Time to Launch a Podcast-Wanna Help?

Time to Launch the Podcast-Wanna Help?

“She’s lived a rather shocking life” as one reader of the book commented. Yes, and it has cost me almost everything as any good story does but then it flips the script and propels the victim into the world with wisdom for the masses.

The story I’ve lived produced an awareness of some things going on in our world. What I learned not only challenges the mainstream status quo mindset, it shows what’s possible when all of that is rejected in favor of other ideas. As this lived-out story unfolded and I began to see the falsehood and blatant lies, deceit, and manipulation in medicine, in religion, in education systems, in the media…everywhere, I could no longer just go along to get along as others seem to be doing. For one thing my health crisis showed me that if I followed the same path as my peers it was going to end my life prematurely and I’d die a fool. While I would likely welcome that relief at this point because this world has become a complete insane asylum, at 30 years old, I wasn’t quite ready to end the trip.

The book took 29 years to finish because I had to prove out some theories rather than just share ideas or unfounded beliefs. It wasn’t my idea to write a book. I didn’t want to write a book because I suspected it was going to be as difficult as it has been and I underestimated even that, but it’s done. When I released it at the 21 year mark and several readers reported being dropped to their knees in tears, four of them were men, I knew it was an important book. One woman had a two hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book for those who are ready. Some providential things happened within days of it’s release that propelled it into the world market. A woman ordered it and wrote, “I stuck my thumbnail in a random place and opened the book and my eyes fell on the name of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Does she know she’s in your book? She’s about to…she’s my doctor and my neighbor!” One thing led to another and this doctor ended up introducing me to the world on a nationally-syndicated radio show. You can listen to that interview here and other more recent one’s at this link. This interview is not on this NoATT blog:  https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2015/09/23/archived-audio-from-interview-on-the-robert-scott-bell-show/

Here are my interviews on this blog including the most recent one with John B. Wells formerly of Coast to Coast AM, now with his own show, Caravan To Midnight:  https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/my-interviews/

Great things began to happen pretty quickly including lots of cell phone notifications coming in. Yes, I could turn them off but it was a glimpse into a life I was pretty sure I didn’t want. I don’t want to be an IN DEMAND author or speaker available by cell phone to anyone who gets my contact information. I don’t know how to manage that so I held the phone up to the heaven’s and said, “I’m not sure what you have planned here but this isn’t a good thing…”. A year later, I touched the screen of my mom’s iPhone 6S and a pain shot up my arm that felt like a blood pressure cuff was on too tight and it stayed at that intensity for 2 hours. We began unplugging the WIFI modem at night because we learned that it’s emitting 2.45 Billion cycles per second of pulsed microwave radiation. No sense in bathing in that while it isn’t being used. Then a day or so later I was getting out of the shower and a literal 8 foot wave of energy hit me and almost knocked me off my feet when I stepped out of the shower across the hall from our home office. I didn’t need a book to teach me what had just happened, it was clear as day. I was hit by a massive wave of energy! I wrapped a towel around me and stepped across the hall to see if Mom had plugged the WIFI up. She was standing there with the plug in her hand so that’s when my eyes and understanding went to the ATT&T wireless alarm box beside her with four antennas across the top and transmitter/repeaters all through the house that it hit me like a ton of bricks, “Oh my God, we’re living in a sea of electronic waves!” I immediately realized that every time I sat at the desk beside that alarm box my left wrist would ache. Had I gone to a doctor I’m sure they would’ve eventually done a carpal tunnel surgery and ignorantly I would’ve continued working at that desk and none of us would’ve made the association that the wrist inflammation was an environmental factor!

This now meant that the entire focus of my life had changed as this new toxin in my world was now threatening my life. We cleaned up our electrical environment but the world around me did not. In fact, they brought on more and more and more…This demanded that we flee from the density of technology in the city and took up residence deep in the Ozark National Forest, which also has been invaded by unsafe technology.

I work from a hardwired, grounded, shielded, and screen filtered computer with a grounding strap on my wrist. We have our electric meter about 100 feet from the house on a pole pointed away from the home with a faraday cage over the front to stop the radio frequency waves that go out the front of it. We have a $1500 filter on the electric panel that stops anything from the outside and we have about one Greenwave plug-in filter in each room that handles what’s inside beyond the electric panel. These “Smart” electric meters or digital or Advanced Meters are not smart and are making a lot of people very ill while being covertly installed and FORCED on customers who have no idea what’s being piped into their home wiring. I put information about the meters I used to measure the outlets and the filters at this link: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2020/12/05/dirty-electricity-meters-filters/

I created the post below to help people who are being adversely affected by these so they can find some help. The Nat’l Institute of Health (NIH) reports the estimates are that 1/3 of the population is being adversely affected. Until the doctors and patients begin to make the connection to their new symptoms to the not smart devices and voluminous sources of electromagnetic radiation AND gamma radiation now flooding our world, each individual needs to get up to speed before they become a victim of the mass levels of ignorance:

I put a document below, Public Health Warning, that I finished creating in the fall of 2022 to show the world what’s being built around them that they should not only know about, but respond to! Between that information and what you’ll see on TheTruthAboutTechnology.org website, you should see why you need to help me help you help us.

What should disturb us all is that when I realized I was being “sent” to the Ozarks to fight a dirty utility CORPORATION who has FORCED a form of electric meter on their customers that has been “banned at the federal level by the Austrian Chamber of Physicians and the Swiss Physicians for the Environment for fear that it is deadly with an immediate and cumulative effect with the most vulnerable feeling it the soonest” I wrote an email to 7 newspapers in the service area of this utility CORPORATION and about a week or so later I was sitting in my bedroom in Austin, TX when I began to hurt in a way that indicated I was being exposed to a cell phone frequency. It became very intense. I had the house as safe as I knew to get it so I had to go look for the meter to take a reading. I found it, walked down the hall to see the entire side of our home was peaking out the meter, showed it to Mom, and walked back to my room…so a good ten minutes this went on. I realized that our neighbors not smart electric meter, they are the same frequency of a cell phone, was about 25 yards away and pointed directly at my bedroom window. A friend later told me, “They were trying to induce a heart attack in you”. This experience would then lead me to the awareness of something called, Targeted Individuals, that will shock the hell out of thinking person and will lead you directly to the AI/Transhumanism Agenda that is well underway. Here’s the category I recently added to this site aobut Targeted Individuals because I finally feel like it’s blatant enough to share w/o costing me credibility: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/targeted-individuals/

The next stop on the horror show tour is this link to the AI/Transhumanism & Biodigital Convergence category on this blog: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/artificial-intelligence-ai/

You’ll find a few of my articles on this subject on the book site at this link:  https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/my-articles/

So, I put the book out in April of 2015, got injured by wireless in October of 2016, got hardwired and out of immediate threat and began intensive reading then created this blog, moved to the Ozarks in November of 2019, built another website to show what’s happening here in the Ozarks, watched three local women drop dead, found the deadly readings all over town, began writing, calling, emailing every official and agency in this state for 4+ years to no avail, and now it’s time to launch the podcast I’ve been actively avoiding for ten years! I’m not paid for any of my time so why would I want to take on yet another thankless unprofitable job…until I couldn’t avoid it any longer. There are things that MUST be done and an organization effort that needs to take place by WE THE PEOPLE. Much time has been spent for the past 3 years watching videos, interviewing providers, listening to their pitches, watching online trainings…LOOKING FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK because I actually KNOW what I’m looking for, what it will look like, sound like, the mannerisms of the coach and their company. THEIR VIBE and the way they come across and what they want from me in exchange. I know what I’ve prayed in silence for this person/company to be and what I want them to NOT BE. I don’t want to marry them or even have a long term relationship. I just need an accountability partner, some organization tips, and a push start…


In retrospect I think it was good that I actually missed our Zoom appointment and realized it 15 minutes late but the event was already canceled and I’d even watched a “don’t fail to show up or we won’t work with you…” video. Eeek. I was waiting for notification in the wrong email inbox which shows why I don’t need this to become MORE in my life. If I’m going to do this, it needs to be manageable or I’ll burn out and quit, too many spinning plates for this 66+ year old gal. I also wanted someone who wasn’t going to make this complicated and that’s his niche’. To see how he handled my failure was reassuring and revealing about his character and nature.

So, he’s doing everything I wanted and started his podcast coaching as a ministry. He has four daughters, two are in college. When I told him the purpose and sent him to TheTruthAboutTechnology.org site and told him about the #gettingwellgodsway book and breakingfreetotransform.com he said, “Yes. Yes. Yes. YOU NEED TO BE OUT THERE!” He shared the cost of this service is $3500 for a 6-week program to launch. He immediately dropped the price by $1000 and told me that when I can pay $1000 down and pay off the other $1500 balance by the end of the six weeks to give him a call and we’ll get started.

I’ll have group support of other podcasters which would be nice. I’ll have a one on one coaching call with him near the end and it won’t surprise me if MORE happens there because it was such a great connection. You can just tell… And he doesn’t want any long time permanent payments. GET ME UP and they step out of the way, I guess unless I need them.

I’m waiting to actually see a final paperback book proof and give my approval to the private printer I’ve selected. Once I see they do finally have the right files in que I can launch a video on YT, launch a Kickstarter campaign, and offer a signed copy of the book as a reward for supporters. I can also reach out on the email marketing site where 79 of you early arrivals are already waiting for me to notify you of my launch: breakingfreetotransform.com.

If anyone feels inclined to help me get there sooner….I’ll sure accept the help.

I’m pretty sure I’ll just keep delaying launch if I don’t get an accountability partner! I KNOW that’s true so… Here’s his website/company so you can see how he feels to you: launchmymovement.com. If you want to donate towards this opportunity you’ll be making a good investment. Maybe if 100 people give $25.00 we’d have it covered. If you don’t know who I am and what I’m doing:

Start Here:



In the right hand column of this site above, you’ll see the battle God sent me to fight…trying to #savetheozarks and the precious people here who had no idea what was/is being done.

Here’s the evidence to back up that claim and a poem that seemed to almost force itself into existence in February of 2023:

And now, it’s time to launch the new podcast. I purchased a great set of domains yesterday but I’m going to hold that close to my vest for now. Let it be a surprise…and it’s just better that way.

So, let’s see if we can get 100 people out of 5000+ facebook friends and friends of friends, and Twitter mates, to give $25.00 each and let’s get this podcast off the launch pad! ❤❤❤

Here’s a link to do a donation, several options:

Thank you for your time and your consideration to help.


Biofield Energy Recordings show the human aura in action! 4 min video

My journey and story that produced the “dense and intense” book, are about to spark a podcast launch and online community. I’ll be sharing how I went from being a well-intentioned but powerless ChRxtian to becoming an educated by the Holy Spirit CHRISTian who hasn’t been to a medical doctor for illness since 1990. In 1986 I was so sickly I met the annual insurance deductible in the first 90 days of the year. This change is a direct result of me seeing the error in the ways being taught by the modern churches and canceling all medical tests and follow-up appointments and going directly to God for guidance. HE SHOWED UP and began teaching me the many things we do to make ourselves ill. Along the way I was also given healing abilities that I believe we all have but have not been trained in how to develop them. This 4 minute video is just a peak into the energetic anatomy of the human body, where our spirit man dwells and where we connect with the Heavenly realm, where healing happens. This “bio field” houses 80% of our immune system. It’s the energy you feel when you enter a room filled with love and acceptance versus walking into a room where anger and violent words were spoken.

It’s easy enough to see our physical man but the spiritual man requires some effort so I’m sharing this to BEGIN the process of teaching those still stuck in an old paradigm.

