Time to Launch the Podcast-Wanna Help?

“She’s lived a rather shocking life” as one reader of the book commented. Yes, and it has cost me almost everything as any good story does but then it flips the script and propels the victim into the world with wisdom for the masses.

The story I’ve lived produced an awareness of some things going on in our world. What I learned not only challenges the mainstream status quo mindset, it shows what’s possible when all of that is rejected in favor of other ideas. As this lived-out story unfolded and I began to see the falsehood and blatant lies, deceit, and manipulation in medicine, in religion, in education systems, in the media…everywhere, I could no longer just go along to get along as others seem to be doing. For one thing my health crisis showed me that if I followed the same path as my peers it was going to end my life prematurely and I’d die a fool. While I would likely welcome that relief at this point because this world has become a complete insane asylum, at 30 years old, I wasn’t quite ready to end the trip.

The book took 29 years to finish because I had to prove out some theories rather than just share ideas or unfounded beliefs. It wasn’t my idea to write a book. I didn’t want to write a book because I suspected it was going to be as difficult as it has been and I underestimated even that, but it’s done. When I released it at the 21 year mark and several readers reported being dropped to their knees in tears, four of them were men, I knew it was an important book. One woman had a two hour healing encounter with God while reading it because it’s that kind of book for those who are ready. Some providential things happened within days of it’s release that propelled it into the world market. A woman ordered it and wrote, “I stuck my thumbnail in a random place and opened the book and my eyes fell on the name of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Does she know she’s in your book? She’s about to…she’s my doctor and my neighbor!” One thing led to another and this doctor ended up introducing me to the world on a nationally-syndicated radio show. You can listen to that interview here and other more recent one’s at this link. This interview is not on this NoATT blog:  https://gettingwellgodsway.com/2015/09/23/archived-audio-from-interview-on-the-robert-scott-bell-show/

Here are my interviews on this blog including the most recent one with John B. Wells formerly of Coast to Coast AM, now with his own show, Caravan To Midnight:  https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/my-interviews/

Great things began to happen pretty quickly including lots of cell phone notifications coming in. Yes, I could turn them off but it was a glimpse into a life I was pretty sure I didn’t want. I don’t want to be an IN DEMAND author or speaker available by cell phone to anyone who gets my contact information. I don’t know how to manage that so I held the phone up to the heaven’s and said, “I’m not sure what you have planned here but this isn’t a good thing…”. A year later, I touched the screen of my mom’s iPhone 6S and a pain shot up my arm that felt like a blood pressure cuff was on too tight and it stayed at that intensity for 2 hours. We began unplugging the WIFI modem at night because we learned that it’s emitting 2.45 Billion cycles per second of pulsed microwave radiation. No sense in bathing in that while it isn’t being used. Then a day or so later I was getting out of the shower and a literal 8 foot wave of energy hit me and almost knocked me off my feet when I stepped out of the shower across the hall from our home office. I didn’t need a book to teach me what had just happened, it was clear as day. I was hit by a massive wave of energy! I wrapped a towel around me and stepped across the hall to see if Mom had plugged the WIFI up. She was standing there with the plug in her hand so that’s when my eyes and understanding went to the ATT&T wireless alarm box beside her with four antennas across the top and transmitter/repeaters all through the house that it hit me like a ton of bricks, “Oh my God, we’re living in a sea of electronic waves!” I immediately realized that every time I sat at the desk beside that alarm box my left wrist would ache. Had I gone to a doctor I’m sure they would’ve eventually done a carpal tunnel surgery and ignorantly I would’ve continued working at that desk and none of us would’ve made the association that the wrist inflammation was an environmental factor!

This now meant that the entire focus of my life had changed as this new toxin in my world was now threatening my life. We cleaned up our electrical environment but the world around me did not. In fact, they brought on more and more and more…This demanded that we flee from the density of technology in the city and took up residence deep in the Ozark National Forest, which also has been invaded by unsafe technology.

I work from a hardwired, grounded, shielded, and screen filtered computer with a grounding strap on my wrist. We have our electric meter about 100 feet from the house on a pole pointed away from the home with a faraday cage over the front to stop the radio frequency waves that go out the front of it. We have a $1500 filter on the electric panel that stops anything from the outside and we have about one Greenwave plug-in filter in each room that handles what’s inside beyond the electric panel. These “Smart” electric meters or digital or Advanced Meters are not smart and are making a lot of people very ill while being covertly installed and FORCED on customers who have no idea what’s being piped into their home wiring. I put information about the meters I used to measure the outlets and the filters at this link: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/2020/12/05/dirty-electricity-meters-filters/

I created the post below to help people who are being adversely affected by these so they can find some help. The Nat’l Institute of Health (NIH) reports the estimates are that 1/3 of the population is being adversely affected. Until the doctors and patients begin to make the connection to their new symptoms to the not smart devices and voluminous sources of electromagnetic radiation AND gamma radiation now flooding our world, each individual needs to get up to speed before they become a victim of the mass levels of ignorance:

I put a document below, Public Health Warning, that I finished creating in the fall of 2022 to show the world what’s being built around them that they should not only know about, but respond to! Between that information and what you’ll see on TheTruthAboutTechnology.org website, you should see why you need to help me help you help us.

