“If you are willing to improve your health, develop and deepen your relationship with your Creator, and become available for a transformed life, read Kathy’s book.”

The book is getting phenomenal reviews.  I’ve now had a second person tell me that the introduction has dropped them to their knees in tears.  When I was writing the book I had this sense that it was a powerful message.  I will also admit there was level of fear and hope that I wasn’t wrong, but essentially an inner drive kept prompting me on and is the reason I allowed the journey to continue even though it was taking everything from me.  I talk in the book about how anything of real value will have an equal and opposite “push back” which to me explained why the price I was paying to write it was so high.  I posted a graphic on Facebook recently that said “If God asked you to write a book that you knew would take away your marriage, your child, grandchildren and more, would you?  It continues to be an interesting thread.  Losing my family was hard but I knew this book was being called in by God and that it’s quite possible I came to Earth to live this story to write this book.  It’s a vital message for humanity at a critical time.

“I was not compensated by goods, gifts, or services for writing this review. I first had the pleasure of hearing Kathy as a guest on Lloyd Burrell’s Electric Sense radio interview in which she explained how she overcame EMF (electromagnetic field) sensitivity by changes she made in her home. She was articulate, personable, had a sense of humor, and had spiritual depth (believed in God). I decided she had a message I needed to investigate, so I bought her book.

“Getting Well God’s Way” is four resources combined together:
1. A detailed resource list of alternative healing modalities and supplements Kathy used to heal herself from her health challenges. She is a detailed researcher and has provided the reference information and/or links to enable the reader to obtain further info.
2. A comprehensive list of scriptural and other quotations that helped her reshape her belief system and that are worth reflecting upon.
3. The techniques Kathy used to deepen her spiritual connection, align herself with God, and obtain God’s guidance and help.
4. A fascinating autobiographical account of her spiritual growth and development, with anecdotes and examples of interest to those who wish to grow spiritually.
Because of my own health challenges, I was familiar with much of what Kathy discusses. However, she discusses additional topics with which I was unfamiliar, that I will further pursue, to improve my health.
Although Kathy is well versed in the Judeo-Christian tradition, those of us from other religious backgrounds can benefit from her advice to align with our Creator and to surrender to the Creator’s direction for our personal lives. Books on spiritual development and growth often present the insights of the accomplished mystic or saint, and do not provide information on how they progressed from beginner to mature. Reading Kathy’s book is similar to studying with a mystic, and has many helpful tips and advice to how to walk “a closer walk with Thee.”
No book is perfect; this one has a few flaws. I hope the next edition will include a detailed table of contents or an index. However, it’s the message that counts. I am thankful that Kathy Bates has provided such a valuable resource and even has a Facebook page with more information.
If you are willing to improve your health, develop and deepen your relationship with your Creator, and become available for a transformed life, read Kathy’s book. When I read it, I thought of the following quotation from C.S. Lewis:
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” — C.S. Lewis ” Richard L.

“This is a challenging read if you are stuck in your ways and don’t want to change. But if growth is your goal, if Christ Consciousness is your goal, and if you are committed to this path, then don’t waste another minute. Read this right away.”

This review is for A Message to the Modern Churches, which also serves as the introduction in Getting Well God’s Way.  After several readers reported crying, getting chills, and two have told me it dropped them to their knees in tears, I decided to extract it for ease of sharing.

“I loved this piece, A Message to the Modern Churches. Kathy really nails how orthodox religion focuses on prayer and miracles for healing, while completely ignoring the importance of personal responsibility. As a pastor’s daughter, Kathy knew the Bible and the ways of the church inside and out. So, when she became seriously ill with a whole host of different illnesses, she did what everyone else did. She prayed to God for a miracle. She prayed that he would make her well. She also did the culturally acceptable thing. She went to dozens of doctors and took all the drugs they prescribed to her. But after eighteen months of praying and praying and praying, and also being a good patient, her health got worse. What she was doing was not working.

At that time, something told her she was on the wrong track. She canceled all her future doctor’s appointment and decided to not just pray to God, but to really listen to God, and let him guide her. This was the beginning of her healing. She came to understand how modern churches are supporting a profit-driven culture that promotes sickness, not health. People were praying to God for healing, while consuming large amounts of Coca Cola, junk food, and drugs with dangerous side effects. In her studying scripture, she came to clearly see that we have been commanded to honor and care for our physical bodies and that we also have a responsibility to engage in behaviors that promote healing. As Kathy states so clearly, “Everyone wants a miracle but nobody wants to learn the accompanying lessons about how to build health or maintain a healing.”

The church has seriously reneged on it’s responsibility to teach people how to maintain their health and well-being. It has instead chosen to support the American diet of poor quality, processed food, our overly medicated drug culture, and total disconnect from nature. In this piece, Kathy challenges the modern church to go back to scripture and begin to teach what Jesus taught us, all of it. Not by cherry-picking what is most convenient, but by a holistic approach that understands that physical and spiritual health are built the same way.

This is a challenging read if you are stuck in your ways and don’t want to change. But if growth is your goal, if Christ Consciousness is your goal, and if you are committed to this path, then don’t waste another minute. Read this right away.”  Toby M.

Click here to explore or order the booklet: A Message to the Modern Churches