MUST WATCH ON YOUTUBE.COM so please click that option in the black box below:

If you go to this link on this blog it will take you to the Healing Testimonials. If you scroll down to about the 4th one I think you’ll begin seeing the one’s that are about this “Healing Prayer” gift I use that was given to me on my road of discipline and discovery. There are gifts available to us but we aren’t going to experience them while we also slug down toxic food and drink. If you want to experience the higher things from God you’re going to have to think, act, and live according to some higher principles. This path isn’t for sissies but if you’re willing to do the work, the words of Yeshua/Jesus no longer seem mystical and out of reach. In fact, it all starts to come to pass. It may be difficult but it’s worth it. Like going to the gym and other eating healthy discipline our physical body, there are spiritual practices that build spiritual power. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/client-healing-testimonials/

If you’re interested in where we go from here you can go to the link below and Sign Up for Notifications of when the next efforts are launched: https://www.breakingfreetotransform.com/

Why Chosen Ones Cannot Be Around a Lot of People

Goodness gracious. This little 15 minute video explains my life experience so well. I wish I’d heard this at the beginning of the journey. It would’ve helped me understand some of where I was being taken and why and that it was perfectly okay to have the “staunch” attitudes I had that others couldn’t understand.

I’ll try to find time to go look in the book to find the actual quote that made me laugh as it shared the idea that, “Seclusion of the saints is for the comfort of the common man. They actually don’t want to know what we know.” So very true and hearing how the common man experiences those of us “tucked away” for a deeper life, this makes perfect sense as they generally go to great lengths to avoid truth.

Below is a poem that demanded to be written in February of 2023 for reasons I didn’t understand until I began cooperating with the urge instead of fighting it. I hope you enjoy it. Helps you understand this SAFE TECHNOLOGY PUSH God has me on now too…

This writing was shared with me very early in my being called out of the world and I felt it was appropriate here as it helps some of you understand the process of being CALLED OUT to HIGHER PURPOSE LIVING:

Here’s the SAFE TECH effort:

NoMoreTowersInTheOzarks.org aka TheTruthAboutTechnology.org

https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/ aka NoATT.blog

Next Steps…book, podcast, and online community launch

Just click on the link below and join the email notification option:


Here’s the new book cover:

The rejected have a purpose…

found this on my desk when filing away a 12 inch stack so I have no idea who to credit it to but it’s certainly worth sharing

Changes to Getting Well God’s Way & Next Efforts

Getting Well God’s Way was published in April of 2015. It’s a true story that took 21 years to be published and now with two major updates, 29 years! Living the story, and confronting the challenges laid out before me was a task that resulted in evil coming after everything I love. I warned those around me to “lock in with God or else…” but they couldn’t. I kept showing up and kept typing because I’d had a profound encounter with God at a very young age, ran into some very serious life issues at 25 years old and offered God a deal. He showed up so when He later called that deal into play, I had no choice but to cooperate.

I eventually had to leave my 25-year marriage, my only child, and a granddaughter I almost raised for 19 months. It came to a place that I was forced to make a choice between them and this journey God was leading me on. They could see God’s call on my life but they didn’t have the profound experience I’d had with the heavenly realm so they didn’t have what they needed to support what was happening to me. It became a “house divided” and I now live in the Ozarks with my amazing mom. I mourned for 5 years as I suspected my family had no regard for what God was doing. I left and continued to grieve deeply, and settled into depression and continued the journey.

When the book came out, 5 years after leaving, and readers began reporting being dropped to their knees in tears, four of them were men, I knew my sense that this was very important was correct. He had to take me away from everything that didn’t support what He was asking me to do. When you see the lengths that went to you’ll understand why some writer’s have to go away to write. Chaos isn’t suited to that process especially if there’s a “High Spiritual Calling” involved. There were many types typing, especially the Introduction, that I was literally shaking. It’s a very confronting to the culture book and especially the church-goers. One woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it. She made a video telling her amazing story and will be one of the first guests in the soon to be launched podcast.

A pretty major event happened a year after it came out so I added 20 pages and added a subtitle of, A Handbook for Humans. Then another event sparked yet another update, and a new subtitle was added, New Insights for a New Era. After 9 years and many changed lives, lots of reader comments, and feedback it seems to have outgrown it’s original purpose of sharing my journey to wellness guided by the Holy Spirit, a journey that ran contrary to most of the teachings of the modern version of “ChRxtianity”. Readers reviews helped me see many comments that it was doing more than better physical health, it was connecting them to GOD at a deeper level.

One reader’s lengthy review said that “…Reading Kathy’s book is like studying with a mystic except they don’t tell you how they reached maturity, Kathy does”. And so in order to help others find their purpose and deepen their spiritual walk it’s now time to launch the podcast, the online community, and scale the book’s distribution to a broader audience, including our youth. It’s time to give it a new title even so those who would never darken the door of a church and who aren’t seeking to reverse illness, will have an opportunity to see what it can teach them.

We’ll have an online community so readers can participate in their own life transformation and feel a presence of support and encouragement among those on their own path. We’ll eventually have t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and other merchandise to build the sense of community and sharing of the message of inspiration. I have some amazing guests already lined up so if you’re ready to GROW, then click the link below the new book cover image below and get signed up for notifications of the launches.

At this link below you can learn more about how this book has impacted people’s lives thus far. Also refer to the Readers Comment at this link: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/reader-comments/

After MUCH deliberation it seems appropriate to fully retire the Getting Well God’s Way book title. While I love it, my sense is that is has served it’s purpose and now it’s time for a title and brand that would appeal to an audience who isn’t seeking wellness and who are not actually “fans of God” but they aren’t completely jaded yet. I expect this book will be carried forward by recommendation of others as the podcast rolls out.

Here’s the new title and cover:

You can check out the Table of Contents here:

If you go to the link below you can Opt-In for email notifications so you’ll know when we launch the podcast, community, and next ventures: https://www.breakingfreetotransform.com/

You can get to know me and my lived-out story by going to the right hand area of this site where you’ll find some of my interviews, my articles, my beliefs, testimonials by clients and friends, which will give you some idea of what I will be talking about in the upcoming podcast. Of a more urgent nature than the “health message” are the issues presented on the two sites located here: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/ and here: TheTruthAboutTechnology.org specifically the issue in the right hand column that GOD SENT ME HERE to address. Be sure to visit the IMAGES THAT TEACH category on that site. Note: There are non-commercial SOLUTIONS listed on both sites. NoATT.blog might be a bit more extensive.

I put the powerful Introduction, A Message to the Modern Churches, at the link below so people can read it for free. This is a very confronting message if you’re a church lover so be prepared to be confronted. The churches took a very wrong turn and waved off the warning messengers sent in so this is a report card on that process and the damage done. The main body of the book is the effort “to lead us back home” as one reader wrote: https://www.booksie.com/711245-a-message-to-the-modern-churches

The new book file and new cover were sent to the private printer. To receive an email of when it’s available for purchase go to this link and SIGN UP: https://www.breakingfreetotransform.com/

Blessings on your brave search for deeper insights.



A copy of this powerpoint presentation can be found here: http://www.fas.org/man/eprint/FutureW…

This powerpoint presentation was created on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 5:51:53 AM http://www.flickr.com/photos/97934133… PDF copies can be found here: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa…http://fedgeno.com/documents/future-s…https://www.ecbc.army.mil/downloads/b… (page 372) http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/… [REMOVED]

Proof this document existed on a military server and has now been removed http://www.docdatabase.net/more-sessi…http://www.flickr.com/photos/97934133… Dennis M. Bushnell dennis.m.bushnell@nasa.gov 757.864.8987 https://people.nasa.gov/webdir_public…http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_M…http://www.nasa.gov/centers/langley/n…https://www.nwdc.navy.mil/InnovationS…

Another powerpoint presentation from Dennis Bushnell, which includes information in the .pdf copies which has been omitted from the fas.org ‘FutureWarfare.ppt’ file including the quote that Deborah Tavares questions in her interview. “Assertion: Based upon what is in the Laboratory NOW, No “Pixie Dust” or Science Fiction” http://www.ndia.org/Divisions/Divisio… Deborah Tavares interview    

• NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT Deborah …   Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio    

• Video   Iron Mountain Report http://www.scribd.com/doc/6959970/Rep…

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/

Weather weapons: the dark world of environmental warfare by T. J. Coles http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/fre…

LOTS of links to follow in this pdf FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. ITISTIMEN0W is making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/107

I got ZAPPED by a cell phone in October of 2016 and it took me down a road of discovery that you need to know about. AFTER I hardwired, grounded, and shielded my computer I began researching and the link below is the compilation I put together 6+ years later:

Church folks need to WAKE UP about what’s going on in this world and stop being so CERTAIN that they’re going to be beamed up to a wedding feast before all the horror starts. IT’S ALREADY HERE!

Here’s a timely post from facebook to ponder about future events:

I guess my biggest question is why doesn’t the theory of the rapture agree with the Olivet Discourse? Why doesn’t it agree with Jesus?

I can’t imagine why Jesus would answer His disciples about the end and His second coming, yet completely leave out the main event of His church?!

He tells of all the end times events and the signs and everything that will occur before, during, and after the Tribulation, but Jesus doesn’t mention at all that He’s going to rapture up the entire church pre-Tribulation???

Jesus doesn’t say, “All these horrible things will happen but don’t you all worry because that happens after you’ve been airlifted out of trouble with me.”

Instead Jesus says, “9 Then shall they deliver YOU up to be afflicted, and shall kill YOU: and YE shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” WHO will have to endure, then? He says YOU. You=the church

14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and THEN shall the end come.” Who’s going to preach to all the world? The wicked?? No, the church will preach to all the world and then He returns.

And so when Jesus talks about the end and His return, He doesn’t mention a pre Trib rapture at all. And when He says, “33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors,” He’s talking about the end and His second coming.

When He’s talking about the day and hour nobody will know, He has to be talking about His second coming and not a pre Trib rapture. How can we be sure? Because never once in the entire Olivet Discourse does Jesus announce a pre Trib rapture.

Jesus completely misses the opportunity to inform and reassure His beloved apostles not to worry about the Tribulation. He didn’t reassure them that the Church would be omitted, caught up, saved, gone, exempt from, or excused from the Great Tribulation. He never said that. Not once in all of Matthew 24 did He tell His brothers that.


If I knew that the very worst time on Earth would happen, I would be quick to tell my beloved family that they would be spared. I would reassure them they would not have to endure it.

Imagine the Holocaust. The Bible says the Tribulation will be worse than that. If you knew the details about the Holocaust beforehand and you were telling your most beloved friends about it, do you think you’d forget about the part where you were going to come and airlift them out first before it started?

Wouldn’t you say that somehow the Word would be out there (internet), instead of the Word would be preached to all the world? Wouldn’t you say THEY will be persecuted and hated and killed, instead of YOU the church?

Why would Jesus confuse His closest friends by not telling them that they wouldn’t have to endure, instead of saying, “He who endures UNTIL THE END shall be saved.”

And when did Jesus say the end will be?

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days…”

And He doesn’t forget to tell them about His second coming.

30 “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

Everything hangs on Jesus. Matthew 24 mirrors Mark 13, which mirrors Luke 21.

And here’s the thing. In Mark 13, Jesus actually goes a little further. He says, “for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.”

HERE’S THE BIG ONE!! “11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.”

THIS scripture is teaching the apostles what the church needs to do IN THE TRIBULATION as they are being delivered up!! In context, it is in the Olivet Discourse of Luke 21, meaning that Jesus is speaking specifically about the Great Tribulation time period.

Why would Jesus tell them that the Holy Ghost would speak for them during the Great Tribulation if the church wasn’t going to be there???

You know that Jesus is talking about the church because the Holy Ghost spirit is not going to speak through the wicked unbelievers!

“20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.” The Lord Himself will shorten the Great Tribulation. Why? He tells us!!-

for the ELECT’S sake! The elect is the church! Why would He have to shorten the Tribulation for the church if they were raptured out to safety and dwelling with Him in Heaven??

Like I said, everything hinges on Jesus.

And in Luke, He tells us WHY the church will be here during the Tribulation. Jesus sums it up in one sentence:

13 “And it shall turn to you for a testimony.” Or in the amplified Bible, “13 This will be a time and an opportunity for you to testify [about Me].”

