Use Amino Acids to Stop Drinking!

❤ LOVE THIS. ❤ Not because I have a drinking problem, but because I know several people who truly do AND BECAUSE on my health recovery journey I’ve had so many times when a missing nutrient/s was THE remedy to return me to feeling healthy again. IT TRULY CAN BE SO SIMPLE but if you’re sitting at a Rx-writing doctor’s office or praying to Jesus and the cravings still come…PERHAPS THERE’S SOMETHING ELSE HE WANTS YOU TO LEARN…something that will lead you to learn other similar things. People always get mad that they don’t GET RELIEF from their unproductive prayers but they refuse to CHANGE LANES…are resistant to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Listen, if you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t still be on the same path after so many years. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT LEAD YOU AND BE READY TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOURSELF. BEING DRUNK through life is not GOD’S BEST for you and those who love you. TAKE A SOLID NEXT STEP IN YOUR OWN RECOVERY….STOP GOING AROUND THE SAME MOUNTAIN….IF NOTHING CHANGES, NOTHING CHANGES! ❤

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