shouldn’t be taken for granted.

“Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.”  JFK, Jr.      

     While our soul may be saved through faith, the teachings regarding stewardship of our physical man have been largely ignored which has contributed heavily to this junk-culture we now live in and God is asking us to change this NOW!!!  If you stop buying it they’ll stop making commercials about it and start making commercials about what we are buying.  The consumer gives things value or negates their value.  God is asking us to take a serious look at what’s valuable.

     I learned early on that not only was the Christian community off-course in this area they were not in any way welcoming of ideas that would require them to give up their soft drinks and junk food to the point of blatant hostility.  Sadly this has not changed in my 27+ years on this journey.  I finally stopped going to church because it was too painful to watch.  Although my relationship with God is alive and well I no longer want to be part of a religious system that would adamantly reject deeper knowledge to protect a carnal appetite.

     When we eat, live and medicate in a way that promotes chemically-laden, toxic foods, and the goofy idea that we can take chemical drugs or buy health insurance that will “keep us healthy” this will obviously fail us as a culture.   This way of life profits junk food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies who then make hefty financial contributions to career politicians whose very careers hinge on donations so then they become dependent on this “dirty money” so they propel legislation forward that protects, promotes and prospers a self-feeding agenda that unfortunately only functions when citizens are sickly.  These fortified companies are undermining our food, drastically limiting our medical views in favor of an elite group that does not have the best interest of the individual or society in mind and typically destroying our environment.  This entire cycle is created by the consumer!  The Body of Christ has an opportunity as a major consumer group to change what is being promoted!  You’ve likely heard of voting with your wallet.  Personally I think God’s desire is for Christians to be so committed to their devotion in their everyday life that the politicians would be pandering to us and the businesses we support.  Can you see how the leverage can be shifted?  We empower or destroy.

“What you do not understand, you will not value.  What you do not value, you will destroy.”

     I was eventually led to become a licensed massage therapist in 1995.  I’ve had some amazing experiences as opportunities presented while working with clients which let me know that I don’t work alone.  I don’t mean to sound weird, just factual and hopefully inspiring to others to seek a similar experience.  We are after all mere humans who in my view could use some help.  Unfortunately the culturally-conformed way of insurance-reliance and a traditional medical approach eliminates many qualified practitioners like me from people’s pursuit of health.  One of God’s early revelations was my need to go to practitioners as directed by Him rather than only those paid for by my insurance.  It had never occurred to me that this American way was limiting God’s ability to lead me to the needed answers. He also wanted me to invest in my health, in myself. It’s kind of a grown up thing to do.

     Early in my journey God’s spirit would constantly whisper the word “Holiness” which I later learned has the same Anglo-Saxon root word as “health” so they are obviously related.  Another time I was cooking my healthy dinner and He spoke, “This is your worship.”  These insights helped me see that this way of life was a manner of honoring God with my physical body which is certainly established through many scriptures.  Scripturally we are called to conform the culture to God’s ways but the churches have instead become conformed to the world and its ways and has certainly created a less than holy and less than healthy nation.

     “We, God’s church, are the greatest hindrance to revival.  We need not wrestle revival from the hands of a reluctant God.  Revival is a gift, not a goal.  God is simply looking for a decent place to put one.  As we become that holy place, we will see the knowledge of His glory cover our nation as the waters cover the sea!” 

Eddie Smith, U. S. Prayer Center

      If your group is ready to be challenged and encouraged in a spiritual activist fashion I’d love to talk to them.

     Peace and Blessings,

     Kathy Bates

You can request a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can send a donation for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. Suggested Donation is $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+gods+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1619377300&sr=8-1

Note: This is a 358 page, 8.5 x 11 “dense and intense” book best read in paperback in my opinion. Go check out the other reader comments on this blog and you’ll see what readers have been saying about it.

Below is the link telling the God-story of how we were SENT to the Ozark mountains: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2018/09/07/sent-the-back-story/