Does The Lived-Out Version of Modern Christianity Now Meet the Scriptural Criteria for a False Religion? Yes, it does!


My perspective here is heavily influenced by my story of becoming very ill shortly after giving birth to my first and only child. I did as the modern church model taught me and went forward for prayer and began seeing doctors. The leadership prayed the standard prayer asking God to “give the doctors wisdom in their diagnosis and treatment… Amen.” In the next 18 months, I saw 11 or 12 doctors who through a process that wreaked of flawed logic, eventually named my numerous diseases.  They had no solutions other than prescription drugs to manage my “inevitable” decline.  “Incurable” was the consensus so I canceled all my medical tests and follow up appointments and began chasing GOD down for answers.

Be aware:  This is my story.  I am not recommending that anyone cancel medical tests or abandon their medical relationships or medication.  I’m simply sharing MY STORY. There are plenty of natural health practitioners who can guide you to lifestyle changes and help you reduce your medication.  I didn’t have many options and wasn’t on any medication so I could make some choices you may not be able to make, unaided.  You might choose to read my 300+ page book titled, Getting Well God’s Way, available on the website and on (links at the bottom of this post) while you look for a reputable natural health practitioner and start learning the basic insights on how to care for your body.

First, I had lots of people pray over me and even watched my husband receive a supernatural healing to 3 cracked vertebrae by an Asian man who came through the local churches for a while. I received no healing.  I didn’t understand why God would heal some and not others but the Christians were happy to suggest that I must have some hidden sin that kept me from God’s favor. (John 9:2) I knew that wasn’t true and continued to seek answers. I decided the doctor to doctor search wasn’t in line with my actual, personal beliefs. By demonstration it indicated that I “trusted in, relied on, and had confidence in” humans and a human system.  (Zondervan’s Amplified Bible expounds on the word “believe” in this way consistently.)

Very few humans had performed well in my life thus far so going from human to human in search of answers wasn’t really in line with my true beliefs, which is very important to getting well.  It wasn’t MY beliefs I was following as much as it was just the way the modern culture and churches had adopted and I followed along because I didn’t know any better.  Over time it became clear that this way was failing and that I needed God’s help. I believed with my whole being that He could help me if I just knew how to get that to happen.  I began to truly consider my authentic beliefs, separated from the model, and realized that I also believed that running from doctor to doctor was likely offensive to God. Sure enough I found lots of scriptures condemning human reliance and promising a curse for those doing so. One verse Psalms 33:22 in the Amplified version really got my attention.  It reads “Let Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, be upon us, in proportion to our waiting and hoping for You.”  Those words “in proportion” seemed to jump off the page at me and I realized the cultural/church model I’d been following, although surrounded in prayer and good intentions, had me waiting for doctors and hoping they had my answers in a lot greater proportion than the waiting on and hoping in God.  In fact, going from human to human seemed random and self-reliant at best.  I wanted to change the priority of my seeking and START WITH GOD instead of doing what the culture taught and dragging God along with me.  It made sense to stop everything and start over with a different emphasis.  I wanted God to direct my steps which would then seem like my reliance was in the right place and my follow-through would then be an act of obedience. So, I canceled several tests and the follow-up medical appointments and slid down the kitchen wall and cried.  It was a cry of surrender, repentance, relinquishment, and an appeal for God’s help.

Six months passed without any profound revelation but I maintained my stance. Although my health had continued to decline that was true even with a dozen doctors involved so I continued my course.  My faith was now solely invested in God and I was waiting and hoping solely for Him.  If that “in proportion” thing was right then I wanted 100% of my “waiting and hoping” to be invested in God so that He would 100% show up on my behalf.  Sure enough I had a profound encounter with God during a prayer six months after I canceled all my medical appointments.  I received the most amazing hug I’ve ever had in my life and heard a voice say “Everything’s going to be okay but you have to do exactly what I tell you to do.  Do you understand?”  I was then led to a book on my kitchen shelf, which was the first of many books about regaining my health that I’d read in the next few years.  I was then led to clean out my pantry, refrigerator, and medicine cabinet of all man made, chemically-laden products.

I became keenly aware of an Unseen Presence that seemed so close that I could feel It’s breath on my neck and hear guidance about more ways I needed to change my life.  I was inspired to read incessantly and made definitive changes to my lifestyle. I eventually reversed my Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disease, my Advanced Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, my all-seasons battle with allergies, recurrent infections, bursitis, intestinal woes, hormone issues and more.  I heard this Loving Presence gently scold me “…For goodness sake girl care about what you put in your body and what it does to you. Don’t just eat anything you find on the store shelves. This is a fallen world.  They have different standards than I do for you.” I got a horrific, wonderful, life-shaking education while gathering less and less respect for human “institutions” who should’ve known better and done better.

God made the point that there was no reason for Him to heal someone if they didn’t know what was making them sick.  “If they’re healed and return to the same diet, lifestyle, relationships, and environment that produced disease in the first place, they will only become sick again.  Remember ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge.'”  I spent the next few years immersed in reading and learning how many ways we’re making ourselves sick that cannot be prayed away or reversed with a drug. It takes knowledge now to stay healthy; knowledge beyond what a pharmaceutically-trained medical doctor has and even beyond the modern pastors’ ability to pray an effective prayer. They can’t teach what they don’t know so the flock suffers, the culture suffers, and so does the testimony of Christianity.