So don’t read into Paul’s words or Johns. They are saying exactly what Jesus said. If you interpret otherwise, you are not in agreement with Jesus.

by my facebook friend: Carol Ephphatha Maranatha posted 8/23/23

Now, reading that reminded me of another recent scripture reading that counters the declared idea that Christians are going to be beamed up to a wedding feast before that “Tribulation Period” mentioned above.

Psalm 37 The Living Bible

37 Never envy the wicked! Soon they fade away like grass and disappear. Trust in the Lord instead. Be kind and good to others; then you will live safely here in the land and prosper, feeding in safety.

Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will give you all your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it, and he will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you with the blazing light of justice shining down as from the noonday sun.

Rest in the Lord; wait patiently for him to act. Don’t be envious of evil men who prosper.

Stop your anger! Turn off your wrath. Don’t fret and worry—it only leads to harm. For the wicked shall be destroyed, but those who trust the Lord shall be given every blessing. 10 Only a little while and the wicked shall disappear. You will look for them in vain. 11 But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace.

12-13 The Lord is laughing at those who plot against the godly, for he knows their judgment day is coming. 14 Evil men take aim to slay the poor; they are ready to butcher those who do right. 15 But their swords will be plunged into their own hearts, and all their weapons will be broken.

16 It is better to have little and be godly than to own an evil man’s wealth; 17 for the strength of evil men shall be broken, but the Lord takes care of those he has forgiven.[a]

18 Day by day the Lord observes the good deeds done by godly men,[b] and gives them eternal rewards. 19 He cares for them when times are hard; even in famine, they will have enough. 20 But evil men shall perish. These enemies of God will wither like grass and disappear like smoke. 21 Evil men borrow and “cannot pay it back”! But the good man returns what he owes with some extra besides. 22 Those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the earth, but those cursed by him shall die.

23 The steps of good men are directed by the Lord. He delights in each step they take. 24 If they fall, it isn’t fatal, for the Lord holds them with his hand.

25 I have been young and now I am old. And in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry. 26 Instead, the godly are able to be generous with their gifts and loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

27 So if you want an eternal home, leave your evil, low-down ways and live good lives. 28 For the Lord loves justice and fairness; he will never abandon his people. They will be kept safe forever; but all who love wickedness shall perish.

29 The godly shall be firmly planted in the land and live there forever. 30-31 The godly man is a good counselor because he is just and fair and knows right from wrong.

32 Evil men spy on the godly, waiting for an excuse to accuse them and then demanding their death. 33 But the Lord will not let these evil men succeed, nor let the godly be condemned when they are brought before the judge.

34 Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing,[c] and you will see the wicked destroyed. 35-36 I myself have seen it happen: a proud and evil man, towering like a cedar of Lebanon, but when I looked again, he was gone! I searched but could not find him! 37 But the good man—what a different story! For the good man—the blameless, the upright, the man of peace—he has a wonderful future ahead of him. For him there is a happy ending. 38 But evil men shall be destroyed, and their posterity shall be cut off.

39 The Lord saves the godly! He is their salvation and their refuge when trouble comes. 40 Because they trust in him, he helps them and delivers them from the plots of evil men.”

The next scripture that GOD recently brought into my awareness that should make a thinker think:



You can learn more about this book and find options to acquire a copy at the link below:

Why I Left “Church”

The Difference Between a Jesus Rally and a Revival is What Happens When the Music Stops

I’ve watched over 40 years as the world and it’s ways were brought into the churches and even given ordained and protected status. This was in the form of Coke machines, massive amounts of junk food, willful ignorance about the health message in the Bible where it says “that you may know how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honor”. (I Thess 4: 5) Nope. The shepherds farmed out the health of their congregants to the pharmaceutical agenda while scoffing at natural health ideas and not bothering to study and teach those things. Furthermore, when GOD sent warning messengers through we were patted on the head and made to feel tolerated while causing my child to question my knowledge and desire their permissive ways, though she hadn’t been to a doctor in 13 years because we lived “God’s Ways” at home. This also put a strain on my marriage as GOD asked me to confront this error, married to a man who didn’t want to “rock the boat” even if it that call was coming from GOD. It destroyed us.

I watched their prayers become limited to the presumption that the person was going to a Rx-writing doctor and the actual eye rolls for those who professed to be taking a different route.

This is completely inappropriate behavior for a true shepherd and his leadership. This demographic group seems to have singly built the medical mafia we now live in without shame or repentance.

In recent months there’s been several claims of “revivals” breaking out at colleges and each time someone presents a back story that leads me to see that these are likely not revivals but Jesus rallies. For me, my encounter with Jesus changed my life in a dramatic way and has produced MUCH. Sadly, it was produced for a world that seems capable of only short term devotion and then they wonder why their lives didn’t change. The pastor/shepherds failed by trying to merge GOD with the world instead of staying away from the world as the Bible tells us.

So, it isn’t surprising that the church system is failing as it is no longer “True Worship”. I hold out hope for the few whose hearts truly will be impacted by these gatherings after the music stops. That they’ll experience Jesus in a way that propels them beyond the church system where they’ll be changed to be “like them” and drink the Cokes, eat the junk food, go to the Rx writing doctors, and become luke warm.

I want you to be aware that the last three years happened under these pastor/shepherds watch. What’s more sad is that had these church folks embraced the balanced teaching GOD was bringing in through me, and the book He INSISTED I write that took me 21years, the last three years could’ve been avoided. Instead of being shown as a “wise people who walk with GOD” and didn’t fall for the evil agenda, these ChRxtians walked in and rolled their sleeves up for an experimental gene therapy and now we have statistics like this:

Again I ask, “What kind of shepherd doesn’t know how to keep his flock healthy?”


The Bible calls them “hirelings” in it for the paycheck and not with their whole heart.

Below is a 20-minute thought provoking video about the spiritual evolution of Christianity in America right now.

I posted the following comment on this YT video which goes into more detail than my rant above and describes that “produced much”:

The church folks need to COME OUT OF THE WORLD SYSTEM as you are being affected in ways you can’t even imagine. These phones, the towers, the WIFI, the satellites, the civilian and military radar…and our acceptance of these are taking us to a place we do not want to go I assure you and turning people into versions of themselves that aren’t okay as seen in this short video below. These kids are literally being immersed in pulsed microwave radiation from their phones and have no clue, BECAUSE THE SHEPHERDS WERE UNFAITHFUL IN THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT AND TEACH THE TRUTH.

When the churches could no longer offer me deeper truth I left and was tended by the Holy Spirit as each of you can do. When Jesus was preparing to leave Earth He said “I have to go away but because I go the Spirit of Truth will come and teach you all things”. He didn’t say I had to learn truth filtered through another human. In fact, I John 2: 27 reads, “These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. 27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.”

This path required that I become a reader which wasn’t my nature but GOD made it happen and now it’s a constant hunger for knowledge. I had to “chase GOD” by fasting and study of the Word. I had to WANT more of Him and show that tangibly not just with lip service or going to some “service”.

I hope more will find this way as organized religion has taken humanity very far off track.


Here’s another post on this site you should visit: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2017/03/17/does-the-lived-out-version-of-modern-christianity-now-meet-the-criteria-for-a-false-religion-yes-it-does/

You can order a signed copy of the book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

May 27th, 1990, A. D.

Related to the information within a dense book GOD INSISTED be written,

Getting Well God’s WayNew Insights for a New Era

and the Public Health Warning (Featured Post) on the NoATT.blog

May 27th, 1990, A.D.

I wrote down a message GOD spoke to me.

“Isaiah 54 Shall Apply” is what it read.

I noted it in a first adult journal and then I went to bed.

28 years went by before someone brought this back to mind.

When I went back to read it, I was amazed by what I’d find.

It was like reading a story of where all I had been.

It even showed my divorce, which I didn’t see back then.

I recalled one idea that I’d “be moved to a place with a gemstone foundation”.

NOW, I knew I was to awaken people to a dangerous situation.

I had sought to live a PURPOSED LIFE seeking God’s presence every day.

Specifically so He could tell us a story and help us find His way.

It’s been a challenging but fruitful journey, an alternative path I took.

God then insisted I write an extensive book.

It had been out about a year when the story took a radical turn.

There were urgent things He needed to show me – we have a lot to learn.

Our launch of wireless technology is the subject that’s caught His eye.

If we don’t stop this a lot of things will fry!

As it turns out as we arrive at 2023, I found myself thinking about May 27th, 1990, A.D.

How I’m exactly where that chapter in Isaiah said that I would be.

I enjoy looking for God in the story as it assures this isn’t “just me”.

First thing I notice in 2023, is that message is turning 33.

Realizing this year, 66 years I’ve been livin’

But realized too I wasn’t actually 33 when it was given.

“But wait a minute” my mind ran ahead.

“How many days between those two?” I said.

I could hardly believe the answer when it was shown to me.

3 weeks and 3 days later I turned 33.

One step further, as I look around.

Another set of 3’s is what I found.

February 2023 helps me to know.

We arrived here 3 years and 3 months ago.

I can’t believe my eyes as I look across the nations.

And see the boundless destruction caused by corporations.

Think of the seeding birds, the flora, and the bee

Living without them is a life we don’t wanna see.

So, when I say “I’ve been sent” to help you see the error in humanity’s direction.

I hope you too can see the thumbprint of God and know the information comes with deep affection.

Before I go, I just have one question.

What will it take before WE THE PEOPLE respond, does this need to be an even bigger lesson?

Here’s a link to that extensive book God INSISTED be written:

And here’s the “radical turn” mentioned in the poem: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2023/04/18/this-shocking-website-content-went-to-governor-sarah-huckabee-sanders-the-arkansas-fish-game-commission-the-local-newspapers-and-put-in-the-hands-of-some-locals-a-few-law-firms-and-beyond/

Do Christians Have Chakras?

The title of this post is the title of a section in the Getting Well God’s Way book and a subject that will often get me lambasted by zealous Christians on social media. I recently posted something that acknowledged the existence of our “3rd eye” also known as the 6th chakra, and again I was rebuked strongly by a few well-meaning people and unfriended two of them because they just went too far. Finally, someone posted scripture…”in the end people will be given over to deception” implying that I’m among those so I replied, “get your apologies in order…” cuz I’m going to prove to you that chakras exist and that they are NOT a “New Age” concept. I was actually shocked by this behavior from people who I thought would take a more intelligent path on the matter, and shocked by a few who did so, but I felt this subject needed to be addressed further, thus this post. “When we know better, we do better.”

Taking a moment to expound on this behavior I want Christians to learn that using scripture outside of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit’s direction, led only by zeal, is NOT the way it should be used. This subject, along with a few others that have been rejected or forbidden by Christianity is going to be a lesson as we move forward in this human project that will hopefully result in more humility, especially about subjects the naysayers haven’t even bought a book on, much less read, experienced, or sought GOD on. In this information age it’s better to keep your mouth shut unless you know what you’re talking about. Too many people having different ideas and experiences are now plugged into the conversation via social media and you can “get schooled” in front of others. The fact is that when you begin reading about church history and how these “institutions of men” from centuries ago had agendas driving them it’s easy to see why they rejected certain TRUTHs. Politics, power, greed, building a church system, a medical system, and “other” carnal, egotistical ideas drove their reasonings. They took a stand against certain things that GOD has shown me, have immense value, even as a Christian. Many things the churches say “touch not” are exactly what we should be touching instead of what they’re offering and ordaining. “Look for who profits from an idea and you’ll see the agenda” is a periodic graphic on social media that is worthy of application. Ultimately, anything that was a threat to their agendas was poo-poo’d and we just accepted ideas because “the church” says we should have that stand, and again, not because we’ve had an experience, read a book, or were led by GOD on the matter.” That behavior is not “Christian” or even intelligent. It’s the result of cultural brain washing that prejudices us against ideas, and people, and limits our choices for paths to wellness, which builds the pharma industry.

