Amazon Did a Targeted Hit on My Book!

Book Burning Goes Digital!

(fyi: this entire post has bold font but wordpress isn’t showing it that way…no clue, it’s not me…sorry!)

I suppose it’s a compliment to know that the book GOD INSISTED I write, that took 21 years to publish and 29 years to find full completion and is now launching a podcast, would get noticed, much less have a targeted hit put out on it.

So the first 1-star reviews showed up when I’d get into a conversation on facebook and the person would get triggered, find out I had a book on Amazon and would go leave a 1-star fake review. NONE of these were shown to be a “Verified Purchaser”. It was a little frustrating but part of the downside of an online world. Certainly Amazon should not allow an Unverified Purchaser to even rate a book but I let it go and went on with my effforts to get it out and I knew it wasn’t true because I was being contacted by readers telling me that it had dropped them to their knees in tears. Four of those were men! One woman had a 2-hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book for those who are ready! One reader swears she was encountered by an angel in the grocery store after she wrote me and I suggested she “Tell God that you don’t know what to eat for your condition and then see what He does.” She wrote me a few hours later sobbing and in shock. So I knew this was all nonsense coming at me from evil sources.

Then, on March 3rd, 2019, twelve 1-star reviews came in within 24 hours. This seemed odd for many reasons but when launched their Rx pill delivery service a week later it was then that I realized this was a targeted hit. My book teaches how I got away from mainstream pharmaceutical ideas and actually got off of the Rx meds they said I’d be on “for life”. It also wasn’t the only book that got hit as another author reached out whose name now escapes me. It’s my understanding that she was battling depression but two months after this happened, she committed suicide.

If you can’t see that THE MACHINE that runs our world, has an agenda, and that silencing truth tellers is part of their method then you NEED to see this so you can be vigilant about what you believe. It’s a great time to read non-fiction books to see what else is being hidden.

Today, when the Activist Post article came out about Amazon being contacted to get rid of certain books by a political party, I felt it was time to share this personal attack on a book that GOD INSISTED I write, at great personal sacrifice. THIS is UnAmerican and violates free speech. I’ve made three requests for Amazon/Kindle to remove these fake ratings to no avail so I’ve removed the book from their site and hired a private printer and will be launching an online community, a new blog, and a podcast to support it’s teachings. You can sign up to be notified of next moves at:

And Stripe, the payment processing company, canceled my account after a recent interview by John B.
Wells, formerly of Coast to Coast AM Radio, now his own show, Caravan To Midnight. You might want to see what it is they don’t want you to know!

You can listen to that interview here on another site I built to share what happened to me after the book came out and where that experience took me so I added 20 more pages to the book and two more websites built:

If you go to, you’ll get a glimpse of why THE MACHINE may object to my presentation of information to the public.

Here’s the document I completed in the fall of 2022 after 7 years showing what I think the world NEEDS to see about the world around them they cannot see:

Both technology sites have a SOLUTIONS category to help you get up to speed with what you need to know about our modern world. I’ll be launching the podcast likely mid-June. I’ve hired a team to MAKE ME do it, so that too will help you figure this out. In the meantime, start finding the information I’ve created for you. I’m one about to be 67 year old lady out here in the Ozarks, tucked away, until the rest of you wake up and help turn this tide and I live on social security so… GET ON BOARD!

You’ll find DONATION options on the right side of the website page you’re looking at.

Thank you in advance as I suspect this is going to get harder once the podcast launches.