I had no idea that doctors didn’t take classes in nutrition; that they only study diseases, drugs and surgery.  If your condition is due to something you’re doing to yourself isn’t it a little silly to just pop a pill instead of determining the cause and addressing that? And if the pastor/shepherd has no relevant knowledge how can they even hope to help their flock?  In fact, they have farmed-out the care of their own flock to a system of healing that’s completely void of wisdom and understanding and puts God in a secondary position.

In time, God taught me that my husband John was injured and needed a Divine healing and my circumstances required me to be educated about my condition. In my case, it was the FDA-approved mercury amalgam fillings in my teeth that were creating an autoimmune disease and a rampant decline in my health.  Beyond questioning why this practice is still allowed while we know that mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet, I also learned that some people have genes that keep them from being able to process mercury and other toxins as easily as others.  Remember the Mad Hatter?  Back in the 19th century felts used to make hats were preserved with mercury.  Those working in this occupation along with some who merely wore the hats developed Mad Hatter Syndrome and yet, it’s still used.  I then learned that the proper authorities won’t admit this and strongly discourage any dentists from acknowledging this to avoid liability.  I further learned that our government oversight agencies had become wrought with fraud in the food and drug arena and there are major cover-ups and corruption; this was just one of many human failures.

It wasn’t hidden sin, it wasn’t incurable, and no amount of prescription pills, nor prayers so limited that they only acknowledged the modern pharmaceutical method was going to fix me! I had to have them removed and replaced by a dentist trained in this highly toxic procedure and then I spent over a year doing all kinds of detox methods. Although I’m no longer sick this is a heavy metal that stores in organs and bones so it’s a relevant consideration in my health now and can make me more vulnerable to other problems.

Mainstream medicine and the FDA’s “it’s perfectly safe” turns out wasn’t quite true.  It isn’t much of a surprise that humans would be capable of this.  Jesus told us that we’re being sent in as sheep among wolves, that there’s an enemy here we should be looking for, and how we need to remain set apart seeking God and His ways.  We were warned! What was surprising is that the modern church has fallen fully into compliance with this flawed model and even formed an unholy reliance upon it to the exclusion of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight.

One day my car battery wouldn’t start and my husband poured a soft drink on the battery connectors.  As I watched it eating the corrosion down to shiny metal I heard God ask, “Now tell me again why you’ll pour that over ice and drink it.”  I felt like an idiot. It was these moments that made me realize we’d lost our common sense as the churches now almost all have Coke machines on their campus just like the culture at large.  We have lapsed into a cultural coma where we mindlessly do whatever standard the television and status quo dictates instead of seeking God’s ways. Again, we are doing this in direct conflict to biblical teaching.

A few years into my repentance I would need this same sole reliance on God’s leading after I fell twelve feet from an unrailed bridge into a shallow river and broke my spine.  My x-rays showed I was a paraplegic but God wasn’t surprised by this event.  In fact, there was a visitation by an angelic light nine months earlier which caused a different outcome and was even recorded in a journal. I was further injured 18 months later and again this event was preceded by a word of knowledge shared with my then husband.  I was in horrendous pain for most of 11 years. Again, I grabbed onto God and sought guidance.  As God walked me through the methods and resources to truly heal my body I watched in horror as this pharmaceutically-minded culture turned many pain patients into full blown pharmaceutical junkies, which has now evolved into a historic opiate addiction issue in the culture.  Those “pain clinics” are essentially legal drug dealers, not healers.

Both circumstances of illness and injury meant that I had to completely leave the beaten path to get well and boy are there social penalties for doing so, even in the churches! As I read about soft drinks being used as a solvent to clean blood from highways and how the intense acidity level in these drinks radically shifts the pH of the blood out of a healthy range it was obvious to me that this was a disrespectful way to treat my body which is in fact a gift from God and the temple of the Holy Spirit. I found lots of scriptures telling me that there were innate consequences and that I would reap what I sowed. There was no provision that said, “Unless you know who Jesus is.”  Satan knows who Jesus is “and trembles.”  We don’t even do that!  In fact, it’s so strongly worded in scripture that it seems we have a greater responsibility to live a lifestyle based on wisdom, discipline, knowledge, and understanding because we claim to know Jesus Christ. I saw nothing to substantiate what I saw being done inside of modern Christianity.  As I passed the Coke machines at the churches and saw the junk food passed out at every social it became clear that one of us was wrong.  I understood what God was showing me. What I didn’t understand or expect was the hostile rebellion I’d receive from other Christians. They wanted nothing to do with this message or my conviction that this should be part of our walk of faith, individually and corporately.  I saw no variation in the churches we attended over many years. They all had this same limited approach to health and healing. Healing was always presented as if it was something that would be prescribed by a doctor or prayed in by a pastor as if the benefactor had no responsibility in the matter.

Sadly, not one piece of information I needed to get well came through mainstream medicine and not one thing I needed to do to get well was covered by insurance.  The same is true of the church.  I laugh at this culture now demanding that everyone have affordable access to this medical system that has no answers in 70 to 80% of the cases. They only pay for Rx drugs and surgery and quite apparently aren’t interested in other methods of getting people well, which should give you a clue about a patient’s true value and their intentions.