What should disturb us all is that when I realized I was being “sent” to the Ozarks to fight a dirty utility CORPORATION who has FORCED a form of electric meter on their customers that has been “banned at the federal level by the Austrian Chamber of Physicians and the Swiss Physicians for the Environment for fear that it is deadly with an immediate and cumulative effect with the most vulnerable feeling it the soonest” I wrote an email to 7 newspapers in the service area of this utility CORPORATION and about a week or so later I was sitting in my bedroom in Austin, TX when I began to hurt in a way that indicated I was being exposed to a cell phone frequency. It became very intense. I had the house as safe as I knew to get it so I had to go look for the meter to take a reading. I found it, walked down the hall to see the entire side of our home was peaking out the meter, showed it to Mom, and walked back to my room…so a good ten minutes this went on. I realized that our neighbors not smart electric meter, they are the same frequency of a cell phone, was about 25 yards away and pointed directly at my bedroom window. A friend later told me, “They were trying to induce a heart attack in you”. This experience would then lead me to the awareness of something called, Targeted Individuals, that will shock the hell out of thinking person and will lead you directly to the AI/Transhumanism Agenda that is well underway. Here’s the category I recently added to this site aobut Targeted Individuals because I finally feel like it’s blatant enough to share w/o costing me credibility: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/targeted-individuals/

The next stop on the horror show tour is this link to the AI/Transhumanism & Biodigital Convergence category on this blog: https://neighborsorganizingagainsttrespassingtechnology.blog/category/artificial-intelligence-ai/

You’ll find a few of my articles on this subject on the book site at this link:  https://gettingwellgodsway.com/category/my-articles/

So, I put the book out in April of 2015, got injured by wireless in October of 2016, got hardwired and out of immediate threat and began intensive reading then created this blog, moved to the Ozarks in November of 2019, built another website to show what’s happening here in the Ozarks, watched three local women drop dead, found the deadly readings all over town, began writing, calling, emailing every official and agency in this state for 4+ years to no avail, and now it’s time to launch the podcast I’ve been actively avoiding for ten years! I’m not paid for any of my time so why would I want to take on yet another thankless unprofitable job…until I couldn’t avoid it any longer. There are things that MUST be done and an organization effort that needs to take place by WE THE PEOPLE. Much time has been spent for the past 3 years watching videos, interviewing providers, listening to their pitches, watching online trainings…LOOKING FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK because I actually KNOW what I’m looking for, what it will look like, sound like, the mannerisms of the coach and their company. THEIR VIBE and the way they come across and what they want from me in exchange. I know what I’ve prayed in silence for this person/company to be and what I want them to NOT BE. I don’t want to marry them or even have a long term relationship. I just need an accountability partner, some organization tips, and a push start…


In retrospect I think it was good that I actually missed our Zoom appointment and realized it 15 minutes late but the event was already canceled and I’d even watched a “don’t fail to show up or we won’t work with you…” video. Eeek. I was waiting for notification in the wrong email inbox which shows why I don’t need this to become MORE in my life. If I’m going to do this, it needs to be manageable or I’ll burn out and quit, too many spinning plates for this 66+ year old gal. I also wanted someone who wasn’t going to make this complicated and that’s his niche’. To see how he handled my failure was reassuring and revealing about his character and nature.

So, he’s doing everything I wanted and started his podcast coaching as a ministry. He has four daughters, two are in college. When I told him the purpose and sent him to TheTruthAboutTechnology.org site and told him about the #gettingwellgodsway book and breakingfreetotransform.com he said, “Yes. Yes. Yes. YOU NEED TO BE OUT THERE!” He shared the cost of this service is $3500 for a 6-week program to launch. He immediately dropped the price by $1000 and told me that when I can pay $1000 down and pay off the other $1500 balance by the end of the six weeks to give him a call and we’ll get started.

I’ll have group support of other podcasters which would be nice. I’ll have a one on one coaching call with him near the end and it won’t surprise me if MORE happens there because it was such a great connection. You can just tell… And he doesn’t want any long time permanent payments. GET ME UP and they step out of the way, I guess unless I need them.

I’m waiting to actually see a final paperback book proof and give my approval to the private printer I’ve selected. Once I see they do finally have the right files in que I can launch a video on YT, launch a Kickstarter campaign, and offer a signed copy of the book as a reward for supporters. I can also reach out on the email marketing site where 79 of you early arrivals are already waiting for me to notify you of my launch: breakingfreetotransform.com.

If anyone feels inclined to help me get there sooner….I’ll sure accept the help.

I’m pretty sure I’ll just keep delaying launch if I don’t get an accountability partner! I KNOW that’s true so… Here’s his website/company so you can see how he feels to you: launchmymovement.com. If you want to donate towards this opportunity you’ll be making a good investment. Maybe if 100 people give $25.00 we’d have it covered. If you don’t know who I am and what I’m doing:

Start Here:



In the right hand column of this site above, you’ll see the battle God sent me to fight…trying to #savetheozarks and the precious people here who had no idea what was/is being done.

Here’s the evidence to back up that claim and a poem that seemed to almost force itself into existence in February of 2023:

And now, it’s time to launch the new podcast. I purchased a great set of domains yesterday but I’m going to hold that close to my vest for now. Let it be a surprise…and it’s just better that way.

So, let’s see if we can get 100 people out of 5000+ facebook friends and friends of friends, and Twitter mates, to give $25.00 each and let’s get this podcast off the launch pad! ❤❤❤

Here’s a link to do a donation, several options:

Thank you for your time and your consideration to help.