For decades now, GOD has been leading me on a counter culture journey and it’s been “book worthy”. A book that’s dropped several grown men, and women, to their knees in tears because they saw, heard, and understood what GOD wanted them to see, hear and understand and it dropped them to their knees. In a nutshell:

I was distracted by GOD’s directive to produce a very important booklet which took 6 months of my focus (linked below) but now I’m back on this subject in my own pursuits to learn more about the experiences GOD opened up to me that teach me about this body, our “temple of the Holy Spirit”. as I think that’s a pretty important subject. Our ignorance makes us useful for evil agendas so it’s very important that we pray for the “Spirit of Truth” which Jesus’ ushered in at his “passing”, to “teach us all things” instead of allowing the ignorance, conformity, and prejudice of religious, manmade, institutions to guide our steps.

My journey became profound in 1989 when I began actively hearing GOD, or some faction thereof, directing me in answer to constant prayer for intervention in my health issues that mainstream ideas, religious and medical, couldn’t figure out. I was accused of having “hidden sin” or “not enough faith” by the church folks and the medical people just kept making completely illogical statements, pushing pills that did more harm, and giving a dismal prognosis. I won’t attempt to put the entire subject from the book here but will leave it to those interested to buy the book and read about my experiences that drove me to look into the subjects I present. “I” was not searching for a path independent of GOD’s direction. I was seeking, and was blessed with, a “GUIDED TOUR” as one reader so accurately put it because that’s what I was asking GOD to do with me.

In the Getting Well God’s Way book you’ll learn that GOD called me into a very unusual life journey. One of the many stories that directed me came in 1993 when I was sitting in a practitioner’s office alone in a dim waiting room when a triangle of white light illuminated from the corner and I heard “GO TO MASSAGE SCHOOL”. It closed back up and a woman I didn’t know, wearing a lab coat, came out from a back room. She introduced herself and I noticed it said “RMT” on her lab coat under her name. She was a Registerd (with the state) massage therapist and I ended up attending the very school she recommended. The incurable diseases the doctors had diagnosed me with (Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, Advacnced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, 11 years of crippling sciatica, fibromyalgia flares…) drove me to seek TRUE answers, not excuses, and that, along with my new willingness to be part of my own solutions, my faith in GOD, and the relationship and transformation of me/my life since yielding fully to the Holy Spirit, thanks to Jesus, is what directed my steps.

When GOD called me to create the Public Health Warning document below I was reading about mental exercises, which we’d know most commonly by the term “meditation” which is in the Bible and is also not a “New Age” practice. It’s about mental focus and learning to relax and allow the brain to go into deeper modes of relaxation referring to the beta, alpha, theta, delta brain waves. I’d had a phenomenal experience in a single session I fumbled through after reading it in one of the three books. I added some of my own ideas from the “Healing Prayer” gift GOD gave me early in my journey and woke up the next morning and 15 years of grieving was gone. It took a week for it to completely leave my energy field but it’s gone and has remained so since May of 2021.

I wrote about the “Healing Prayer” gift in the Getting Well God’s Way book and believe we all possess the potential to heal but we’re simply immersed in a pharmaceutical CULTure and everyone bought into it so GOD put the gifts away until we come out of our stupor. I wanted to teach people how to do this, how to develop this gift but again, the CULTure, presented wireless technology, which means people are carrying around a transmitter/receiver that emits pulsed microwave radiation and have widely accepted the wireless offering and the saturation of our environment with electromagnetic and gamma radiation that I no longer see the point in teaching this or even doing the sessions, a few exceptions noted.

One of the books I was reading about meditation showed some graphics that represented pre and post recordings of how retreat attendees chakras were affected by meditation. The books also gave the names of many pieces of equipment that measure and chart them. As I continued with several personal sessions, guided now by the author (Dr. Joe Dispenza https://drjoedispenza.com/), these images helped me understand why it felt as though I could “sense” and almost see that one of my chakras was way outside of it’s alignment while I was in meditation. I felt it go back into alignment almost so clearly that I’m inclined to say I saw it go back into alignment. Below you can see the books I was reading, the images of the before and after of the participants energy field. Note how it looks broken and limited and in the after image it shows so much stronger and uniform. The last image is the chakras before and after the meditation sessions. If you want to know more about the equipment being used to take these measurements I go into that in the Getting Well God’s Way book or you can read the books below. These images and the meditation I did on that first night are in the Becoming Supernatural book. The author’s story of healing eight broken vertebra in his back using only his mind set the stage for this teaching he now shares. He was told he’d have to have surgery but 19 months later he was on his feet and seeing patients as a chiropractor.

And THIS is the 30-minute video where a western-trained scientist and mystic, Dr. Motoyama is discussed at length, he and his discoveries about the chakra system. Only 11 minutes in and two books he’s written were noted as well as one device he invented that measures the voltage differential on the skin at 28 acupuncture points. I can hardly wait to finish it and read his books.

I just started watching this video that another activist sent me by private message. 3 minutes into this video and Lieutenant Colonel SAS Australia (ret) Riccardo Bosi starts talking about the “3rd eye” and the pineal gland and how the dark forces in this world KNOW that this gland is the seat of communication with GOD. Come on Christians!!! You’re needed on the battlefield and you’ve been told a lot of non-truth: https://www.facebook.com/100009008161685/videos/832809564835850/

If you don’t understand the massive energy field “that is you” then you won’t understand that wireless tech is like pooing in your own energetic pool!” ChRxtianity missed the boat in some significant ways and has their congregants okay with and in use of the wrong things to the detriment of all.

Remember, James 4: 4 reads, “You are like an unfaithful wife who loves her husband’s enemies. Don’t you realize that making friends with God’s enemies—the evil pleasures of this world—makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy the evil pleasure of the unsaved world, you cannot also be a friend of God.”

A similar post where I address the controversial subject of Christians and yoga can be found here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2022/06/29/chrxtianity-and-yoga/

And the most recent created work GOD asked to have done can be found here and is much more important than what you’re currently reading in my opinion: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2022/10/26/public-health-warning-document-w-instructions-for-action/

You can purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+gods+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1619377300&sr=8-1

If you would prefer a signed copy of the book here are the options:

The easiest and most direct option is to do a donation to cover the book and shipping cost amount in the given area for donations.

You can also use https://Zellepay.com through participating banks

or payment by US Mail.

$45.00 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

Here’s another Christian author who understands that we do have a pineal gland which has neurological connections to the 6th chakra aka the “3rd eye” and she’s got 50 years of research under her belt showing us how this area is THE TARGET for GOD’s enemy. You need to learn about these things so you’ll understand the warfare we’re now in.

“You are right, if we all didn’t buy into the elite’s agenda, it wouldn’t exist.”

You can purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+gods+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1619377300&sr=8-1

If you would prefer a signed copy of the book here are the options:

The easiest and most direct option is to do a donation to cover the book and shipping cost amount in the given area for donations.

You can also use https://Zellepay.com through participating banks or payment by US Mail.

$34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

I Reversed Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease and Ditched 90 mg’s of Rx Thyroid Medicine

June 21, 2022 I stopped taking my Rx thyroid meds. Below is a screenshot of my recent thyroid blood tests from Nov 2, 2022, 4 months later, and the TSH is holding steady. Looks like the thyroid is working just fine. The great testimony is that I had Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, which they told me was “incurable”. It was 2016 when my thyroid doctor told me my lab work no longer showed any evidence of Hashimoto’s and here we are no longer requiring the Rx meds. What a celebration!

If you want to know how I did this, you’ll have to read the book. While there was a single remedy I took at the end of this story that seemed to flip the thyroid back on I’m not certain that can be expected without all the other steps I took. If you read the Getting Well God’s Way book you’ll see that we do in fact live in a self-healing organism but there’s a lot we need to know about taking care of it. We have to give it what it needs and not do things that prevent it from healing.

This is the company I used to have the blood/urine test done here in my own home:



I usually have a hair analysis done once a year at the same time as my hormone testing and essential metals test mentioned above. This is the company I use for my hair analysis: https://arltma.com/

You can purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: 


If you would prefer a signed copy of the book here are the options:

The easiest and most direct option is to do a donation to cover the book and shipping cost amount in the given area for donations.

You can also use https://Zellepay.com through participating banks or payment by US Mail.

$45.00 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

Do you want God’s Truth on health? Really?

You can purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+gods+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1619377300&sr=8-1

If you would prefer a signed copy of the book here are the options:

The easiest and most direct option is to do a donation to cover the book and shipping cost amount in the given area for donations.

You can also use https://Zellepay.com through participating banks or payment by US Mail.

$34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

2nd Hand Radiation – Bag Your Devices!

A $12 faraday bag for your phone! Rec’d by Sally Sexton Burleson who after meeting me figured out that her cell phone was making her stomach feel “bad” after a few minutes of holding her phone. Then her 8 yr old granddaughter commented that her stomach “feels bad” when she’s on her ipad…. So, THE FIRST PERSON TO ACTUALLY RESPOND TO MY APPEALS THAT CONSCIOUS PEOPLE BAG THEIR PHONES. THERE’S NO REASON TO BE SPRAYING EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOURSELF WITH MICROWAVE RADIATION WHILE ACCOMMODATING A ROGUE GOV’T SPY MACHINE.

It has 2 pouches like my mom’s does. She was able to put it in the bag, still hear her audio book and yet it didn’t pick up any calls or texts in the bag. YEA!!!!! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND RESPONDING TO WISDOM Sally Sexton Burleson. You give me hope that I can turn a ship around with a teaspoon and focused effort.


Here’s another option. It’s a black velvet kind of fabric with silver lining and two pouches. One blocks all signals and you slip it into the front kangaroo pocket to make or take a call. What I like about this instead of a wrap around case, the case doesn’t cover the highest output point of the phone’s radiation.

Here’s a link to a fellow activist’s protective shielding gear and phone bags.

Here’s the entire category of A FEW protective solutions and resources: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/solutions/

I generally suggest contacting LessEMF.com via email or phone and requesting their paper catalogue. It’s a free education!

Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors, EVEN in people who “Love Jesus”

Someone posted on facebook asking for prayers for a friend who deeply loves Jesus and has a brain tumor. A dozen praying hands appeared but with hesitation I responded and think you should read this dose of TRUTH: With a deep sigh…I’m going here. I will likely turn off notifications so I don’t have to hear the backlash BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST NEEDS TO RESPOND TO REALITY. I’ve been appointed to this task of waking this demographic up BECAUSE THEY ARE THE LARGEST DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP IN THE US! If this one group actually wakes up and realizes what they’ve become PARTICIPANTS in, and STOPS participating, we can change the course we’re on. Bottom line, wireless tech is killing everything and people who know GOD shouldn’t be carrying the transmitter/receivers around in their pockets and putting them up to their head. CELL PHONES CAUSE BRAIN TUMORS, DEADLY BRAIN TUMORS that don’t respond to any treatments is what I’ve seen multiple times now even in people who LOVE JESUS. If we sit in the road, believing in Jesus, even singing praise songs and quoting scriptures like “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”, we’re VERY LIKELY to get hit by a truck and be severely hurt or killed. God expects us not to do stupid things and we all fell for the CULTure lies and bought the phones, accepted the towers, and installed WIFI. My “phone” almost killed me. We will not be exempt because we know and love Jesus and if the person plans to continue in or return to the same behavior that caused the issue what’s the point in receiving a miracle? GOD’s not big on wasting miracles but He will run out to meet you and help you when you get on the right path. I’ve created several information sites you can look into to learn more but PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND SEE WHAT’S GOING ON HERE AND MAKE SOME SERIOUS CHANGES. I bought meters, got rid of ALL WIRELESS, such as our wireless alarm system, my cell phone; got rid of WIFI and hardwired, grounded, and shielded my computer,installed blue light filter screens on all screens, moved to the Ozarks where there is no cell signal here and use only a CORDED landline, filtered our electric panel and outlets = MADE SERIOUS CHANGES!!!! I have managed to survive and seem to be getting better but I can’t go in any buildings, meetings, friend’s homes, and have the VERY DIFFICULT task of educating people about a subject they don’t want to know about for 6 years now. You can love Jesus alll day and night but if you subject yourselves to electromagnetic radiation 24/7 IT WILL SICKEN AND KILL YOU. We should’ve STAYED AWAY FROM THE WORLD as our Father directed us to do. Instead, we brought it into the sanctuary and allowed it to be fed to our children. 😕



Why You Should Be Concerned About Wireless Tech

I can come off as “too assertive” on social media but once you ‘GET’ WHY I’m so concerned it becomes an “ahhhhhhh” instead of a judgment about my approach. Christianity, as complicit-to-the -culture consumers have created something we’re going to regret. Had we taken our “largest demographic in the US” status and submitted it to God’s wisdom we likely wouldn’t be in the mess you’re about to become aware of. I often challenge people to “Read Proverbs 1” and see how GOD feels about ignored wisdom.