Likely the best resource I own is a Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes.   It lists ideas and themes by topic and then gives scripture references to back up the point of view presented. After going through the tumultuous experience of getting well outside of cultural norms I have an awareness I cannot tame.  The level of damage being done to the testimony of Christianity is overwhelming to me.  Christianity is a collective!  We may each be having our own experience but as a group we can and should have a profound impact on the culture around us.  When I look at the disease statistics today and listen to the prayer requests at churches it’s clear to me that the world has had a much greater impact on Christianity than Christianity has had on the world!

So, I recently looked up false religion in that dictionary and it lists the following attributes:

  • it ensnares it adherents,
  • offers no help in time of need,
  • prevents people from finding the truth,
  • it devalues, degrades and defies,
  • leads to immorality,
  • enslaves,
  • receives the full force of God’s anger.

First, when the modern churches are bringing Coke machines and junk food into the church they are ordaining them as an approved lifestyle. These manmade products are full of chemicals and without question do harm to the physical body.  Junk food wasn’t addressed in scripture because it didn’t exist when the Bible was written.  It would however fall under the doctrine of wisdom versus foolishness and certainly would fall under the care of our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is sacred.

Instead of being taught God’s way to live I was being shown a lived-out model of Christianity that taught that I can eat and drink anything I want and when the consequences of that behavior showed up that I could go to the pastor/shepherd/leadership and they would pray a magic prayer for the medical doctors to essentially know which pill to give me.  The same doctors who have never taken a course in nutrition, usually have a soft drink machine outside of their office, and have participated in selling a lie that pills produce health.  At no point was I confronted with any truth that could change the course I was on.  In fact if I were a timid and compliant person who needed the approval of others, I’m pretty sure I’d have suffered horribly and died prematurely for trusting in, relying on, and having confidence in these erroneous, culturally-conformed teachings that have invaded the modern church. I watch the many who are in fact “ensnared” by their lack of knowledge and their inability to think outside of typical dogma.

Second, by praying a prayer that only acknowledges mainstream medical doctors the sick person is encouraged towards mainstream medical doctors to the exclusion of any other methods that might actually bring some help!  Everyone acts like mainstream medicine is the only option.  It’s not!  There’s a lot of amazing natural health practitioners out there but insurance won’t pay for their services.  There’s a growing number of traditionally-trained doctors who are going into natural methods but you’ll generally have to pay cash because the insurance companies won’t reimburse what actually makes people well.  It’s one method to secure the patron will only come to you, even if their remedies aren’t the solution.  It’s been so entrenched that people can’t think outside of this model.  They’ve been trained by the television which sells 80% of their advertising to pharmaceutical drug manufacturers so they are no longer a source of truth…and again the churches have ordained this model to the detriment of the nation and again, the testimony of Christianity has been damaged.  I now haven’t been to a mainstream medical doctor for illness since 1989.  Can you imagine if most of professing Christians had this same testimony?  Yes, these teachings offered me no help in my time of need.

Again, I will stress that the only reason I was able to break out of the group-think is because I learned long ago not to trust in humans and I was being immersed in an experience that showed me what was possible when my faith (in God) was rightly directed.  As I went through this journey I was shunned, made to feel tolerated, and basically I was being punished socially for taking a different path.  Most people would’ve caved in and gone along to get along.  I’m much more invested in truth but want you to see that YES, this way, would absolutely prevent many from finding the truth and insights I share in the 300+ page book, Getting Well God’s Way.

Devalues, degrades and defies?

Have you ever stopped to imagine what it might be like to be a child of royalty? Wouldn’t you imagine that the idea that  “You can’t act like that, you are part of the Royal Family…” is a relevant topic.  What God shared with me is that I am in fact a “child of The King” and certain trashy foods that undermine my health is not wise or appropriate for who I am.  To treat the human body, this temple of the Holy Spirit, as if it matters not what we eat and drink and how we live “devalues” and “degrades” it.  To bring Coke machines and junk food to the church campus presents a doctrine by model that says we aren’t the children of The King, just commoners.  It’s degraded or down-graded in importance, compared to how God sees it!  The final blow is that these teachings “defy” so I went to look it up and one of the examples is “defies authority.”  In this case, I take that to mean that we are in defiance of God, His authority, and His ways of wisdom, knowledge, understanding WHILE accepting the ways of the world, the way of foolishness, the way of ignorance and putting His name on it.  We have essentially conformed Him to the image of the god we want instead of worshiping Him on His terms.

Does it lead to immorality?  Well, synonyms for immorality are wicked, depraved, corrupt, and dishonest so let’s see if this modern church model has taken us there.  In my view, when you hold yourself out as a pastor, teacher, shepherd, a church, and then teach people that they can eat and drink anything they want and have no lifestyle that resembles wisdom, discipline, and understanding in direct contrast to scriptural teaching this is wicked, depraved, corrupt, and dishonest.  Beyond that, it creates statistics that are quite an indictment against the adherents belief system.  Sources cited in my book, Getting Well God’s Way, reveal that 73 to 88% of people in the US identify themselves as “Christians” so whatever “Christians” believe” and DO establishes the quality of the entire culture.  It’s just a numbers thing.  If they all eat and drink health-destroying food products and believe the lie that a pill will erase the consequences, then the culture is sickly and the pill-pushers get rich off the deception and the congregants are incapable of taking care of themselves; they’re dependent victims.  If modern Christians decide to live the true teachings of their Bible and get well according to God’s ways then that too would establish a quality in the culture.

So let’s see where we are:

Most recently the 2014 Social Index Report shows the US to be in last place for life expectancy among 70 other economically-equal countries. Our infant mortality rate is worse than Cuba and the disease statistics are going through the roof.

The US makes up 5% of the global population and consumes 70% of the global market of pharmaceutical drugs.  (If drugs worked we should be 70% healthier than the rest of the world it seems.)  So if 73 to 88% of the US claims they are Christians and yet we consume 70% of the pharmaceutical drug market, that indicates quite clearly that the Christians are sustaining the pharmaceutical drug market!

The most disturbing statistic is that the Baby Boomers are the largest group to ever go through the Medicare system and people are sicker than they’ve ever been.  Nobody knows how to get well or stay well because they all bought into the pill-for-every-ill idea and now they’re just lazy and uninformed about getting well and staying well.  There is no money set aside for this expense and it’s estimated to be ten times our national debt! ($190 TRILLION)  

Quite ironically, it appears we are going to go over a financial cliff from self-indulgence and human reliance while ignoring any personal responsibility or responsibility for the testimony of TRUE Christianity!  You might want to stop and think about how God’s going to view this since Christianity was supposed to be the bearers of light to show others the way.  Again, according to Zondervan’s Dictionary of Bible Themes “Faithlessness is equal to disobedience.”

By spending so much money in the pharmaceutical industry consumers have created a system that is corrupting our health, our economy, our government, true science, our media, our environment, and more.  Fraud, deception, and now “medical kidnapping” incidents are happening at an alarming level so they can test drugs on kids in the CPS system, which only requires one signature.  ( One story in my files happened in Pflugerville, Texas, a neighboring suburb.  The most famous may have been the Jennifer Peltier case but it’s more widespread and less talked about.  Reportedly, Arizona’s CPS system has doubled it’s child capture rate for the last two consecutive years.  There’s more going on here than you know; much more.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8

As well, in an 18 month period between July of 2015 and December of 2016, I think the last count was nearing 80+ holistic doctors that have died under mysterious circumstances, and our pharmaceutically-supported media is silent.  Reportedly they found disturbing ingredients in vaccines; ingredients known to cause cancer and to keep the body from utilizing Vitamin D, which essentially cripples your immune system.  Some of these doctors were getting patients well and one rumor suggested that one of the doctors was about to go public before his office was visited by the government and the next day he was found floating in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Massive fraud has been documented by a lead scientist whistleblower at the CDC with 10,000 supporting documents!  Did you hear that?  The LEAD SCIENTIST in a study is coming forward with evidence of corruption in the vaccine oversight agency and one-half of our children will be injured by these practices and our government will not subpoena him.  You can watch the documentary detailing this at  So, who will serve in our military when half of our children are disabled?  Who will pay to take care of these severely damaged adults after their parents pass away? This one subject alone is overwhelming but unavoidably must be dealt with and yet the Body of Christ is uninformed and unconcerned, to say the least.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:11 that we are to have nothing to do with evil but are to expose it.  Instead, the post-pharmaceutical age of churches have ordained it’s use to the exclusion of their own teachings, and to the exclusion of wisdom and common sense.  The modern churches have conformed completely to the culture when Romans 12:2 reads “Do not be conformed to this world….”

I’d say the vast portion of our culture is in fact enslaved.  They can’t get out of the cycle without being taught how to take care of their body and from what I’ve seen the modern church has no knowledge and thus far hasn’t been interested in teaching them.  We are facing a $190 Trillion-dollar expense with no money set aside so I’d say the next few generations are enslaved, if we survive what’s ahead.

It’s also a form of brainwashing as people are completely mindless in their pursuit of health and healing in this model.  They get a symptom, go forward for prayer,  and run to the doctor.  They go get a pill and go back to the same lifestyle and environment that produced the issues in the first place.  “Go and sin no more or something worse may come upon you” indicates the need to change something or identify the root cause! No consideration is given to what they may be doing to accelerate dis-ease and they receive no instruction;  just hand-holding and well-meaning looks of concern.  How sad!

Over the years I’ve had modern Christians say “My spirit is the part going to heaven, not my body…  You shouldn’t judge people for what they eat…  They’re nice people…”  First of all that is not what the Bible teaches. In The Message version of the Bible I Corinthians 6:19b reads, “The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you.  God owns the whole works…so let people see God in and through your body…”  There are many more verses; one even states that people who put their fleshly appetite as a higher priority than God “are enemies of the cross of Christ.”  It’s all in the book I wrote.

Also, I do not purport to judge a person’s soul; that’s God’s job but we are given the duty to discern or qualify good from evil and wisdom versus foolishness in ourselves and others; judgment is required in order to do that.

Next, God doesn’t care how nice we are if we are deluded, sickly, supporting evil, and investing our trust in human institutions over and above Him, especially while providing a bad testimony of Christianity to the world.  Christians need to remember that Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent because it had become an object of worship just like the mainstream medical system of today.