When I got the 600-page book in the mail shown in the picture I had just opened my Bible looking for another passage. I stopped to read Deuteronomy chapter 28 and noticed the new book laying beside it. Deuteronomy 28 is a drastic but plausible contrast to the favored idea that the church folks are going to be beamed up and not have to face what they’re complicit consumerism created, WHILE ignoring God’s warning messengers. I created the graphic and made the following post on facebook I thought you should read:

If you think I’m being too harsh about technology warnings, I think you need to see why. While so many are “waiting for the rapture” I’m waiting for what seems like a PROMISED REALITY! While many quote new testament scriptures saying how next things are going to bail their complicit hineys out of the fire because they feel warm and fuzzy about Jesus, I see Deuteronomy 28 when I pray and open my Bible asking GOD to “show me your heart towards your people”. I was just like every one else with my tech but I was also SOLD OUT TO GOD and had published the #gettingwellgodsway book He INSISTED be written. It’s the story of our relationship. How HE TOOK ME UP ON A DEAL I offered Him and what He did with a fully-indentured servant. THEN, one day I touched the screen of my phone and the story had a whole new focus. I WASN’T RANDOMLY INJURED BY WIRELESS TECH…HE WAS SHOWING “US” His next revelation.

He has called me out, taught me, wounded me, and healed me to teach us. In time, I BECAME His messenger. I came out of ChRxtianity through a lonely, counter culture road into health GOD’S WAY. I reversed Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, 11 years of crippling sciatica from a broken spine when xrays showed me to be a paraplegic. Fibromyalgia flares are gone and understood now. The “church folks” weren’t interested or compelled to reconsider their ways….for 25 years so I’m “used to” but still disappointed by the complete inadequate response to GOD’S WARNINGS of all kinds BUT YOU NEED TO SEE WHY IGNORE-ANCE OF THE WIRELESS AWAKENING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING HE’S EVER SHOWN US. Go ahead, go read Deuteronomy 28 and DECLARE that He can’t absolutely make this His next move on a stiffnecked and rebellious nation. I didn’t want this job but HERE I AM. I WEAR YOU AND THIS ISSUE EVERY WAKING MOMENT…YES, I’M BEYOND WORRIED SO I HOPE YOU’LL GET INVOLVED WITH ME HERE! ❤

Once you learn about “ancient technology” found on this planet and “mud floods” that have BURIED previous civilizations, it becomes more clear that GOD does not have only one option to stop human insanity. He does NOT have to rapture up this complicit-to-the-culture group of people who profess to know Him but won’t live their lives in accordance with HIS WAYS. He can “desire” it and we’ll be mudded over and He can start all over, perhaps with a smarter base of people who won’t selfishly destroy His creation with microwave and gamma/nuclear radiation.

I found a note in a basket. I’d apparently seen Thomas Horn on an interview and two book titles were given he authored. I went to look them up and Wow! Here’s the description on Amazon.com so guess I have yet another book to read.

“While Forbidden Gates includes fresh insights for traditional, tried and true methods of overcoming darkness, it also unveils for the first time how breakthrough advances in science, technology, and philosophy—including cybernetics, bio-engineering, nanotechnology, machine intelligence, synthetic biology, and transhumanism—will combine to create mind-boggling game-changes to everything you have ever known about spiritual warfare.

“How so?

“In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human. An international, intellectual and fast-growing cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology (GRIN technologies) as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps, as Joel Garreau in his bestselling book Radical Evolution claims, our very souls. The technological, cultural, and metaphysical shift now under way unapologetically forecasts a future dominated by this new species of unrecognizably superior humans, and applications under study now to make this dream reality are being funded by thousands of government and private research facilities around the world. As the reader will learn, this includes among other things rewriting human DNA and combining men with beasts, a fact that some university studies and transhumanists believe will not only alter our bodies and souls but could ultimately open a door to contact with unseen intelligence.

“As a result, new modes of perception between things visible and invisible are expected to challenge the Church in ways that are historically and theologically unprecedented. Without comprehending what is quickly approaching in related disciplines of research and development, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the most fantastic—and most far reaching—supernatural implications. The destiny of each individual—as well as the future of their family—will depend on their knowledge of the new paradigm and their preparedness to face it head on.” https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Gates-Intelligence-Nanotechnology-Techno-Dimensional/dp/0984061193

Here’s his Author Page on Amazon and lots more books of interest about related topics: https://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Horn/e/B002JV8GJU/ref=aufs_dp_mata_dsk

The link below will take you to a 3 minute video that gives information about how Covid “shots” and taking us towards this Transhumanist stage of an AI-Artificial Intelligence world.

Mainstream ChRxtianity needs to WAKE UP from their CULTural coma!

Here’s two sites that you should go visit and see the destruction all this technology is having on every living thing!


https://NoATT.blog and specifically you need to read through this document GOD INSISTED I create recently so you’ll understand where we are in this story so you’ll understand the need to take some steps of action: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2022/10/26/public-health-warning-document-w-instructions-for-action/

This guy has a VERY INTERESTING perspective on our future from a biblical perspective:

The Truth About Technology

Go check out this site and see what you’re participating in: https://nomoretowersintheozarks.org/ aka TheTruthAboutTechnology.org but sometimes it doesn’t like to load by that name for unknown reasons.

Wireless Tech+ Is Making People+ Sick!

I met God as a child as Jesus/Yeshua. My dad was a preacher for many years so I was in a spiritual environment A LOT and some supernatural things took place; no human involved. My parents divorced and I got lost in the world UNTIL I walked in on my fiance’s suicide and became a murder suspect and remembered God. I offered Him a deal and a few months later I was exonerated by JUDGE LOVE. I knew this wasn’t a coincidence so I began chasing God. For 6 years I begged Him every waking moment to use my life in a meaningful way. HE DID IT and then INSISTED that I write a book.

The most recent part of the story written in the Getting Well God’s Way book is an account of my being injured by wireless technology in a way that I could not deny it, an acute event! BAM! I touched the screen of a new cell phone and a pain shot up my arm that radically changed my life and would’ve likely ended my life had I not been a long time health hacker. This is the journey chronicled in the book where I reversed several incurable diseases (Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, Advanced Cervical Disc Degeneration, Fibromyalgia, and 11 years of crippling sciatica). But this…well, this event essentially turned me into a human meter. The good news is that I can talk and type to educate and warn others, which I’m sure was the purpose in the whole thing. I was already a research hound but this was a whole new level of awareness about our modern world. My superpower now, whether I want it or not, is that I can feel electromagnetic radiation from wireless tech and even the electrical mayhem coming out of the electric outlets from the new-fangled digital/electronic meters used by the power companies in many varieties, along with our massive use of devices and appliances that just adds to the mayhem. But there’s some things you NEED to see going forward as we are NOT sliding seamlessly into The Jetson’s era.

I immediately had to give up my cell phone, hardwire the computer, have electricians fix the typical but irresponsible home wiring issues nobody’s being taught to measure readings on or to maintain. Ultimately we moved all the way to the Arkansas Ozarks, deep down in a hollow where we’re surrounded by forest and the mountainous Earth jets up above our home on all sides, as a protective sanctuary of sorts. There’s no cell signal down at the house which is 1/2 mile down from the main road. If there’s any hope of getting well, “prudent avoidance” is step one. From this sanctuary I attempt to wake up the world to what’s being done in the name of progress. It’s common to think that people like me are rare but that’s not accurate as you’ll soon learn and here, yet again, is proof of my deep concern that this is going to affect more and more people and it’s happening faster and faster as new, more powerful emitting cell phones are rolled out, more towers erected, more radar…

This first graphic is a facebook comment by a reader of the Getting Well God’s Way book. She read the book and followed me on facebook. I noted that she was running to the doctor about every 2 weeks, if not more, complaining of Afib. I began prompting her to see what kind of electric meter she had on her home. It took a few weeks to get her to hear me but about the time she was ready to deal with it, they got burned out in the most recent California (Camp) fires. They ended up in a friend’s RV and suddenly she had no more Afib. Turns out she didn’t need that $800 a month Rx medicine. She just needed to get away from that form of electric meter. People have no clue what’s going on because you can’t see, smell, or taste this toxin but just like carbon monoxide, you can measure it on a meter, it can often be mitigated in your immediate environment at least, and it can sicken and kill you. The odds of your doctor figuring this out is pretty slim so time to get informed and start taking responsibility for your health.

Here’s a snippet of Kendall’s story. The second graphic is her cousin, Bob. His wife died of cancer and Kendall was begging him to get rid of their digital/electronic meter while she was dying but they didn’t do it. His wife passed away and he still “did nothing” even with Kendall begging him at times as she saw his health beginning to fade. She then gave him the Getting Well God’s Way book which has 20 pages of my story on this issue but he didn’t think it was affecting him so he didn’t take assertive steps to heal his wireless+ world. He never felt a thing until he began coughing up blood. He’s waiting for the scans to be read but fears he has clots in his lungs. A local man here had 350 of them removed. I was praying for this man and God showed me, in my mind’s eye, this man propped in his recliner with his cell phone in his hands. The highest output of pulsed microwave radiation pointing directly at his recent surgical site which refused to heal, requiring numerous rounds of health-destroying antibiotcs.

I’ll post a link below this graphic where you can go to my NoAtt.blog site, Smart Meter category, where you’ll find a 3 minute video showing the coagulating effects of exposure to these meters, which several experts argue is equivalent to having 160 cell phones strapped to your electric line. And if you think all of this stuff has been tested on people and tested in it’s true environment you’d be wrong.

Then came Bob who didn’t apply the knowledge for 18 months because he didn’t think it was affecting him. Just like two local women here. One was 60 y.o. female. She never felt a thing, until 5-8 masses on the brain on the same side of the head as an electric outlet unusually high up on the wall, even with her head where I found deadly readings in the outlets. The other beautiful soul, 54 y.o. dropped dead of a heart attack. She too, never felt a thing…until she did. Below are the messages I rec’d from him.

Most recently, I was listening to Kendall die. She lives in Oregon but daily phone calls to/from her landline were clearly revealing what seemed like imminent death. I suspected she had a cell phone around her more than she should and like my story, this began when she was forced to upgrade her phone. She couldn’t seem to hear my gentle promptings. Do you see a pattern in this story? People can’t seem to process the idea that this stuff is harming them. For whatever reason, usually preference, people can’t accept this. I was able to because my journey had already shown me the failures of “the machine” that runs this culture. When I got ill NOBODY had any answers within the normal channels. I had to go chase God down and get Him to help me find my answers.

People need to recognize that these new phones are emitting much more pulsed microwave radiation than earlier models and I’m seeing more and more people being adversely affected. I challenged Kendall to turn her cell phone off, to turn her husband’s cell phone off and not allow them in the house or car with her or any other wireless devices for a minimum of 3 days. They already had their Smart Meter changed out to an analog meter, hardwired their computer, and had a landline phone so this was just a process of eliminating the last known source. Sure enough, within 48 hours her health did a complete 180 degree turn for the better. That’s been since March 2022. She’s never touched it again and is rebounding to health in a magnificent way.

People simply have no clue what they’re playing with and providing to their children who absorb ten times the radiation of an adult. These children are developing an immune system and are at a high rate of cell division as well as having thinner skulls. When you see the posts on the NoATT.blog site about 3 non-verbal children who began speaking after being removed from wireless for 3 days it becomes clear that we are assaulting the human nervous system and beyond. You simply can’t imagine until you go down this rabbit hole.

As it turns out in the above graphic, the Mom of the granddaughter, all 8 electric meters for the apartment complex for her unit are on her bedroom wall and the “medical mystery” begins for her! Doctors simply have no clue what’s going on yet as a rule so you better get up to speed because as Kendall says often, “Cooking doesn’t show up on the labs until there’s tissue changes or cancer”. You just won’t feel good until…BAMdiagnosis.

Here’s the link with a 3-minute video of what exposure to these meters does to the blood. I’d suspect similar with exposure to the phones but haven’t seen that video produced yet: http://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2019/12/07/effect-of-smart-meters-on-our-blood-3-min-video/

https://TheTruthAboutTechnology.org site aka NoMoreTowersInTheOzarks.org is worth a visit. You’ll get a broad overview of where we are in this venture as a culture. Be sure to look at the Images That Teach category: https://nomoretowersintheozarks.org/images-that-teach

Here’s a link to the Getting Well God’s Way book, that will also take you to the NoATT.blog site. https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2020/07/29/the-book-i-wrote-has-20-pages-regarding-my-wireless-injury-story-2//

The Featured Post on this page is a snapshot of this part of my story. I’m currently condensing this post and making it into a small booklet to saturate this little mountain town with. https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/

You’ll find some immediate solutions in the right hand column of TheTruthAboutTechnology.org site with links to videos, meters, and filters. You’ll also find some solutions on the NoATT.blog site: http://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/solutions/

Here’s where you can learn more about the Getting Well God’s Way book, view reader comments, videos, and a few interviews…http://gettingwellgodsway.com The interview with Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com should be of interest. You can find it here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2018/03/17/my-interview-by-lloyd-burrell-of-electricsense-com/

That should get you going. I can’t do the work for you so my writings and online creations are my best offerings to help humanity. I hope it’s enough and please, DON’T BE LIKE BOB!

If you’d like to help support the efforts to wake up this town to the dangerous meter readings being found all over the area, setting legal precedent for other states, PLEASE reach out through this site. The email address linked to my ZellePay is on the right side of this page as well. There’s also a “message” icon in the bottom right corner of NoMoreTowersInTheOzarks.org site.

Note, this is an ad-free site. I don’t do Affiliate Codes for companies…just a pure grassroots effort supported by donation, usually by those who are waking up to mankind’s plight. I’m 65 and don’t want to do paperwork for the gov’t folks again, so I’m keeping this simple. I only have social security as income for the most part as people are only recently becoming willing to buy/read the book God insisted that I write. They realize it’s GROWN UP stuff but now, the naysaying is quieting down, and the laughing emoticons to the posts aren’t happening as much. People are beginning to wake up that we may have really messed up here and the subject simply can’t be avoided any longer.

My lifestyle is simple and always will be.


ChRxtianity and Yoga


Here’s another very powerful story of yoga helping this injured paratrooper heal his body:

Yes, there are yoga studios that burn incense in front of a Buddha statue or an image of Shiva but that’s not the studios I go to or the books I use. It’s essentially an exercise class and that’s all. In the classes I met hundreds of people over the years and never once have I seen or become aware of anyone having some unexpected weird spiritual or physical experience. IT WAS JUST AN EXERCISE CLASS! For those who have a friend who had a perceived negative experience I suggest to you that what may have happened is the release of stored physical or emotional trauma rather than a demonic entity. You can read more about “stored trauma” on some of the links provided here or the many books available. It’s also possible that you’re in the wrong studio. Pray about this the same way you wouldn’t walk into just any building that had a sign … Church. BE MINDFUL ABOUT WHERE YOU’RE PUTTING YOURSELF…yes.

I heard and read stories of amazing physical recoveries. One woman was 76 and had a large mirror fall on her in a beauty salon. It broke her spine in four places. She began yoga in a wheelchair and eventually got well and became an instructor. Here’s another story I can closely relate to: https://evoketherapy.com/resources/blog/elise-mitchell/healing-trauma-with-yoga-a-personal-story/#moderated

“A Harvard Medical School study funded by the U.S. Defense Department found that veterans diagnosed with PTSD showed improvement in their symptoms after just 10 weeks of taking yoga classes twice a week, along with 15 minutes of daily home practice.

“In fact, a host of studies conducted within the past 10 years only seem to bolster early findings. Bessel van der Kolk, a professor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the Trauma Center, has studied trauma since the 1970s and is considered a pioneer in the field.

“After tracking his patients’ progress and becoming hooked on hatha yoga himself, he concluded that “the memory of the trauma is imprinted on the human organism.” He asserts that individuals cannot overcome trauma unless they “learn to have a friendly relationship with your body” and that “therapists treating psychological trauma need to work with the body as well as the mind.” https://www.theunion.com/news/business/our-issues-are-in-our-tissues-healing-trauma-with-yoga/

I say often that we can’t say “church is good and yoga is bad” because life isn’t that simple. In fact, I know a LOT of people who’ve been hurt deeply in churches. I once put up an inquiry post on facebook on the subject of why people quit church and was shocked at how many stories people posted. So, if we tell people that as a “Christian” they shouldn’t practice yoga because someone they know had a bad experience, why aren’t we saying the same thing about churches? LOTS of people I know have been traumatized in churches so people shouldn’t go to churches then right?

I was being poisoned by mercury, an abnormal dose of electric and magnetic fields, a “modeled by the church folks” diet full of chemicals, and again mainstream medicine was found deficient in the knowledge I needed and quite “chest bumpy” about perfectly logical questions I’d ask. Like, “How did I become infertile?” while pointing to the 9-month old standing between my feet. That should’ve triggered a question in their minds about what changes had taken place in my life in the previous 18 months but it didn’t. I later learned that some people have a genetic mutation or genetic marker that makes them more vulnerable to toxins. Our bodies like to hold on to them, especially metals. Sadly, most of this knowledge had to be found amongst “Alternative Medicine” practitioners as mainstream doctors are clearly not much more than a pill dispensary now and I think a computer could do a better job. The doctors were irritated because they didn’t know the answers but were too proud to say so I suspect. As a practitioner, I came to see that it’s very important to examine a person’s diet, lifestyle, relationships, and the health of their environment, electrical and otherwise, to determine the cause of disease so it can be arrested and healing can begin. For instance, we have these new-fangled electric meters in use here that are making people sick and killing people and the doctors have no clue until they hear from someone like me. You can’t see the current, taste it, or smell it but you can measure it on a safety meter. And just like carbon monoxide, it accumulates in your body. If this person comes forward for prayer, they aren’t likely to get the answers they need. They NEED measurements taken and filters placed on the lines. And even if they were to experience a miraculous healing, then they’d return to their toxic electrical environment, “like a dog returns to his vomit”. Jesus often said after healings He performed “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” He was clearly a fan of finding causation. Perhaps it’s time to learn more about this body that carries our soul and stop limiting our prayers to the ways of this world and our limited understanding while remaining ignorant about the vast amount of healing modalities outside of mainstream medicine, and blaming the people when the Rx pill way doesn’t work.

Ultimately what I want ChRxtians to see is that when you close a door to natural healing methods because of your own unjustified fears, you are taking a very powerful tool of recovery off of the table for people. In a world where opiates were killing 128 people a day, I think we need to keep all options on the table AND furthermore, we need to recognize that The Holy Spirit should be the ONE directing people’s paths, not scared culturally conformed congregants who are popping Rx pills and washing it down with the Diet Coke they bought in the lobby of the church. Had I continued to listen to the ideas of the ChRxtians, I would’ve suffered longer and died prematurely. They were wrong about almost every single thing I needed to know and do to get well and I think they need to know that so they’ll stop their pretentious intrusions into other people’s lives. Beyond John 3: 16 we are having a radically different experience with Jesus Christ but I am no less a Christian, though now preferring the term “Disciple of Yeshua” to differentiate myself from the modern version of ChRxtianity.

You can’t truly grasp the vastness of the education God took me through without reading the Getting Well God’s Way book. And it didn’t end at publishing, which necessitated 2 major updates, and the birth of a blog and website on where humanity is in the technology launch. I touched the screen of a cell phone and my life changed radically….again, because I asked God to use my life to tell us a story. Apparently all of our overlords have been bought off and the pastors/shepherds are Turns out those thing emit pulsed microwave radiation which accumulates in our body causing disease and death. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/other-endeavors-noatt-blog/

One final comment regarding etiquette. The people I met in yoga were loving, accepting, and assumed that I was exactly where I was supposed to be in my life and in my spiritual quest. Husbands and wives. Single professionals. A 2016 Forbes article states 37 million people in the U.S practice yoga. This is up from 20 million three years ago, which means yoga has nearly doubled in just a few years.” While the churches are dying at a record level in 2022. Pretty clear to me that people are not finding what they NEED in the churches these days. Of interest, the yoga people didn’t try to convert me or even comment on my faith journey. There’s a very strong unspoken sense among them of “that’s inappropriate” to do. Unlike many Christians, they don’t believe it’s proper to scrutinize another person’s journey, spiritual or otherwise! “Who am I to critique YOUR life!” would be words I’d expect to hear from them. If you engage them in a conversation about it, you’ll even see them get uncomfortable. And there weren’t any Coke machines or vending machines filled with junk. So while some Christians scream about their convictions about yoga I think there’s some great characteristics they could stand to adopt from this community. You can disagree with me but when you get to the point that you’re screaming at me and calling me names, you may have lost the debate on that alone. THIS IS MY JOURNEY! I did ask God and never one time did He tell me He didn’t want me to go. What I did hear was “Better get dressed or you’ll be late for class”. YOGA SAVED ME! It didn’t give me eternal salvation but it made my Earth journey much more bearable so PLEASE, STOP TELLING PEOPLE THAT THEY SHOULDN’T DO YOGA IF THEY’RE A CHRISTIAN. It’s really not any of your business. You should be encouraging people to learn to hear the Holy Spirit guiding them and then leave them alone. Pray for them. Bottom line, I’m not telling anyone that they HAVE TO go to yoga but you shouldn’t be telling anyone NOT TO go to yoga. Like the words of the Phil Phillips song, “If you get lost you can always be found”. People aren’t going to walk off the edge of the Earth. Trust them and pray for them but reserve your opinions. Too many ha

After so many exhausting exchanges on facebook about this subject I felt it was time to write a single article that I can post as a response so I can spend my time and energy on other things. I wrote 10.5 pages on this subject in the Getting Well God’s Way book (link below) but I live in a world where ideas have to be served in many measurements. Some people won’t read a 360-page book, or even 10.5 pages, so I’ll scale this down and hope more Christians will at least read an article.

I used to be a “preacher’s kid” for many years of my young life but my Dad left the pulpit when I was 11, and my parents got a divorce a few short years later. I had several PROFOUND spiritual experiences in those years as a child not knowing how bad I would need to KNOW that God was real when I grew up. After the parents divorce, we never went to church again and it was time to figure life out on my own. This included a ten year detour into “sex, drugs, and rock n roll” because that’s where “lost” people went in the 70’s and I, and my siblings, were no exception.

That “detour” reached it’s peak when I walked in on my fiancé’s suicide and became a murder suspect at 25 years old. I wasn’t living right but I sure didn’t murder anyone. I was staying with my mom and stepfather during this ordeal. I was alone A LOT during the day almost disbelieving the drama that continued to unfold. In the stillness, there were many supernatural things that happened to help me get back on track with God and I finally fell to my knees and cried out humbly, “You know I didn’t do this. In fact, You’re the ONLY ONE who knows I didn’t do this. If you’ll get me out of this mess I’ll surrender the rest of my life to You for Your express purpose…”. A few months later I was exonerated by a Judge named Myron Love. Literally, JUDGE LOVE, set me free to have another chance at figuring out this life. What came out of this was a consciously-indentured servant. Once I knew God was involved in my story I began to beg him every moment of every day for six years to “Use my life. Make it matter that I came through this planet. Write a story that will help mankind see what You want us to see!”