Since repenting of my former way and conforming to God’s ways I have not needed a medical doctor for illness, since 1990.  When I was injured not only was I grateful for their surgical skills but also for the knowledge God gave me which vastly accelerated my healing.  I had nurses from three floors coming to meet me as the rumors spread about my body’s healing abilities.  I was happy to testify about the God that taught me the importance of self-care as a means of worship and honor to my Creator.  I’m still having to differentiate myself from this modern Christianity and have even seen an atheist client convert from hearing my stories.  She understood the need for a God that would teach, engage, and even require diligence of those who profess to love Him.  “If you love me keep my commandments.” Meanwhile pastors at the modern churches seem too intimidated to require much of their congregants.  They just clean the pacifiers and offer them a soft drink, a sincere conversation, and a heartfelt prayer.  They never see the bigger picture it seems. How sad that this witness has been rejected in favor of such carnal desires but then He did say “even the very elect” will be fooled.

If you find this information shocking that’s a barometer on how IN the world you are. Your lack of knowledge is an indictment about your priorities in life.  The state of this “Christian Nation’s” health is an indictment on Christianity’s failure and conformity to a foolish and reckless world. God is calling The True Church to WAKE UP and “come out of her.”  Will they answer?

Shepherds…. According to Henry Blackaby, author of Created to Be God’s Friend, Experiencing God, and a notable Christian educator and elder…. The health of your flock is a reflection of the shepherd’s faithfulness. That means when you hear the prayer requests, that’s your report card before GOD.

Believer’s…You will not escape by blaming the pastors.

Remember, “Not all who say Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven…”

The words sorcery, witchraft, and pharmakeia (the use of drugs, medicines, or spells) same, same.  Referenced in Strong’s Concordance – 5331)  With this in mind let’s read Revelations 18:23

“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

I found a scripture 2 Timothy 2: 3-5 ends with “…their conduct nullifies their claims of faith.”  It seriously is about what we DO.  This way is not of God!

You can learn more about this book at the following link:

This book is changing lives! Religious Rebel Radio Podcast launching soon!

     Follow-Up:  Oct 2016 I touched the screen of a cell phone and a pain shot up my arm that radically changed my life.  BECAUSE I begged GOD for 6 years to give me a life purpose that made a difference He once again took me up on that request so I could share with you His revelations.  Humanity is bringing new forms of very dense MANMADE wireless energies into our living environment with reckless abandon. It’s this issue that brings in a true visceral sense of the Holy Spirit grieving.  Every time I think about what I’m learning God brings my attention to the knowledge that they’re even installing toxic electrical equipment, such as the alarm system box in baby’s rooms, Wifi, and Smart Meters on the neighboring wall without questioning anything.  So it wasn’t really a shock to hear a microwave weapons expert for the Royal Navy talk about crib death from EMF (electromagnetic fields) exposure; proving yet again that running to a doctor can be fruitless and dangerous as the real threat is undiscovered.

I created another blog to share the insights of this leg of the journey.  You should go spend some time there and FOLLOW both blogs so you’ll be able to see where this story goes from here.  A podcast seems likely in the near future so come up beside me and learn how you might help GOD get His message out. The shortened version of this blog page title is

We are living in a different world.  Once you understand that most of our illnesses are due to our lifestyle and environment then you’ll understand why taking a pill won’t fix it. Give glory to God by getting well!  Your health is part of your testimony and the collective testimony of Christianity could be vastly improved if they’d develop “health” and live that in contrast to the established ways of the world where the wrong ideas are being promoted and sustained.

I pray you’ll feel compelled to read the book God had me write.  The Body of Christ has in fact drifted off into a false religion.  It’s as inappropriate as dressing up like a cop.  The church isn’t supposed to just look like a lighthouse in a storm, it’s supposed to be one, to have answers, wisdom, knowledge….and yet, it turns out to be a mirage in cases of physical health issues.  It’s very sad compared to what could be.

May God have mercy on us as we seek to correct our path.


24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Lynn
    Apr 06, 2017 @ 20:03:50

    Amen! This is so on point! I attended a church years ago where the pastor began preaching this exact same message almost word for word. There was quite a bit of resistance but a few of the people did receive it. The pastor wanted most of the sugary snacks removed from the Wednesday night children’s snack time and we had vegetables and fruit instead. I was actually surprised at all the children that enjoyed eating the fruit and veggies. I am so glad to see God is moving in his people in this way. Woooo Hooooo!! Thank you Jesus!! I am definitely not there yet but with the Lord’s direction I can sure get there. Thank you for writing this. May the Lord bless you with more spiritual wisdom and understanding.


  2. Barbara Vernes
    Apr 14, 2017 @ 13:01:57

    Wow, exactly the same track I’ve been on for years. The ridicule from those I wanted acceptance from hurt so much, but I’ve come to learn that’s not their track…at least right now. Such a radical understanding of dependence on all that God is is not understood by very many.


  3. KT
    May 17, 2017 @ 22:37:44

    My Aunt, who had had stage IV ovarian ca, had stated several times that the American Cancer Society does not want a cure for ca that cannot be patented. She was healed from ca and survived another 2 decades beyond. God knows, and gave us, many options that won’t require a patent!