About a year later I would learn that my deceased fiancé was involved in organized crime. The “bosses” apparently didn’t like me and told him he couldn’t marry me. In retrospect I could understand why I was perceived as a threat. I was a “researcher” personality and ran public records for oil companies, brokers, and lawyers. His previous wife was “retail oriented” and didn’t even have a driver’s license, and that’s what they preferred. God made it known to me that He spared me!

It was likely in the 7th year of my yearning that I began to notice synchronistic events that could only be happening via the Holy Spirit. It’s like the spiritual world was becoming more and more engaging. I had married and had a baby when I began having some major health issues. We’d begun attending church as a family and I was enjoying this new phase of life UNTIL it became clear that my health issues weren’t going to be resolved in accordance with their teachings on health and healing. They routinely prayed that “the doctors would have wisdom in their diagnosis and treatment of” the person, and that’s about it. They’d brought in Coke machines, and junk food flowed like a river at most church socials. You couldn’t tell the difference in our tables and the non-church goers at the skating rink. We were living just like the world, in blatant contrast to what our own Bible teaches us. After 11 doctors in 18 months I was worse, much worse and the church folks assumed I had hidden sin that would explain why their prayers for the Rx-writing doctors they presumed I would see didn’t work. Another idea was that I simply didn’t have enough faith. I knew neither of these were right. “Healings” weren’t common and still aren’t. Yes, they happen but if you don’t know how to support health how will you maintain a healing if God gave it to you? Do MOST people have hidden sin or is there something else God wants us to see? That question began my departure from the approved ways of modern ChRxtianity. I canceled all my pending medical tests and follow-up appointments and began chasing God for THE TRUTH!

Six months went by and I was even worse than before but I reasoned that I was getting worse under the care of almost a dozen doctors so why not just continue to wait on God? And so I did. One day I prayed what I deemed my “Final Prayer”. If He didn’t show up this time, I wasn’t going to ask again but would assume that I wasn’t supposed to get well and would begin preparing myself and others for the idea. People do die from disease after all. Maybe I was going to be one of them. I began the prayer and ended up having a supernatural experience in my living room, on my knees beside the couch, detailed in the Getting Well God’s Way book. THIS MOMENT was the kickoff to what has been over 30+ years of God training me, and writing the story He wants us to hear. That’s likely why four grown men admitted to dropping to their knees in tears when they read the “powerful” introduction; a few women too. One reader adamantly calls it “THE LORD’S BOOK penned by you” because she sees it. One woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book if you’re ready. She made a video of her story you can see here: https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2018/10/26/reader-shares-her-miraculous-healing-spiritual-experience-of-reading-the-book/

As it turned out it was the mercury dental material in my mouth that was slowly killing my thyroid and making me MORE antenna-like, therefore more vulnerable to the effects of the electric substation 250 yards from our home. Recent events in my story lead me to suspect that’s why the couple who lived about 100 yards from it had a stillborn baby and why the previous wife had fertility issues and then I developed them and then the renter who came in next also developed female problems. This “Profits Matter More Than People” CULTure where corporations are in bed with government oversight agencies should’ve been revealed by your pastor/shepherds so you could avoid the traps and pitfalls. So many toxic substances are now in our food, air, water that you HAVE TO have knowledge to steer around it. Producers have held us in debate mode, schmoozing politicians, while hiding evidence of harm for far longer than you can imagine and some pretty devastating things have been moved into the market that shouldn’t be here. THIS is why you can’t simply go forward for a magic prayer, get healed, and return to your toxic life. WE NEED KNOWLEDGE NOW to get well and stay well.

The typical modern ChRxtian approach is wholly inadequate now to meet the health needs of congregants. After God drug me through three decades of learning I can see that today’s pastor/shepherds, and even the ordained medical world, are completely incapable of guiding their congregants to health. They need to understand who this medical world serves now and teach their congregants how to get well and stay well so they can stay out of this sick loop. I had developed a full blown autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto’s, which just makes you SICK. Many systems of the body were being affected. Immunity, fertility and female issues, digestive issues…It wasn’t “hidden sin” or “lack of faith”. I had to do my own research and reading, then fight the doctors training and show them books written by other doctors to get the help I needed. They were giving me a T4 medicine which is raw thyroid which has to be converted to T3 to become an active hormone. My low body temperature alone meant that conversion wasn’t possible but they had yet to learn this. Thirty years later, you STILL have to go to an Alternative Medicine or Functional Medicine doctor to get this kind of detailed approach to thyroid wellness. Traditional doctors are still passing out T4 meds but as they say “If you aren’t part of the solution. There’s a lot of money to be made prolonging the problem”. You can learn more about Functional Medicine and Find a Practitioner at this link. As with anything else, be prayerful in your search for a provider. Who you meet and who meets you can be important on your life journey: https://www.ifm.org/

We moved away from that substation to a large ranch as caretakers for 5 years and it wasn’t until 2005 that I’d have those mercury fillings addressed by a properly trained dentist. I just didn’t get how important that was FOR ME, until I had it done. You can learn more about this and search for a dentist at the following link. DO NOT USE JUST ANY DENTIST FOR THIS PROCEDURE: https://iaomt.org/

And again, be prayerful!

I was being poisoned by mercury, an abnormal dose of electric and magnetic fields, a “modeled by the church folks” diet prolific with chemicals, and again mainstream medicine was found deficient in the knowledge I needed and quite “chest bumpy” about perfectly logical questions I’d ask. Like, “How did I become infertile?” while pointing to the 9-month old standing between my feet. That should’ve triggered a question in their minds about what changes had taken place in my life in the previous 18 months but it didn’t. They seem void of simple curiosity and wear their ego on their sleeves. They’re frankly not equipped to get people well in this modern age. I later learned that some people have a genetic mutation or genetic marker that makes them more vulnerable to toxins. Our bodies like to hold on to them, especially metals. As previously written, most of this knowledge had to be found amongst “Alternative Medicine” practitioners as mainstream doctors are clearly not much more than a pill dispensary now and I think a computer could do a better job. Insurance only pays for things the doctors they want you to see offer. I learned that if I wanted to get well I’d have to pay cash and go see the doctors that were out of the box.

The doctors were irritated because they didn’t know the answers but were too proud to say so I suspect. As a practitioner, I came to see that it’s very important to examine a person’s diet, lifestyle, relationships, and the health of their environment, electrical and otherwise, to determine the cause of disease so it can be arrested and healing can begin. We live in a self-healing organism but you have to cooperate with it’s needs. For instance, we have these new-fangled electric meters in use here that are making people sick and killing people and the doctors have no clue until they hear from someone like me. You can’t see the current, taste it, or smell it but you can measure it on a safety meter. And just like carbon monoxide, it accumulates in your body and it can kill you. Never have we had this much electromagnetic radiation pointed at us from so many sources in a chronic exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NEVER has this been done. People asking for prayer likely NEED measurements taken with safety meters and filters placed on the lines. And even if they were to experience a miraculous healing, then they’d return to their toxic electrical environment ignorant of why that’s an issue. Jesus often said after many healings He performed, “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you.” He was clearly a fan of finding causation, and fixing the root cause.

I have more to teach you but you aren’t ready.” These words of Jesus before He left Earth should be a clue that we have more to learn and we should therefore be teachable, be listening, and perhaps even expect the information to be unfamiliar, weird, and even contrary to our preferences and that’s where the subject of yoga comes in.

I’ve seen over several decades now that the pastors weren’t going to go do what I did to find out why their congregants were sickly. They weren’t going to FAST, PRAY, and CHASE GOD DOWN. They were clearly running a religious business that fit into The Media Machine, The Pill Pushers, the Insurance Game and were only interested in health concerns of congregants because they “should”. They recite a sincere prayer and hope for the best and that’s all they have to offer. Seems to me the priests of the Old Testament were in charge of the spiritual and physical health of the people and spent their life in training. Most pastors today run through a seminary school sponsored by who knows who, and ta-dah suddenly they’re supposed to know everything about health and healing or have magic in their limited prayers? I was foolish to sit under this way for as long as I did. Ultimately, this way, has led their flock directly INTO the world’s system because they had no KNOWLEDGE to help them. Had I not been a person who doesn’t REQUIRE the approval of others I wouldn’t have made it past this social system that scorned me for even questioning “their way” much less finding answers that didn’t fit their “approved” ideas. We have to understand that warm, fuzzy, feel good “religion” can bring our defenses down so our KNOWLEDGE needs to increase so we aren’t walking around in blind hope and ignorance.

I think it’s important for you to see some basic statistics that will help you see what God sees. “The US makes up 5% of the global population but consumes 70% of the global Rx drug supply; 80% of the opiates. The US also claims to be a “Christian nation”, 73 to 88% (2014 stats). Can you see the subset there? That’s a lot of Christians taking drugs, thus my new spelling as ChRxtian! Sadly, this new version of “church” brought in Coke machines, junk food, and salivated to have Rx-writing doctors attend so they could put them on the board. They rejected biblical knowledge, simple wisdom, messengers sent to warn, and promoted ONLY this pharmaceutical approach to wellness. GOD SEES THIS and isn’t happy and yet the message I receive loud and clear from ChRxtianity is that they’re more comfortable with me taking an opiate than going to a certain form of exercise where no gods are even mentioned or imaged or anything else. THIS is a huge reason this CULTure is under medical tyranny, threatening your job if you don’t take a shot made by their buddy they gave legal immunity to. This pharma industry didn’t usurp their power, it was given to them by the ChRxtian consumers. I think Christianity needs to take an internal review of what they’ve become. I suspect this puts them in line for harsh judgment according to the last entry in the bullet list below.

The list below is from Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes which lists the attributes of a “false religion” as the following:

  • it ensnares it adherents,
  • offers no help in time of need,
  • prevents people from finding the truth,
  • it devalues, degrades and defies,
  • leads to immorality,
  • enslaves,
  • receives the full force of God’s anger.

With ease, I can argue the first three are met from my experience in the modern churches. I was sent to the dead end of modern Rx medicine, and when that way failed, I got accused of being the problem and offered no other help.

There’s a subtle but effective way of encouraging people to stay inside a particular set of ideas and an unspoken threat towards anyone who doesn’t recite the approved ideas. I was made to feel tolerated for not going along with “their way”. Had I been a person who REQUIRES the approval of others this absolutely could’ve prevented me from finding the truth and I’m certain it has for people with lesser backbone.

When the church folks socially dismissed me for taking a different path they absolutely devalued me, degraded the importance of the journey GOD was taking me down, and defied His authority, the truth of His word, as well as logic, wisdom and understanding, which He’s a big fan of, and blew off one of His SENT messengers.

This way has resulted in many professing Christians being put on Rx drugs they may never get off of, may be harmed by, and which have NOT been studied the way they’re dispensed = ENSNARED, when God’s Ways promise healing and blessing and health!

How does it lead to immorality? Well it directs the congregants to put more faith in the human medical system and because Christians are such a large demographic it has built this industry into a system that now has enough clout to FORCE injected substances into people and their children under threat of unemployment or not getting needed therapy or surgery.  This is being done by a group who’s been given complete legal immunity from any harm from these injections and the government NEVER DID THE SAFETY STUDIES over a 30-year period that were the condition of this legal immunity for childhood vaccines.  Every single manufacturer has plead guilty to fraud! This includes submitting fake data to the FDA, tampering with test samples, bribing doctors, deception and more yet they’re still in business.  One of them, Glaxo-Smith-Kline actually held a study in Argentina, a very poor country, where they falsified parental authorizations and fourteen babies died.  Instead of fourteen counts of murder they were fined $100,000. THIS IS WHO YOU’RE SUPPORTING INSTEAD OF TRUE HEALING PRACTITIONERS!