  4. Alexi Neves
    May 19, 2017 @ 14:13:24

    This is what God has been teaching me for a couple of years now. Reading this had me weeping with joy at the abundance of LIFE that God wants his children to experience! Amen!! Praise our Father in heaven!! He is good!!


  5. Lynn
    May 20, 2017 @ 12:56:10

    If the church would recognize God’s instructions as valid, this issue would resolve itself. Imo


  6. andri
    May 20, 2017 @ 15:43:39

    The “church” is failing because they fail to teach the whole truth of Yahuah’s Besorah/Instruction….they have been teaching that the Tenakh/The First Covenant, has been done away with. Let me itterate something for everyone, there is “nowhere” in scripture, especially from Messiah’s mouth, that ever states the the Torah has been done away with…Matt 5:17-20

    17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.*n5 I did not come to destroy but to complete. 18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.*n6 19 “Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. 20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,*n7 you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.

    It’s true that people are sick because they’ve been taught (unfortunately) by their supposed pastors and preachers, to rely upon man’s government run and paid for “drug dealers…aka the “Pharmaceutical Industry” and the “Medical Industrial Complex” who notoriously work hand-in-hand to scam and pillage the masses out of hard earned monies for something that’s not going to make anyone better, but quite the opposite, it’s meant to kill them off, when that happens, they move on to the next sheeple.

    Yahuah clear tells us in Tehillim/Psa 146:3-9

    3 Do not put your trust in princes, In a son of man, in whom is no deliverance. 4 His spirit goes out, he returns to his earth; In that day his plans perish. 5 Blessed is he who has the Ěl of Ya‛aqoḇ for his help, Whose expectancy is in יהוה his Elohim, 6 Maker of the heavens and earth, The sea and all that is in them, Who is guarding truth forever, 7 Doing right-ruling for the oppressed, Giving bread to the hungry. יהוה releases those who are bound, 8 יהוה opens the eyes of the blind, יהוה raises those who are bowed down, יהוה loves the righteous. 9 יהוה guards the strangers, He lifts up the fatherless and widow, But the way of the wrong ones He turns upside down.

    Sha’ul/Paul said it this way in GalutYah/Gal 5:19-21

    19 And the works of the flesh are well-known, which are these: adultery,*n1 whoring, uncleanness, indecency, 20 idolatry, drug sorcery, hatred, quarrels, jealousies, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and the like – of which I forewarn you, even as I also said before, that those who practise such as these shall not inherit the reign of Elohim.

    You see that? “drug sorcery”…references to this are also found in Gilyahna/Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15…..our bodies are the Temple of Elohim, the Dwelling Place: QorintYah Alef/I Cor 3:16-21, 6:15-20, QorintYah Bet/II Cor 6:14-18…..if we have truly given ourselves in and through salvation in Messiah Yahusha. then why are we still conformng to or wanting to conform to the vile elements of this world, which we were bought out from, with a very dear and precious price…Messiah Yahusha’s blood…Colesayah/Col 2:20-23

    20 If, then, you died with Messiah from the elementary matters*n4 of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations: 21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle” – 22 which are all to perish with use – according to the commands and teachings of men?*n5 23 These indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed worship, humiliation and harsh treatment of the body – of no value at all, only for satisfaction of the flesh.

    This is NOT a criticism to anyone, but a admonition to the further involvement in man’s world and system, which is under the control of satan. Ya’aqov/James says in Ya’aqov 4:4-10

    4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim?*n1 Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose? Does the Spirit which dwells in us intensely crave unto envy? 6 But He gives greater favor. Because of this He says, “Elohim resists the proud, but gives favor to the humble.” 7 So then subject yourselves to Elohim. Resist the devil*n2 and he shall flee from you. 8 Draw near to Elohim and He shall draw near to you. Cleanse hands, sinners. And cleanse the hearts, you double-minded! 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to dejection. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Master, and He shall lift you up.

    We need and have command to do Abba Yahuah’s things, His way, and even Messiah clearly tells us in Yochanan/John 14:15

    15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.*n1

    His commands, were and still are, the commands of Yahuah your Elohim….Shalom and blessings to all


    • kathyb108
      May 22, 2017 @ 13:12:36

      My awakening about the law still having an application in our lives came a few months into this experience. I was praying about whether or not vegetarianism was the way I should go and God answered “I told you how to eat in the Old Testament.” I then saw the words Deuteronomy 14 so I went to look it up and it listed all the animals made for human consumption and those not intended for eating. I immediately protested… “But the churches teach that we aren’t under the law since Christ came.” God replied “Oh I see. You think because Jesus came to the Earth that you have a new digestive tract.”
      I felt like an idiot and was immediately frustrated with the man-made church for teaching me this. I couldn’t help but think about the socials where someone paraded in the honey-cut spiral ham as if it was a big deal. What else were they wrong about? Turns out, A LOT!!!!

      I later read that verse in Matthew 5 that you quoted. “17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.*n5 I did not come to destroy but to complete. 18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.*n6 19 “Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. 20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,*n7 you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.”

      Thank you for your enlightening reply. Still so much to learn.
      Blessings Andrew


      • andri
        Jun 15, 2017 @ 13:17:38

        In your original post:

        “Over the years I’ve had modern Christians say “My spirit is the part going to heaven, not my body… You shouldn’t judge people for what they eat… They’re nice people…” First of all that is not what the Bible teaches. In The Message version of the Bible I Corinthians 6:19b reads, “The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works…so let people see God in and through your body…” There are many more verses; one even states that people who put their fleshly appetite as a higher priority than God “are enemies of the cross of Christ.””

        If you/we go up a few more verses, to get the jist of the whole…QorintYah Alef/I Cor 6:15-20

        15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Messiah? Shall I then take the members of Messiah and make them members of a whore? Let it not be! 16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a whore is one body? For He says, “The two shall become one flesh.” 17 And he who is joined to the Master is one spirit. 18 Flee whoring. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits whoring sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit,*n2 which are of Elohim.

        If we all (or at least those who were truthful in their actions), gave ourselves, made our alignment with Yahusha Messiah through salvation in Him, then indeed we were bought with a very precious price, His blood, shed on the tree. Therefore we no longer belong to ourselves, or to this or any government, or earthly kingdom, we are no longer of this world. If we then are truly His, then we ought to adhere to the commands, instructions for right living and right ruling.

        I don’t know if I already quoted this, but Yahusha through Sha’ul/Paul in QolesaYah/Col 2:18-23 tells us this:

        18 Let no one deprive you of the prize, one who takes delight in false humility and worship of messengers, taking his stand on what he has not seen, puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the Body – nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments – grows with the growth of Elohim. 20 If, then, you died with Messiah from the elementary matters*n4 of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations: 21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle” – 22 which are all to perish with use – according to the commands and teachings of men?*n5 23 These indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed worship, humiliation and harsh treatment of the body – of no value at all, only for satisfaction of the flesh.

        Paul also said this in QorintYah Alef/I Cor 7:23; 23 You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of men.

        All 38,000+ denominations are of “man”, they teach mans doctrines and traditions, they skew and mangle the sacred word of Yahuah….we are to judge….we are to reprove, rebuke, exhort, set straight…Timtheous Alef/I Tim 5:20, Timtheous Bet/II Tim 4:1-5

        1 In the sight of Elohim and the Master יהושע Messiah, who shall judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His reign, I earnestly charge you: 2 Proclaim the Word! Be urgent in season, out of season. Reprove,*n1 warn, appeal, with all patience and teaching. 3 For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear,*n2 4 and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to myths. 5 But you be sober in all matters, suffer hardships, do the work of an evangelist, accomplish your service completely.

        That time is now, and you are right, they (the church) are not doing this, but merely speaking things that not only “tickle” the ear, but are leading many astray by just telling people what they want to hear, to make them feel good about themselves, then go off back to what they were doing before they even went in the first place. They’ve placed too much “trust” in man, and man’s government, man’s medicine, pharmakia, drug sorcery, nothing at all of or from what Yahuah placed upon this earth for natural healing of any ailment, Doctors to quick to prescribe you a drug and send you off on your way, to move onto the next unlearned person…

        I would that all people everywhere, would have and allow their eyes to be opened, that they would Teshuvah/Repent, turn away from man’s perverse teachings and go back to Yahuah’s ways, the Ancient Path, the one that Messiah taught, that Avraham walked….what they are walking in today, is death…the world lies in the power of the wicked one…Yochanan Alef/I John 5:19. I also have heard repeatedly and numerous times, from those who call themselves “Christian”, “we are under grace, not the law”….I have some bad news for the ‘church’, you’re under Yahuah’s mercy, not grace.

        Grace empowers/enables us to walk in His commands and moedim/set-apart Feasts, Festivals and His Sabbaths….the ‘church’ is under mercy because the refuse to walk even as Messiah walked and lived, He being our greatest example for Kedosh/Holy living and conduct, what we are seeing today, is whoring, idolatry, perversion, greed, theft, and false teaching, which was prophesied about. Remember what Messiah said? ““And as it came to be in the days of Noaḥ, so also shall it be in the days of the Son of Aḏam: “They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noaḥ went into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. “And likewise, as it came to be in the days of Lot: They were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building, but on the day Lot went out of Seḏom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed all. “It shall be the same in the day the Son of Aḏam is revealed. Luqas/Luke 17:26-30

        It’s happening, and the church is totally unaware….Solomon said: “What has been is what shall be, what has been done is what shall be done, and there is no new matter under the sun. Is there a matter of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It was here already, long ago. Qoheleth/Eccl 1:9, 10 ——- I know that whatever Elohim does is forever. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it, that men should fear before Him. Whatever is has already been, and what shall be has been before. But Elohim seeks out what has been pursued. Then again I saw under the sun: In the place of right-ruling, wrongness was there. And in the place of righteousness, wrongness was there. Qoheleth/Eccl 3:14-16


  7. David
    May 20, 2017 @ 22:02:22

    Interesting, have a very similar story myself. Spent 11 years in the Christian charismatic healing movement, wasn’t any level of sickness that couldn’t be dealt with, including EHS. I was on fire and would lay hands on people, left right and centre. Loved hanging out in hospitals, freaking out doctors.

    Then I couldn’t work out why so many people would become ill again years later and then would want another miracle healing. This was a turning point for me. I started seeking understanding and it was then that I received the gift of discernment which totally shifted my focus from healing to root causes of sickness or footholds, strongholds, blockages, etc.

    At this point I started working with individuals helping them to heal themselves.