It was fall of 1993 when God revealed that He wanted me to attend massage therapy school through yet another profound spiritual display that left nothing to question. My little Christian self stuck out like a sore thumb in that class but some wonderful encounters took place in that intimate training. That educational exposure in massage school laid a foundation in knowledge of the human body, its systems, and function, and methods of healing that I’d never known of. All kinds of therapeutic methods that actually ignite healing in the body that have been around for a very long time but you don’t see them on television because television has become nothing more than a marketing and brainwashing tool for mainstream floaters. Floaters being people who don’t think, ponder, or question, they just go with the flow to their own peril even. The Machine works “ideas” into the story line of comedies and serious movies to direct the consumers to the avenues they want them to go. It’s not common to see ads for alternative medicine doctors or see ideas of people being healed by non-pharma methods worked into story lines of movies because all the players in THE MACHINE are playing toward the same goal.

Sixty days after I finished massage school, I fell 12 feet from an unrailed bridge into a shallow river below while cycling with a friend. I suffered a compound fracture dislocation of my spine at T12/L1. My x-rays showed me to be a paraplegic. Like most things on this “God walk” this event was preceded by a premonition and visitation nine months earlier that was written in a journal. This too is detailed in the Getting Well God’s Way book. This too was a common trait of walking with God. He didn’t just expect me to trust that it was Him choreographing these events, HE WANTED ME TO KNOW IT AS FACT!

There was such immense suffering during this part of my journey that His grace, though deeply appreciated, still wasn’t enough to calm me. I honestly didn’t know the human body could hurt so bad for so long and you aren’t allowed to die. JUST HURT EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY, EVEN WHEN SLEEPING! Eventually we moved to Austin, TX, a very health-minded city. I was surrounded by alternative health practitioners and saw many of them, and again learned more about the human body that couldn’t be learned any other way. I didn’t do a lot of “sampling” of ideas. When you’re on a “Spirit Led” journey you don’t get to drive. You sit in the proverbial back seat and wait to be taken to the next step. At least that’s the way I did it. I say this because I want you to know that although I was DESPERATE to get out of pain, I was even more DESPERATE to stay in the story that was being written through my life by God, as I had agreed. IT WAS HARD! IT SEEMED UNJUST, UNKIND OF GOD, and yet I KNEW…I KNEW HE WAS WRITING A STORY and changing me in the process. IT WAS BRUTAL but the idea that God was directing this couldn’t be denied. Therefore, I didn’t have much say in the timing of when He revealed the next piece but I knew it was being measured out for some reason. All I could do was trust and wait.

In the book, I go into the details of what I did to reverse the Hashimoto’s Autoimmune, the Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, the debilitating fibromyalgia episodes that feels like all of your soft tissue is inflamed all over the body at the same time. It’s a sort of manual on getting well but it lacks the specific emphasis to a person in the torrents of pain. I don’t think I can avoid creating a course, book, or something on all the steps that were taken to not live plagued by pain for much longer. It’s a matter of fitting it in. This opiate epidemic that was killing 128 people a day is a key indicator that the market is crying for a method to address pain. After I came out the other side of this “Spirit Led” experience I realized that the combination of things it took to get me well doesn’t even exist in the medical world. Only God could walk someone out of that complex issue. Medical school doesn’t have this knowledge because they’re trying to sell pills and have little idea how to heal the body. If you go ask The Creator, BE TEACHABLE, and seek guidance, it will be provided. Jesus said before leaving Earth “but because I go the Spirit of Truth will come and teach you all things”. I believed that to be true and still do.

Again, I can only guess why God did what He did in the order He did it in. I don’t know how He does a lot of the little miracles He’s able to arrange but this “waiting on Him” has always seemed like a good way to participate or stay out of His way, not running ahead of Him trying to solve your own problem.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles…”

I had gone to a physical therapy rehab center for six weeks and recognized how much the stretching helped my body avoid or deal with pain. I didn’t have insurance but was gifted a scholarship immediately after the injury. After I left there we didn’t have the money to continue with a physical therapist. I was getting massage and trading with other practitioners to pay for the body work. I had tried Pilates, lots of gym time, 1+ mile walks, when money got better I was able to afford sessions with an advanced myofascial release practitioner. At $125 a week this wasn’t a sustainable option. Losing the quad muscles and having a knee cap drop meant that my left glute was very weak and the entire left side of my body began to slide. Losing it’s lateral support this meant my neck, shoulder, arm…everything began to hurt and this wasn’t going to be an easy fix. How do you put a shelf support IN the body?

Early in my return to church as a young bride and mom, a young man stood up across the room and “repented” for going to a yoga class. I thought that was odd but I’d never been to a yoga class before so I shrugged it off and went on with my life. Knowing that A LOT of what they do in Physical Therapy is stretching you in a safe way I began to contemplate affordable options, but there aren’t really any “stretching studios” and because Christianity apparently disapproves of going to yoga, I suffered. I suffered, and I suffered, and I suffered UNTIL one day I hurt so bad that I no longer cared what ChRxtianity approved or didn’t approve of. After all, in my view, they had brought Coke machines and junk food to the churches and only acknowledged a Rx-writing doctor so why was I letting this same group have a say in this?

I was at the end of my rope, so I went to a yoga studio, and yes I asked God BEFORE I did. All I felt was a stillness. It wasn’t a warning or a “no ma’am” as much as it seemed like He wanted me to find my big girl panties and go in and inquire as if wanting to see what I would do. He does seem to be a fan of bravery. I walked in and saw these women glowing. As I signed in and paid my $15 I told them “I’m under so much stress and in so much pain that if I don’t find a way to deal with it, I don’t think I’m going to finish the race…And I don’t see this ending for another year.” They smiled knowingly, and said “Welcome to yoga” as if they had a secret.

I was in so much emotional and physical pain at this time that I was literally vibrating every waking minute. The relentless pain, sleep deprivation, and the combined soul sadness of watching my 25 year marriage die, knowing I couldn’t save it and that the collateral damage would be severe was more than I could bear. I cried every class for two years because it shoved energy through my walled-off broken heart, but you know what, I got emotionally stronger by learning to look at myself in the mirrored wall in “Warrior” pose, and I GOT WELL. It broke up scar tissue that had crippled me in pain for 11 years and it kept me from having a complete breakdown emotionally, and gave me tools to prevent a life of pain. As a massage therapist, this method made perfect anatomical sense. I had learned a method to address the myofascial system on my own and had some remarkable healing experiences doing so. This system is one major place where trauma is stored and this body, mind, and spirit had been through some major trauma in many forms.

Cranio-Sacral work was another method that unleashed profound healing mechanisms in the body. I took a Level 1, 4-day training on this one system. It took 2 days for me to learn to feel it. Once you feel it, WOW! Then you can learn how to help it achieve optimum function and break up blockages in a system that the Rx pill world doesn’t even understand or acknowledge so the likelihood they’ll refer you to a practitioner is slim to none. They don’t teach this stuff in Rx-writing medical school. Sadly, they’re being trained to sell pills, which blinds them to so many other options. The Media Machine sells you on ideas and then off you go not realizing they have a financial interest invested in where you go. They’re being paid to send you the way they’re sending you! The pill pushers buy ads on television and you sit there watching it and assume that’s all that’s available. It’s not! There’s an entire alternative world of healing out there but you have to go looking for it because those practitioners and providers aren’t big fans of the marketing machine. In fact, it’s a system that uses it’s power to abuse and threaten them. You’ll also need to pay for it because most of them don’t play the insurance game either. You know, the one where the practitioner is paid half their rate and has to chase that down for six months to get paid? Yeah, they don’t much care for that game either. As a practitioner, I can tell you that the less people have personally invested in their recovery the less they show up for themselves. Our system has turned everyone into some form of zombie waiting on someone to come save them so they don’t have to think or act because they’ve been trained to expect some preacher to pray a magic formula prayer or a doctor to give them a magic pill. Maybe it is that flicker rate of the television putting you in alpha brain state…more passive, while you watch their “programming”. Fortunately, I’ve learned by now that I AM MY BEST ADVOCATE and that includes my heavy preference to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me to where I need to go to get the answers I need. Humans have not performed well in that category of my life and this includes pastors, doctors, and well-meaning Christians.

FIRST, all yoga isn’t the same! It has branched out into more of a medical and therapeutic emphasis under many titles, BECAUSE it does what other methods can’t do. Below is a perfect example of this in pictures and story if you choose to click the link above the picture. ChRxtian ideas today claim that “Christians shouldn’t do yoga” because they are unknowingly bowing to Hindu gods. I asked God about this and He replied, “Only if that is your intention. You have to submit yourself to it as an intended spiritual practice and focus on Hindu or Buddhist gods. Likewise if your life of devotion is that of a Christian then that is your focus”. I got to thinking about the Christian saying “Going to church won’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car”. Okay, then why doesn’t this ideology apply to yoga? Going to church won’t make me a good Christian but somehow going to a yoga class makes me accidentally become a Hindu? Clearly there is more to it since I’ve been doing yoga since May of 2010 and haven’t become a Hindu, desired to study Hinduism, become confused about my faith in Yeshua/Jesus Christ, and to my knowledge I’m not full of demons so…none of the fear-based ideas have actually proven out. Had I continued to heed this admonishment I could’ve missed my healing and ended up like the woman in this picture on the left. I’m sorry but in my view, ChRxtians shouldn’t be “practicing medicine” and should leave this and other similar issues to the individual and the Holy Spirit. This is certainly true when they aren’t the picture of health individually or corporately. I think the Bible refers to it as “deal with the log in your own eye before attempting to fix your neighbor”. Clean up your own life and that should keep you plenty busy.

ve been too wrong on my journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIbR7odQklk

Here’s a few teachers on YouTube that I enjoy on my new hardwired television with it’s blue light blocking screen filter. I encourage you to go watch any of them and you’ll see that there is NO, ZERO, NONE, evidence of any gods being worshipped, mentioned, or bowed to, just exercise. Dear Fellow Christians, 3 minutes into this video a Lieutenant Colonel in SAS Australia talks about our “3rd eye”, the pineal gland, the effect of flouride on this gland and acknwledges that the 3rd eye/pineal gland is the seat of communication with GOD. Says it doesn’t matter if you agree or not, the dark side, doing all this EVIL knows it and they’re using it against you….flouride and fear and uncertainty…. FILTER YOUR WATER and do meditation, take supplements to help detox… IGNORANCE WILL KILL YOU IN THIS DAY AND AGE. I’ll be accepting apologies all year! 🙂 Seriously, though, stop yelling at people over things you know little to nothinG about just because you pastor or the christian club says it’s so. They’ve been wrong about A LOT beyond John 3: 16. A LOT!

If you go to YouTube.com and type in “Yin Yoga” in the search window you’ll find a lot of teachers offering free video lessons and you can/should subscribe to their channels for very cheap should you choose to commit and support them for their work. Here’s a few of my favorites:

Yin Yoga with Travis Eliot: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yin+yoga+travis+eliot,

Yin Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene

I’m going to park this image here because I’m eyebrow deep in building a new website, community platform, and launching the podcast. This story comes up in my facebook memories and when it showed up today I wanted to keep it so:

You can’t truly grasp the vastness of the education God took me through without reading the Getting Well God’s Way book. And it didn’t end at publishing, which necessitated 2 major updates, and the birth of a blog and website on where humanity is in the technology launch. I touched the screen of a cell phone and my life changed radically….again, because I asked God to use my life to tell us a story. Apparently all of our overlords have been bought off and the pastors/shepherds are ankle deep at best, while steeped in good intentions. Turns out those cell phones emit pulsed microwave radiation which accumulates in our body causing disease and death. https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/other-endeavors-noatt-blog/

You can order a signed copy of the Getting Well God’s Way book by hitting the CONTACT button at the top of this website where you’ll send me a message. You can pay for the book + shipping through the link on the right side of the page. $34.50 + $10 for shipping inside the USA. Outside the USA postage to be determined.

You can also purchase/explore the book listing and some reviews on Amazon at this link:  https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Well-Gods-Kathy-Bates/dp/1508839514/ref=sr_1_2?crid=UQ1R14NK9W48&dchild=1&keywords=getting+well+god%27s+way+by+kathy+bates&qid=1615081271&sprefix=getting+well%2Caps%2C562&sr=8-2

It’s also available through Barnes & Noble and other online book sellers. Just Google the title.

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