    A few years later I was sent a pray request list each week with pages of requests and that was when I woke up to how sick the church is. Once again I went back to the drawing board, started seeking understanding and that was when I receive the gift of land restoration and the discernment of nnEMF’s.

    I could walk into any given environment and tell someone what and where their nnEMF problems were without pulling out any equipment. This also scared a lot of people with my accuracy, especially the professionals in the nnEMF mitigation game, as I could tell them what their meters would read before they turned them on.

    This is why I spent $40,000 on the best EMF/RF measurement equipment money can buy, to try and convey what I feel and know, in great detail, when I walk into someones environment.

    It is a gift which does come with an extremely heavy burden, however it’s the truth that sets me free.


    • kathyb108
      Aug 27, 2017 @ 19:02:23

      Wish you lived in Austin. After what I just went through with EHS and having our house rewired…would be interesting to hear your story. Blessings David.


  8. Liz
    May 22, 2017 @ 03:12:11

    I found much of this personal. I started my journey about 8 years ago when God asked me to do the HCG diet as a fast. WHAT????? He used that time to teach me to read labels and to learn about what is in the food I was eating. That led to learning about GMOs and then vaccines. When I got diagnosed with cancer in Dec 2015, I was already pretty knowledgeable. I personally have a horrible sugar addiction that is a struggle and I have fallen off the wagon many times over these years, but I always climb back on. God led me in my healing journey. He gave me prayer warriors with combat boots to stand with me…2 in particular. He led me to do radiation because my cancer was super fast growing. He also led me to refuse chemo. He led me to alternative treatments. He led me to lots of prayer and worship. I know what to do and I ate the way I needed to during that fight. And God and I kicked cancer’s butt. Had a ton of support from online friends in the vaccine community. God is good, and my prayer was, “Lord get the most mileage out of this battle that you can, and teach me everything you want me to learn”. Love your blog post.


  9. Rick King
    Jun 04, 2017 @ 21:40:38

    All 80 of our previous Society’s have perish from the very same beliefs that Liberalism espouses today, go to Ecclesiastes 3:15 to read about it.


  10. Rick Gochenour
    Jun 06, 2017 @ 14:23:28

    Death and life is in the power of the tongue the Bible says. Jesus came to give us life and Satan brings forth death. We need to hear the spoken truth of life that has been graciously been given to us by God through His Word from leaders who truly study it. It’s time to quit being a part of the world and come out proclaim what His Word is and how to live life in abundance. Prayer works when there is totally agreement and no doubt. Miracles do happen when God manifests His presence. But He does not want us to be ignorant and that is what is happening within the church because of what is being taught. Study to show thyself approved the Bible says. Learn your Jewish roots since we have been grafted in and you will be amazed of the things we have not been taught correctly. Example, Jesus was not born in December and He was not crucifide on Friday. When will Jesus come back for His Bride, Feast of Trumpets. And finally, live life according to the Word and not by what you are told. Think for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation on life.


    • kathyb108
      Jun 06, 2017 @ 14:29:17

      “Think for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation on life” is how I got well! I had to throw out most of what I was being taught and boy did they punish me for thinking outside of the box. So sad to see what’s become of Christianity. It’s the junk food Jesus crowd. 😦


  11. truluv4u
    Jun 12, 2017 @ 16:02:48

    Spot on! The Church has become far too reliant on the medical establishment and in proportion to trusting the Lord in prayer. He can guide us to health solutions that involve lifestyle changes rather than invasive prescription drugs and surgeries – which ironically cause more illness. Our amazing God has provided all that we need for wellness in His abundant Creation!


  12. Denise
    Jun 14, 2017 @ 23:26:08

    We have watched more people in our church die while the church body is praying for wisdom for allopathic doctors. We’ve tried to share alternatives but either been ignored or rebuked. Too many have been indoctrinated to believe doctors are all knowing. Very sad.


  13. Amanda
    Jun 25, 2017 @ 19:57:14

    Amen! So true and very well written.


  14. Rhea Manor Natural Market
    Jul 20, 2017 @ 20:52:25

    Great testimony to God’s Glory and Power.


  15. Sally
    Aug 27, 2017 @ 18:13:58

    Eye-opening article of a subject I knew deep down in my heart to be true but too caught up in the conveniences of the world to persue it! This article was placed in my site by God’s plan at His perfect timing. Thank you!


  16. Kathryn Arnold
    Oct 13, 2017 @ 00:59:55

    It’s spot on. I’m mean right to the heart of the matter. I desperately wish I’d had what she had as early in this game as she did. As it is I endured for nearly thirty years the doctoring and drugging that was actually killing me and all the while clueless about my own responsibility to care for my own body. Better late than never, though. I really do think people are listening and learning, but it will take more than that to get them to change.


  17. Fabiana
    Oct 31, 2017 @ 19:44:53

    Praise God! I came to your article through Dr Scott Johnson’s health newsletter and I’m amazed with your story as it is very similar to mine! I also fully recovered from an autoimmune disease by changing my lifestyle leaded by a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit. I’ve been sharing my story with eczema sufferers here in Brazil, but as it happens there, most of them simply refuse to accept the fact that we are we eat and that magic pills are not the pillars of good health.


  18. Trackback: Why I Left “Church” | Getting Well God's Way

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